英语人>词典>汉英 : 修士的 的英文翻译,例句
修士的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与修士的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you are at the church, you must go to Friar Laurence's room right away.


Please ask her to come to Friar Laurence's house as soon as she can so we can get married.


Made in 1938 for the then-enormous budget of nearly $2,000,000, the film's lush art direction, crisp film editing and lavish musical score by Erich Wolfgang Korngold al won Academy Awards.


In 1414 about two hundred of their number addressed a petition to the Council fo Constance, which thereupon granted to the friars of the stricta observantia regularis a special provincial vicar in every province, and a vicar-general over all, Nicholas Rodolphe being the first to fill the last-mentioned office.

在1414年约200其数量给了一份请愿书,安理会康斯,这随即给予修士的直observantia regularis特别省级副主教在每一个省,并副主教,一般对所有尼古拉鲁道夫首先填补最后提到的办公室。

Milarepa turned and said to Jigme Wangbu , It might be the 'Will Spell' practiced by the Byzantine monks in the 6th century. Performing this kind of spell doesn't require a mudra .


Then, Mr. Lin Yung-ching presented the second report on The Pardoner』s Prologue and Tale from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. In the tale, Chaucer pointed out the main theme: Radix malorum est cupiditas through self-analysis and parables told by the pardoner selling indulgence.

接著,第二篇由林源庆先生报告《赦罪修士的故事》,本文为一短篇故事,节选自英国作家乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer的《坎特伯利故事集》,故事中藉由贩卖赎罪券的赦罪修士之自我剖析以及其所讲述的譬喻故事,点出贪婪为万恶渊薮的寓意。

Jesus All-Peaceful, Monks' Joy!


He cracked Jewish jokes, and put on a suit and kippa to go to synagogue, although the evening would find him in his soutane again.


So taking bread and a flask of wine, he went his way, and with great difficulty arrived at the church, where he found Brother Giles and his companion most devoutly absorbed in prayer; but so wasted were they with hunger that they looked rather like dead men than living; and he had great compassion for them, and having warmed and comforted them he returned and told his neighbours of the extremity and necessity of these friars, praying and exhorting them, for the love of God, to provide for their needs.


Louis consulted Bernard of Clairvaux, who referred him back to Eugene.


更多网络解释与修士的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

eremite:隐士; 隐居的修士 (名)

erelong 不久; 一会儿 (副) | eremite 隐士; 隐居的修士 (名) | eremitic 隐士的; 隐士般的 (形)

Fat Friar:胖修士 - 胖修士

爱哭鬼麦朵 - 哭泣的桃金娘 - Moaning Murtle | 胖修士 - 胖修士 - Fat Friar | 皮皮鬼 - 皮皮鬼 - Peeves

Friar Tuck:塔克修士

尽管他的所作所为不容于法,但却被视为英雄豪杰,因为在13世纪的传说中,他和他的"快乐伙伴们"总是劫富济贫. 所以,传说中的小约翰(Little John)、塔克修士(Friar Tuck)和那位温柔可人的女仆玛丽亚(Maid Marian)也都一起闻名于世.




soutane 神父的法衣 | soutane 修士以往所穿的黑色长袍 | south 南


soutache /饰带/ | soutane /神父的法衣/修士以往所穿的黑色长袍/ | southwester /西南/西南风/


mer mole 摩尔基体量 | friarly (像)托钵修士的 | adenasthenia 腺机能衰弱

do not keep tattoo parlors in their refectories:是不允许他们的修士身上有纹身的

but, as far as I know, Catholic foster care and monasteries...|但是居我... | do not keep tattoo parlors in their refectories.|是不允许他们的修士身上有纹身的 | We consider that our life begins...|我们认...

Il pio frate accoglierti:热心的修士接待你

Oh, misera Leonora, fremi?... 噢,不幸的Leonora,在颤抖吗? | Il pio frate accoglierti, 热心的修士接待你, | no, non ricuserra, no, no. 不,不会拒绝,不,不

William of Ockham:给托钵修士少数派的信"及其他著作

[1275-1343]Marsiglio of Padua"和平的保卫者"和"帝国的变迁" | [1285-1347]William of Ockham"给托钵修士少数派的信"及其他著作 | [1285-1347]William of Ockham奥卡姆的威廉:僭主政体短论