英语人>词典>汉英 : 信托财产 的英文翻译,例句
信托财产 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与信托财产相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the end of trust , the possessor of trust property is accepter .


Then,how to define the right,obligation and liability of the trustor,trustee and trust beneficiary,which are all arising from the trust property,is discussed to demonstrate whether the separation of right due to the assignability of trust property and the rules to protect the trust property right based on the L.


In conclusion, from the perspective of institutional coordination, I rearrange the system of revocatory right as follows: When the trustee, in breach of trust, disposes of the trust property, the beneficiary is entitled to apply to the court for revoking his disposition; but when the trustee disposes of the trust property to a third party, it is only limited to that the third party either acquires the trust property gratuitously, or purchases it for value, but he knows of the breach of trust or does not know of its existence due to his gross negligence.


In addition, emphasize the representation of such natures as independence and adscription in the structure of Business trust.


Mainly from the point of neo-institutional economics, this paper expounds how to collocate the trust property right, reduce the transaction cost and improve the Trust efficiency and how to ensure that the trustees could manage and deal with the trust assets according to the settlors' wills in the Trust activities and discusses the questions of the trustees' prompting and the rational designs of the Trust contracts when Business Trust is becoming the mainstream of the Trust development, which is good for the indraught of the Trust system and the development of the Trust industry.


The author points out: trust property can be classified into trust propertyⅠand trust propertyⅡ, the front means property which is prerequirement of trust creation, and the latter means property which is in course of trust management; Property has classification of positive property and negative property, the protection mechanism of trust propertyⅠcan and do be prerequirement of positive property.


After the trust is established, if the trustor dies or disbands according to law, or is canceled or declared bankrupt according to law, and if the trustor is the only beneficiary, the trust shall terminate and the trust property shall be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property; if the trustor is not the only beneficiary, the trust shall continue to exist and the trust property shall not be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property; but if the trustor, as a joint beneficiary, dies or disbands according to law, or is canceled or declared bankrupt according to law, the beneficial right of the trust shall be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property.


Its requirements are as follows: in principle, a person with capacity for rights could be identified as a beneficiary, and the beneficiary must enjoy certain beneficiary right, except as otherwise prohibited or limited by law. the trustee, in breach of trust, disposes of the trust property, but it does not require the detriment to the trust property and the trustee's fault. when the trustee disposes of the trust property to a third party, the Chinese trust law requires that the third party knows of the trustee's breach. In contrast, the logic which the rule of a bona fide purchaser in common law and the mechanism of trust publicity in civil law demonstrate seems to be more reasonable.


In the trust relationship, the trustee has the right to manage or dispose of the trust property, while the beneficiary has the right to benefit from the trust property.


IV I direct that all federal estate taxes and state inheritance or succession taxes payable upon or resulting from or by reason of my death (herein "Death Taxes") attributable to property which is part of the trust estate of the MICHAEL JACKSON FAMILY TRUST, including property which passes to said trust from my probate estate shall be paid by the Trustee of said trust in accordance with its terms.

四 本人直接,所有联邦遗产税和国家继承或继承税时应付或导致或因我的死亡由于财产是信托财产的麦可杰克森家庭信托基金,包括财产这些通行证,说从我的遗嘱信托财产应支付的受托人的信任,表示根据其职权。

更多网络解释与信托财产相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

constructive trust:推定信托

推定信托(Constructive trust)是指,在一定的特殊情况下,衡平法认为,特定财产的所有者纯粹为了自己的利益而持有财产是不合良心的,因而由法院施加的一项信托.

trust deed:信托契约

信托(trust)表示人(自然人与法人)与财产间的某种托付关系,这种关系是建立在被称为"信托契约"(trust deed)的基础上的,契约明确财产信托转移的程序、利润的分配条件以及受托管理人的权利和义务.

discretionary trust:自由裁量信托

除此之外并无其他积极义务;既可能没有任何自由裁量权而只能依据信托文件规定的管理方法管理信托财产,也可以在自由裁量信托(discretionary trust)中享有决定是否分配、如何分配、分配多少收益的广泛自由裁量权;




在美国,许多的信托都规定,将信托投资的收益归于当前(current)受益人,而将本金等信托财产的剩余价值归于剩余(remainder)受益人. 例如,委托人约定将信托财产收益归于其配偶,而在其配偶死后将剩余财产都归于其子女. 这种做法流行的原因是多方面的,


所谓信托,其实是一种法律安排,一般涉及财产授与人(Settlor)、受托人(Trustee)及信托受益人(Beneficiary)三方面. 首先,授与人为达某种资产分配的目标(如信中的余先生,希望把资产有效地留给子女),把财产的拥有权转予受托人名下,

settlor:财产授予人 信托财产授与人

settlingzone 沉淀区 | settlor 财产授予人 信托财产授与人 | settoexactsize 调整到正确尺寸

excluded property:除外财产

"海外信托银行"(Overseas Trust Bank) 指 Overseas Trust Bank, Limited (海外信托银行有限公司);"除外财产"(excluded property) 指─(d)由道亨银行实益拥有并以缴足股款的股份表明的海外信托银行已发行股本;


cover 包括 | trusts 信托财产 | estates 房地产,不动产

