英语人>词典>汉英 : 保姆 的英文翻译,例句
保姆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amah  ·  bonne  ·  mammie  ·  mammy  ·  matron  ·  nanny  ·  nurse  ·  nurserymaid  ·  nurses  ·  fostress  ·  mammies  ·  nursed  ·  Nanny  ·  nanna  ·  nannies

dry nurse
更多网络例句与保姆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I worried my foster-mother with the old question one day when the remittances had fallen very much in arrear, and her temper had been unusually tried.


You can find a good day-care provider using many of the same resources used to find a nanny or sitter.


She had always thought children important, however, and the Darlings had become acquainted with her in Kensington Gardens, where she spent most of her spare time peeping into perambulators, and was much hated by careless nursemaids, whom she followed to their homes and complained of to their mistresses.


The newly rich with eye-watering mortgages didn't come shopping for nannies in this country, they went to Eastern Europe, said Julie Bremner, owner of Knightsbridge Nannies.


Based on targeting orientation theory and the derivative target mating theory, the article analyzes characteristics of the group of nurserymaid, and the matching social security institution.


Because birds are valuable and appreciation pearl birds, generally do not have pearl birds are incubating, while with the White-rumped Munia as "nanny", each pair of pearl birds need six White-rumped Munia as "nanny."


Country girls gain weight very easily after they arrive in Shanghai, because there are more choices of food in Shanghai, and therefore they often look chubbier than the local girls. They quietly, but efficiently work in the shared kitchen by the backdoor. Today's maids don't gossip as much as they used to, but neither do they know as much about how to serve the Shanghainese properly.


Men of all ages are graduating from nanny schools and snaring places in domestic agencies, they are called mannies.


Men of all ages are gr aduating from nanny schools and snaring places in domestic agencies, they are called mannies.


London, with its world financial hub, is the centre of the nanny trade in Britain, employing thousands of the surrogate mothers to care for their infants while they earn megabucks in the City.


更多网络解释与保姆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Housekeeper 主妇,女管家 | Amah (地中海以东国家的)奶妈,保姆,女仆 | Housemaid 女仆,女俑


fellah(阿拉伯国家的)农民,农业劳动者 | amah保姆,女佣人 | donah女人,情妇


25 . always 總是 | 26 . amah 保姆 | 27 . America 美國


baby-minding 充任临时保姆 | baby-sit 临时保姆 | baby-sitter 保姆


修理工和消防员的混合 管家(house manager)负责收帐单,付帐单和指使其他NPC工作,当家人整体饥饿度高时她也会负责煮食 保姆(babysitter)就像一般保姆,但不会煮东西.当家里没女佣时她就会做女佣的工作,


加拿大住家保姆项目为专业保姆(Caregiver)提供在加拿大的工作机会. 加拿大住家保姆项目是青岛嘉和出国服务咨询有限公司的优势项目之一,凭借着六年的操作经验和专业强大的服务团队,青岛嘉和出国服务咨询有限公司承办的加拿大住家保姆案例,

dry nurse:保姆

育儿 保姆(Nanny)(分乳母(wet nurse)和保姆(dry nurse)) 负责教养女主人的小孩. 需要照顾小孩以及管理儿童房,以及监督育婴女仆的工作. 乳母还需要喂婴孩母乳,因此年纪通常也较轻. 由于是直接照顾小孩,亲近程度比亲母还更亲近,

grayer:保姆 别走 - 格雷尔 亲爱的

- Nanny! - Grayer.|- 保姆 - 格雷尔 | - Nanny, don't go! - Grayer, sweetheart...|- 保姆 别走 - 格雷尔 亲爱的... | Nanny, wait!|保姆 等等我

Nanny! - Grayer:保姆 - 格雷尔

I can't tolerate the yapping. Grayer's too young anyway.|我忍受不了它老叫 况且格雷尔也太... | - Nanny! - Grayer.|- 保姆 - 格雷尔 | - Nanny, don't go! - Grayer, sweetheart...|- 保姆 别走 - 格雷尔 亲爱的...

The Nanny:天才保姆

1990年代,流行一时的电视系列剧<<天才保姆>>(The Nanny)也取得了在四个大洲上演的成功佳绩,弗兰德雷舍尔(Fran Drescher)在剧中饰演的角色,最初是化妆品推销员,被男友抛弃后,进入一位有钱的百老汇制片人家中,给他当照看孩子的保姆.