英语人>词典>汉英 : 候选名单 的英文翻译,例句
候选名单 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与候选名单相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While we narrowly missed out on the coveted crown, being a finalist reflected many successes in Bedfordshire, including


The main committee of CITES discussed a group of them, including the hammerhead, oceanic whitetip, porbeagle and spiny dogfish.


In theory, Republicans could mount a filibuster, but blocking a judge is not like blocking a law.


Should he win the Goncourt, France's top literary prize, for which his book has just been shortlisted, the cronyism charges will re-surface.


One substance, lead chromate, will be included in the Candidate List without involvement of the Member State Committee, because ECHA received no comments on its hazardous properties in the preceding public consultation.


IN THE 1960s Pan Am, an American airline, set up a waiting list for people hoping to fly to the moon.


Would have different impact on different candidates. The POP Team will test people's level of support for different candidates, political groups and candidate lists in future election surveys.


Shenzhen municipal government and hand in a collective protocol greatly one does poineering work board appear on the market of the company await choose roll, there is more than 20 equipment to pick a company about on list, and these companies became popular commodities at a draught, a hunderd schools is achieved on cast for these " can appear on the market very quickly " company bright contend for dark seize, roughhouse, they a good deal of capital, home of whole even body is cast be in those looking that can be in necessarily to do poineering work board the company that appear on the market.


I'm pretty satisfied with my short list of applicants.


When a player is listed in red, it indicates he is currently on your shortlist.


更多网络解释与候选名单相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absentee voting:缺席投票

因此,不少同事关于选举的问题就要我来解决:比方说,社会学系正在招聘,无法参加会议,问我"缺席投票"(absentee voting)怎么运作?有的同事不愿当选,也要告诉我把他们的名字从候选名单上去掉. 本来以为这次选举大概是最麻烦的事了,结果出乎我的意料,

asking price:要价

1,在候选名单(shortlist)中,除了球员身价(Value),增加了一项俱乐部要价(Asking Price),方便大家买人的时候出价. 2,在收件箱(inbox)中,如果有球员或俱乐部相关信息,那个对于的头像或队徽变成大图.

Harvey Keitel:哈威.凯尔

"哈威-凯尔(Harvey Keitel),吉娜-戴维斯(Geena Davis)等演员本来也在候选名单中,乔说,"我认为制作人心里很明白,他们到底需要一个女人,或者一个年轻的角色来代替帕丁根?

Nicaragua:美洲 尼加拉瓜


Scottie Pippen:斯科蒂.皮蓬

这个周末,在殷切期待中,我们获悉,斯科蒂-皮蓬(Scottie Pippen)和卡尔-马龙(Ka.. Ma.one)入选2010年篮球名人堂最终候选名单. 不过,在这份总共19个的候选名单中,有两个与众不同:是两支球队. 即1992年的梦之这个周末,在殷切期待中,我们获悉,


2009年8月11日 英国.曼彻斯特:哥顿(Gorton)修道院大堂历经耗资达600万英镑的修复工程后,登上皇家特许测量员协会(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)奖候选名单.

short list:候選名單

据 Bookseller 报道,今年9月8日布克奖短候选名单(short list)公布之后,6本入选的小说共售出了约2万5千本,获奖热门>(Wolf Hall)甚至重回畅销书排行前十.

I made it to the short list:我进入了一次审判的候选名单

who haven't murdered anybody.|当然是没杀过人的那些 | I made it to the short list|我进入了一次审判的候选名单 | for a trial where a man killed all his friends|一个人在他生日派对上


在评选方式上,首先由世界上惟一致力于推介短篇科幻小说的>(Tangent)杂志提出十到十二篇的候选名单,之后由评委会裁定出优胜者. 今年的大奖得主是卡革.贝克(Kage Baker)所著的>(The Empress of Mars).

Waiting list:候选名单

当家长们到最后一刻才作出决定,全港各校在开学前几天都会出现剩余学位,使在候选名单(Waiting List)苦候数月的家长突然接到电话,邀请补上,可是大部分家长已为孩子做校服和买新书,很难在这个时刻转軚.