英语人>词典>汉英 : 倾斜过度 的英文翻译,例句
倾斜过度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与倾斜过度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allowing someone to behave detrimentally in a work environment sets a dangerous precedent because nobody works in a bubble; it changes the work culture to one that benefits the organization unequally over the individual, it creates health risks, and combined, potentially skews a society's economy.


During the stage of levelling and aligning it is our belief that it is important to avoid excessive tipping of the teeth, which eventually leads to an overall extrusive effect on the dentition.


This slight lean to the left is a temporary adjustment which may result in a sudden bounce back with an overcompensation of a lean to the right.


This slight lean to the left is atemporary adjustment,which may result in asudden bounce back with an overcompensation of alean to the right.


Finally-and most important-skewed trade. America has gorged on imports while other countries have become overly dependent on exports.


European universal banks such as UBS, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank, constrained by the lack of opportunities in their overbanked home markets, have also muscled into the American big league.


The launch is followed by a huge, sweeping, overbanked curve, giving riders a chance to catch their breath back, before they hit the 170 foot top hat; an element with some extreme negative G forces.


Of course, the throwaway oversway is an oversway.


5HH shows vertical balance, not leaning sideward into the ball, no leaning over, tailbone down.


Too light or heavy a head, too highly arched frontal bone; large ears and hanging flat to the face; short neck; full dewlap; too narrow or too broad a chest; sunken or hollow or quite straight back; bent forelegs; overbent fetlocks; twisted feet; spreading toes; too curly a tail; weak hindquarters and a general want of muscle; too short in body.


更多网络解释与倾斜过度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cocker Spaniel:(可卡猎鹬犬)

20.美国可卡 可卡猎鹬犬(Cocker spaniel)可卡猎鹬犬是运动犬组中较小的成员. 他拥有强健、紧凑的身躯;整洁,轮廓分明,而且非常精致的头部. 整体尺寸理想,非常匀称. 站立时,肩胛下面是笔直的前腿,背线稍微向巩固、过度弯曲且肌肉发达的后腿倾斜.


并且在上升时造成对身体不适,而且太过度的转动造成完全缺乏品质的不流畅移动. (d) 倾斜(Sway),倾斜主要的形势用于平衡横向的倾斜. 断裂式的倾斜(Broken Sway)是属于特殊的倾斜不属于技术规范定义内.

sacral vertebra:椎

骨盆 我们人类是两只脚站立支撑身体整个重量的作用 所以骨盆(pelvis)它有最重要的四条韧带在平衡肌肉的软组织 ㄝ叫骨盆地基 如果另一边过度承受负荷 以致骨盆上下高低不等 在这双重因素之下 使荐椎 (sacral vertebra)产生水平左右 倾斜

overbank:大坡度转弯 倾斜过度

overbalance 失均衡 失去平衡 过平衡 超平衡 超值 超重 | overbank 大坡度转弯 倾斜过度 | overbankcontraction 河滩压缩


overbank 倾斜过度 | overbank 大坡度转弯 | overbanking 翻摆


6. Five Steps 五快步 | 7. Oversway 过度倾斜步 | 1. Open impetus turn 分式激转步


27.过度倾斜步 oversway | 28.高侧位和下降过度倾斜步 drop or tilt oversway | 29.五快步 five step