英语人>词典>汉英 : 保有 的英文翻译,例句
保有 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
retain  ·  retaining  ·  retained  ·  retains

have and hold
更多网络例句与保有相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When we use long-term memory, we retain information for a considerable length of time.


"Hope""HOPE" is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm.

" 希望"是物长着羽毛寄居在灵魂里,唱着没有词的曲调,绝无丝毫停息,微风吹送最为甘甜暴雨致痛无疑能够使得小鸟不安保有此多暖意。

Cultural heritages, unique architectural works, the heritage complex of the Nguyen Dynasty, such as palaces, temples, citadel, tombs, pagodas, and churches still preserve their majesty, ancientness and solemnity.


Description of project:There are rich resources of andalusite with the proved reserves of 18 million tons.


Some Azeris from rural regions retain pre-Islamic animist beliefs, such as the sanctity of certain sites and the veneration of certain trees and rocks.


This article is coming to be finished. Give you, all of my friends and my relatives, a big embrace. Though the society is full of apartness but I still hope all of you would keep a pure-hearted and a wishful heart.


Penfield and Roberts have also published distribution of stimulation points arranged according to the type of aphasic symptom produced: complete arrest of speech, hesitation and slurring, distortion and inability to name objects with retained ability to speak.


Yes, you can always retain the IP rights. Or you can also open your IP to public through Ms-CL as well if you want. It's like what Aras did.


When we leave this jurisprudence at the epoch of its final reconstruction by Justinian, few traces of archaism can be discovered in any part of it except in the single article of the extensive powers still reserved to the living Parent.


Our forefathers, and those who were reckoned wise, were accustomed to say that it was necessary to hold Pistoia by factions and Pisa by fortresses; and with this idea they fostered quarrels in some of their tributary towns so as to keep possession of them the more easily.


更多网络解释与保有相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


alnusenone | 赤杨酮 桤木酮 | alod | 保有绝对所有权的土地 | alodan | 冰片丹(有机氯杀虫剂)


alodan | 冰片丹(有机氯杀虫剂) | alodium | 保有绝对所有权的土地 | aloe | 芦荟, 芦荟油


buretburette 滴管 | burgage 土地保有权 | burgee 燕尾旗

burgage:租地权, 土地保有权

burg | 有围墙(或城堡)的城,(尤指不喧闹的)城,镇,村 | burgage | 租地权, 土地保有权 | burgee | 燕尾旗, 三角旗

Yes,imagine that,a couple with secrets:是一对保有秘密的恋人

has somehow missed both her depression and severe alcoholism.|却不知什么原因吃起抗抑郁药 还酗酒 | Yes,imagine that,a couple with secrets.|是一对保有秘密的恋人 | Why would she lie?|她为什么要撒谎?

Freehold Land:自由保有土地(或完全保有土地)

Statute of Uses--用益法 | Freehold Land--自由保有土地(或完全保有土地) | leasehold Land--租借地

Freehold Land:永久土地;永遠保有的地產

freehold永久業權;不動產所有權 | freehold land永久土地;永遠保有的地產 | freight哔M


freehold 自由保有官职 | freeholder 自由保有权所有人 | freeing 正在释放

freeholder:不动产的终身保有者 (名)

freehold 自由保有, 自由保有官职, 不动产 (名) | freeholder 不动产的终身保有者 (名) | freelance 自由作家 (名)

allodial:完全保有所有权的, 完全保有地产所有权的

allodelphite || 砷铝锰矿 | allodial || 完全保有所有权的, 完全保有地产所有权的 | allodiality || 自由地