英语人>词典>汉英 : 信息流 的英文翻译,例句
信息流 的英文翻译、例句


information flow · message flow
更多网络例句与信息流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chapter ends with the case study of shipping company's combinational information flow and specific affairs.


The representation of each piece of the input information stream as a state of the system used in this case is particularly simple.


If constructing the ifg of system based on the source code of the system directly,it may produce a great number of information flow paths not existing in the system for the reason of the transitivity of the information flow.


Taking the information flow of website as a starting point, this thesis calculated the derivation effect of group of study-abroad and immigration to the group of VFR by quantitative method.


Mix distribution hypnoses assume that the asset price movement and the trading volume are both determined by an unobservable flow of information; different pieces of information flowing into the security market will cause movements of both the trading volume and the price.


They attribute the obstacles to information flow of urban ecological crisis this time to the "inwardly tight and outwardly loose " communications policy on the side of the provincial goverment of Jilin and provincial protectionism on the first stage,and on the second stage the "political achievement consciousness" and the neglection of people's right of knowledge on the side of the provincial government of Heilongjiang.

他们认为,这次城市生态危机的信息流障碍,前期在吉林省政府方面主要表现为内紧外松的传播政策和地方保护内容提要 2005年11-12月,中国松花江发生苯污染事件。本文就这次事件中信息流障碍问题展开讨论。作者将危机传播的信息划分为识别信息和应对信息两类。

Visual data and knowledge are two types of information through understanding images, but current researches on them is often separative which neglect the fusions between knowledge and data and ignore the relations between process in lower layer and analysis in higher one.


In the first, the thesis classes the information that could be shared in supply chain, stock information, demand information, sell forecast information, produce/deliver plan information and others. Then describes the flow of information in supply chain, establishes the decentralized, centralized and colligated control model of information flow. Through the analysis of indetermination, information asymmetry, bull-effect and the balance of collision target in supply chain, explains the value of information in supply chain.


This sdudy has three parts. Firstly, It analyses the meaning of enterprise informationization management foundation and the relations among information flow, capital flow, substance flow and business flow. Then it catchs the key factors inflecting the foundation on the longitude: information management technology and action.


Based on the specific analysis on the information flow and control flow between the agents, the messaged based communication mechanism of MAS is realized.


更多网络解释与信息流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IFS InformationFlowStandard:信息流标准

IFA InformationFlowAnalysis 信息流分析 | IFS InformationFlowStandard 信息流标准 | IFC InformationFusionCompound 信息合成综合体

information flow:信息流

(一)信息加工及其重要作用按照信息产生与运动的规律,信息流(Information flow)起始于信息源,通过信息加工与存储等中间环节而最终到达用户,其中用户是信息的生产者,也是消费者,是信息加工与流通的最终目的所在.

Artificial information flow:人工信息流

Artificial direct regulation 人工直接调控 | Artificial information flow 人工信息流 | Auxiliary energy 辅助能

information flow model:信息流模型

它使用由层次信息结构而来的信息流模型(information flow model). 向程序输入数据,程序将数据从头传到尾,执行逻辑程序,返回结果,如图11-17. 面向对象的编程方法(Object-oriented programming, OOP)以一种有效的方式使用不同的技术执行同样的过程.

information flow analysis:信息流分析

information flow 信息流 | information flow analysis 信息流分析 | information flow chart 信息流程图

information flow control:信息流[向]控制

盲签 blind signature | 信息流[向]控制 information flow control | 安全控制 security control

information flow control:信息流控制

information flow chart | 信息流程图 | information flow control | 信息流控制 | information for decision making | 决策资料

message flow:信息流

其中,最为重要的是当前流程中的信息流(Message flow)、事件流(Event flow)以及控制流(Control flow). 更为具体一点,企业需要了解哪些流程可以实施自动化?哪些流程需要人工参与?各个流程都是需要什么人来参与?需要多少人?

message flow:报文流,信息流

message feedback 信息反馈 | message flow 报文流,信息流 | message format 报文格式,消息格式

unidirection flow of information:单向信息流

unidiameter joint等径接头(电缆) | unidirection flow of information单向信息流 | unidirectional amplifier单向放大器