英语人>词典>汉英 : 信息量 的英文翻译,例句
信息量 的英文翻译、例句


information content · amount of information · quantity of information
更多网络例句与信息量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar measures the frequency, magnitude, absolute and relative phase of targets' backscattering signals in imaging scene for any possible combination of transmit and receive antennas. The polarization synthesis technique on one hand has greatly increased the acquired polarization information, on the other hand increased the difficulty of system design and signal processing.


That not only could be extended to the continuous random varia- ble,but also the theorem of maximum information measure could be extended to the continuous random variable, which unified the measurement arithmetic of information between distributed random variable and continuous ran- dom variable,and gave two validating models to the information entropy of the continuous random variable in the last.


Based on information theory, the relationship between the information content of digital holography and recording optical structure was studied. In-line Fourier transform holography which could realize the maximum information content recording was proved.


With the growing of information, the common fleuret group' decision-making speed declined significantly, while the elite group kept stable, under the circumstance, the stability of epee players descended.


Network flow equilibrium assignment problem concerns with the distribution of the demand on the network.


The computation results on real seismic data show that mutual information in the sliding observation window can indicate the existence of the seismic signals to be detected. Through the pickup of the rising-break or the peak point of mutual information, the arrival time can also be effectively estimated.


The computation results on real seismic data show that mutual information in the sliding observation window can indicate the existence of the seismic signals to be detected. Through the pickup of the risingbreak or the peak point of mutual information, the arrival time can also be effectively estimated.


The initial threshold could be chosen by using Otsu algorithm, and in the iteration process, an optimal threshold was determined by maximizing the MI between the original image and the segmented image.The effectiveness of the proposed approach was evaluated by applying it to the microphotographic.


For Psychological Expectation Construct,men have obvious advantage overwomen in the prejudging on the future and getting information;the younger get more information than theolder;compared with those who have high income the school staffs,retired people and others who have lowincome are more sensitive to the price;the city's effect on the Psychological Expectation Construct may berelated to other factors such as the city's reform pace.


The experimented primers could provided higher PIC in Yellow peach,Red-leaf peach,Flat peach,Juicy peach among groups.9 primers were considerable for providing higher PIC for accessions among different groups in Prunus persica.Primers that could provide higher PIC in single group changed from 1 for Juicy peach to 18 for Yellow peach.


更多网络解释与信息量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

entropy coding:熵编码,平均信息量编码

entrapment, gas 气体截留 | entropy coding 熵编码,平均信息量编码 | entry 入口

entropy coding:熵编码,匀称信息量编码

entrapment, gas 气体幽囚 | entropy coding 熵编码,匀称信息量编码 | entry 入口

conditional entropy:带条件的平均信息量, 条件熵

conditional endorsement | 附条件背书 | conditional entropy | 带条件的平均信息量, 条件熵 | conditional equality | 条件等式

continuous signal information content:连续信号信息量

continuous shrinking machine | 连续预缩机 | continuous signal information content | 连续信号信息量 | continuous sintering | 连续烧结


equivalent 等价的 | equivocation 条件信息量总平均值 | erase 擦除

Fisher information:费雪信息量

First quartile, 第一四分位数 | Fisher information, 费雪信息量 | Fitted value, 拟合值

Full Shot FS:全景镜头(摄影的一种手法,画面信息量大)

Front Panel 面板(机器前面的控制板) | Full Shot FS 全景镜头(摄影的一种手法,画面信息量大) | Fullness 丰满度(声音饱满的程度)

information content:信息量

前者引入了结构信息,后者引入了在每个位置允许侧链特性的信息.(3)信息量(Information Content)法 用于分析蛋白质与核酸相互作用的信息理论首先是由Schneider等提出的[120],

gross information content:总信息量

grooving 成形槽 | gross information content 总信息量 | gross leak 大泄漏

information content unit:信息量单位

information content 信息量 | information content unit 信息量单位 | information density 信息密度