英语人>词典>汉英 : 值分布 的英文翻译,例句
值分布 的英文翻译、例句


value distribution
更多网络例句与值分布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article estimates the extreme loss distribution with extreme value theory, estimates the shape parameter with HKKP estimator, which is unbiased to small sample data, selects the right threshold by selecting smallest mean square error of the estimated cumulative distribution function and empirical cumulative distribution function and based on the extreme value theory method, this article estimates the extreme loss distribution and the p-percentile operational loss under certain believe range for Chinese commercial banks, then calculates the operational risk supervise capital.


In the dissertation, we do a further study in value distribution theorem and normal families theorem of meromorphic function and get some results by using the Nevanlinna's value distribution and the Ahlfors value distribution.


In phase calculate of phase-shifting interference technique,Because of the periodicity of function arctan,all the phase values are ranged over-π to π.


Another advantage of these improved methods is the flexibility of rendering multiple volume data sets. There is detailed analysis and experimental proof of this flexibility. Besides, since the sample variance can reflect sample value distribution, an enhancement algorithm based on variance statistic is proposed.


The section field value distribution of dam seismic response can be seen clearly.(2) Presents a visualization method——multiple section color contour display, which can not only display the stress diagram of single dam section, but also make the stress diagram on several dam section be showed and be compare.


It gives a decent example for the angular value distribution theory and value distribution theory on p-adic field, n-dimensional complex Euclidian space, and even on general manifold.


Throught adaptive algorithm of network, the system constantly revise right values distribute so as to meet goal. Distribute the heuristic knowledge and the experience knowledge to network interconnection and right value.?The reasoning machine carries on reasoning according to the knowledge that involve in knowledge base and fact that users offer.?Through front computation of nerve network, the output port obtains the output vector.?The explanation module of ES is explained to user.At last, this paper has realized grab hydraulic system based on ANNES intelligent diagnosis, it has proven this fault diagnosis method feasibility.


Getting the spatial information of status, function and change, we have to develop and analysis spatial data with empirical models and process models. Spatial interpolation methods were used to estimate the characteristics of population from samples. Generally, the information are belong to bioecological information of EM. Huei-Sun Forest Experimental Station of NCHU is the study area in the study.

导出多层级间的相容性推估模式,并应用由上层族群分层取样,以得下层样本的技术且由下层之样本性态值分布,往上层推估族群之性态值分布,并以预测技术及Kriging 等空间推估方法,配合假设情境解生物生态、社会经济况改变或人为干扰时,对森生态系的况与产出所造成的影响,以提供森生态系经营管所需的生物、生态资讯。

The threshold determining device (10) determines a similarity of each data to others for each data, determines the threshold of the similarity satisfying a predetermined coincidence/incoincidence, for each data, determines an individual threshold distribution of the data for each threshold on each of the data, and determines the threshold common to the entire data, as overall data on the basis of the individual threshold distribution.


Investigate the assisting of the relation and soil and groundwater monitoring data among the surface feature and image established the relation of the spectrum characteristic with surface feature ,using two kinds of classification and improved post-classification, methods lies two respects: 1Salt steep spectrum luminance value curve of ground higher than surface feature average luminance value curve obviously, and other surface feature luminance value lower than or have around average luminance value curve little wave water body mean the land water areas among them obviously, including the river and surface of water , surface of water of the reservoir and hole pool surface of water By view trend of the

从计算结果得出,盐渍地上的NDVI 值分布在一定范围内,这样就可以取一定的阀值,将反射率较低的盐渍地提取出来。根据盐渍地分布与地下水的相互关系,对分类后的图像进行处理,提高了精度。2 充分利用遥感与GIS 技术在地学分析中的优势,计算各类盐渍地面积、荒漠、水体面积变化,分析近三十年来研究区土地盐渍化动态变化的规律,包括面积变化、盐渍化程度的变化,分析大范围时间尺度上土地盐渍化动态发展的整体趋势。

更多网络解释与值分布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hypergeometric distribution:超几何分布

如上所述,质量数据分类可以概括如下: 计件值 计数值 离散型随机变量 质量特性值 计点值 计量值 连续型随机变量 (2)计数值的变异规律及度量 1.超几何分布(hypergeometric distribution) 超几何分布的研究对象是有限总体无放回抽样,

mean value:中值

指各种测值的连续性自然分布,在数学定义上是以中值(Mean Value)为主,而各往正负方面做均匀的分布,即呈现左右对称的钟形曲线者谓之常态分布. 各种制程操作条作的参数中,其最佳范围之俗称为 Operation Window. 又在"自动卷带结合" (TAB)制程的卷带两侧,

value distribution theory:值分布理论

value distribution 值分布 | value distribution theory 值分布理论 | value group 值群

value distribution theory:值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value distribution 值分布 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value distribution theory 值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value group 值群 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value distribution theory:值分布理论;值分配理论

12876,"value assignment","给予值" | 12877,"value distribution theory","值分布理论;值分配理论" | 12878,"value part","数值部分"

value distribution:值分布

value 值 | value distribution 值分布 | value distribution theory 值分布理论

value distribution:值分布 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value 值 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value distribution 值分布 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value distribution theory 值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value group:值群

value distribution theory 值分布理论 | value group 值群 | value of game 对策的值

value group:值群 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value distribution theory 值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value group 值群 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value of game 对策的值 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

velocity distribution:速度分布

(3)速度分布(velocity distribution)在管道横截面上流体速度轴向矢量的分布模式. 其值(true value ) 表征在研究一个量时在它所处的条件下严格定义的值. (8) 疏忽误差(spurious errors ) 使测量值无效的误差.