英语人>词典>汉英 : 保持...姿势 的英文翻译,例句
保持...姿势 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
poise  ·  poises  ·  poising

更多网络例句与保持...姿势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ability to keep a smile on your face and proper posture while your horse tries to crowhop, shy and buck his way around a show ring.


With every inhalation lift a little more through the sternum, using the push of the fingers on the floor to help; with every exhalation twist a little more. Stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then release with an exhalation, return to the starting position, and repeat to the left for the same length of time.


Traction in outdoor sports, should we let them freely for several minutes to defecate in the movement to maintain proper walking posture, with the owner to maintain proper distance, correct or before or after, or left or right of walking habits.


Underlook, comfort with yourself, sense of purpose and being calm within yourself


If the yogi is to realize dukkha in the new position, he must have "yoniso", because tanha or abhijjha usually occur in the new position – and domanassa occurs in the old position.


All of these combine as beautiful links in any or all of these ways for balance postures.


Regular practice of this pose rejuvenates the entire body and gently stimulates your nervous system.


Add more strokes one by one, only as long as you stay efficient, never practice butterstruggle, you main focus is to minimize up and down motion of your head and shoulders, keep you head in the line, keep low profile, channel all your energy forward, practice all the skills we've learned in the previous 2 drills.


Dolls smile, the same pace Angle, the same teetering away, in front of the cold on the floor, dolls naked in a reversing Anping's side, and died like the two bodies, maintain the same posture.


Many babies with Down syndrome have low muscle tone, so they need extra support when they are held.


更多网络解释与保持...姿势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为了确保精子成功到达卵子,雄蛙和雌蛙会进入被称为抱合(amplexus)的交配姿势. 雄蛙爬到雌蛙背上,用前肢抱住雌蛙的腰部. 蛙类保持抱合姿势可能长达数小时甚至数天,直到雌蛙释放少至一个,多达数百个的卵. 蛙类在许多生态系统中发挥着重要作用.


学瑜珈对身体 有什么好处 ? OH OHn 瑜伽 de三大功能 1 保持青春de 瑜伽 姿势(Asana) 瑜伽 认为衰老de原因是自体中毒(Autointoxication),即身体长年积存大量毒素,无法排出体


学瑜珈对身体 有什么好处 ? OH OHn 瑜伽 de三大功能 1 保持青春de 瑜伽 姿势(Asana) 瑜伽 认为衰老de原因是自体中毒(Autointoxication),即身体长年积存大量毒素,无法排出体


姿势必需保持平衡助记法:拐杖(f)+烟(i)+老人(eld) 老人拄着拐杖,叼着烟到田野里干活去了想象:在初秋的夜晚,一轮弯弯的月亮(c)挂在天空,当你一个人站在小山(hill)上,感觉到一丝丝的寒冷(chill)想象:烛光(i)里


姿势必需保持平衡助记法:拐杖(f)+烟(i)+老人(eld) 老人拄着拐杖,叼着烟到田野里干活去了想象:在初秋的夜晚,一轮弯弯的月亮(c)挂在天空,当你一个人站在小山(hill)上,感觉到一丝丝的寒冷(chill)烛光(i) 妈妈(

Hold this position for a count of 10:保持这个姿势别动,数到 10

Hold your head up. 抬起头来. VN | Hold this position for a count of 10. 保持这个姿势别动,数到 10. | The wood is held in position by a clamp. 这木头用夹钳固定住了.

Okay, we'll just hunker down. We might get some relief soon:好,我们就保持低姿势 可能很快就可以休息了

Food has just been resupplied. We're in good shape.|食物刚刚补给过... | Okay, we'll just hunker down. We might get some relief soon.|好,我们就保持低姿势 可能很快就可以休息了 | Okay? All right.|好吗? 行...


由于译者也爱好军事,偶然发现美军战地手册-身体素质...它连接腰椎(lumbar),骨盆(pelvis),椎骨(vertebrae)和(...姿势:使身体向前倾斜保持支撑姿势. 动作:在协助者...


十、姿势 姿势(posture)是指举止的状态. 健康成人躯干端正,肢体活动灵活适度. 正常的姿 势主要依靠骨骼结构和各部分肌肉的紧张度来保持,但亦受机体健康状况及精神状态的影 响,如疲劳和情绪低沉时可出现肩垂、弯背、拖拉蹒跚的步态.


由于译者也爱好军事,偶然发现美军战地手册-身体素质...它连接腰椎(lumbar),骨盆(pelvis),椎骨(vertebrae)和(...姿势:使身体向前倾斜保持支撑姿势. 动作:在协助者...