英语人>词典>汉英 : 修道院院长 的英文翻译,例句
修道院院长 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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If you had gained over the Abbe Moreelet with coffee and cream to speak for you, perhaps you would have succeed.


The superior of an abbey is called an abbess.


The superior of a convent .a convent ruled by an abbess.


"Abbey (529):Complex of buildings housing a monastery or convent under the direction of an abbot or abbess, serving the needs of a self-contained religious community."


Mary's got word that he was in the power of the Abbess. At that Hugo wrote to the woman, who, though he did not know it, was sister to Robin's mother, else Robin had not reckoned himself safe there, since Kirkless was under the government of Abbot Hugo of St. Mary's.


This inactivity aroused the anger of the fussy Prior, the head of the church, who belonged to the large group of those who believe that the busier a man seems ,the more he completes; and so he tried to find fault with the lazy painter.


Augustine I wrote a Letter full of Thanks for their just Dealings, and the Offer of the 872 Moidores, which was indisposed of, which I desir'd might be given 500 to the Monastery, and 372 to the Poor, as the Prior should direct, desiring the good Padres Prayers for me, and the like.


St. Sava of Pskov left the office of abbot, the monastery and the good brotherhood of the monastery and fled to a desolate place to escape the praise of men, for praise of men robs our heart.

Pskov 的圣 Sava 离开了修道院的修道院院长,修道院和好的兄弟情谊的办公室并且逃跑了到一个荒凉的地方逃离人的赞扬,为人的赞扬抢劫我们的心。

As they went, Robin's men hewed down great poles from the forest trees, which they took with them, and, fifty yards from the gate of St. Mary's Abbey, they set up a gallows of these poles, and on it hanged Roger the Cruel, with the Abbot's parchment of promise sewn on his breast, that all men might see. Across the foot of it Friar Tuck had written at Robin's bidding:"This doom to Abbot Hugo's hireling murderer. When next Abbot Hugo goes abroad, the doom will find him too."


He lived a life of asceticism, at first, in the monastery of the Holy Birth-giver of God in Pskov and then was abbot of that monastery.

他生活了禁欲主义的生活,最初,在在 Pskov 的上帝的神圣的出生送礼者的修道院并且然后是那的修道院院长修道院。

更多网络解释与修道院院长相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Abba 神父 | abbacy 男修道院院长 | Abbasside 哈里发


Abba | 神父 | abbacy | 男修道院院长的职位、管区、任期 | abbatial | 修道院长的

abbe:男修道院院长, 僧侣, 神父

Abbe refractometer | 阿贝折射计 | abbe | 男修道院院长, 僧侣, 神父 | abbertite | 黑沥青


abbaye 修道院 | abbe 修道院院长 | abc 初级读本


很久以前,唯一小修道院(abbey)里有唯一女修道院院长( abbess ). 她人很好,但有一天她被唯一卑鄙的(abject)男修道院院长(abbot)教唆(abet). 他诱拐(abduct)她上了床(abed). 几个月后,她的腹部(abdomen)鼓了起来,这使她非比寻常羞愧(abash),

abbess:女修道院院长, 女庵主持

abbertite | 黑沥青 | abbess | 女修道院院长, 女庵主持 | abbey | 修道院, 修道士(总称)


(此能力可被女巫盗取)5 修道院院长 (Abbot) 可对於旗下每栋宗教建筑(蓝色)各抽取一枚金币的税收. 可向当时最富有者募捐一枚金币,但若最富有者有两人以上,则募捐失败. 6 炼金术士 (Alchemist) 在其回合结束时,可领回此回合花在建筑上的费用.


Eglise orthodoxe grecque;希腊正教;; | Archimandrite;(希腊正教的)修道院院长;; | culte multiconfessionnel;多宗教信仰;;

mother superior:女修道院院长

mother ship 母舰 | mother superior 女修道院院长 | mother tongue 母语


prioress 女修道院副院长 | prioress 小女修道院院长 | prioritize 把...区分优先次序