英语人>词典>汉英 : 保健食品 的英文翻译,例句
保健食品 的英文翻译、例句


health food · health foods · protective foods
更多网络例句与保健食品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Huayu Health Foods Co., Ltd. of Shanxi is China's first joint-stock enterprise engaged in research,development, production and sale of cornel health foodstuffs.


Shanxi Huayu Health Products Co., Ltd, a joint-stock company, which is engaged in researching, developing, pro-ducing and selling of cornel series health products.


The present invention is one group of health foods for treating emaciation with yellowish complexion, roughness of the skin and color spot of people, especially women and old people.


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染料 |建筑涂料|塑料机械|清洗剂|更多医疗器械网医药网保健食品保健食品|性保健品|医药中间体|生物制品医药制剂|原料药|保健器材|中成药|更多广告Poker 扑克牌定制价格,Playing Cards 扑克牌印制价钱,陈氏手机:+0086-13901623260 Y-S扑克牌生产印刷工厂:普通型,中档价格:人民币2.1元每副5本4本张;高标准档次价钱:2.3元人民币每套,54张/套

Shantou sea sound health food stores Haixiang Shantou City Department of Health Food Co., Ltd. operating.


The manufactures which so you say have put in the mart, They are very favored by travel merchants and immensity waste busy work customers 、 As the characteristic science 、 style inimitable alimentation exuberance 、 healthcare function prominence etc, be awarded through public appraisal as "China famous distilled spirit brand" and "The manufacture quality was believed by Countrywide deli trade by China deli technical guild". The lake of grassland Naijiu have win "China famous brand name "; YuanLi wine in October of 2000 It was authorized as "Health care Deli" by the sanitation department of the nation; in November of 2001 It nave win "Importance innovate production award" in Inner Mongolia.


The manufactures which so you say have put in the mart They are very favored by travel merchants and immensity waste busy work customers 、 As the characteristic science 、 style inimitable alimentation exuberance 、 healthcare function prominence etc be awarded through public appraisal as "China famous distilled spirit brand" and "The manufacture quality was believed by Countrywide deli trade by China deli technical guild". The lake of grassland Naijiu have win "China famous brand name "; YuanLi wine in October of 2000 It was authorized as "Health care Deli" by the sanitation department of the nation; in November of 2001 It nave win "Importance innovate production award" in Inner Mongolia.


Is a company specializing in nutrition and health food production enterprises, entrepreneurship has been a decade of history and the way development and growth, the company production of "vitality","Tu Fu Tong" and the "New Wild Buddha" three brand by virtue of superior product quality, respectively, was awarded China's top ten leading health food brand, the Chinese famous brand and 315 brand protection.


Shanxi lift Ltd. million health care products, mainly produces Polyrhachis vicina Roger is known as the main raw material with dianthera known as Ganoderma lucidum and high-quality scientific processing Spirulina health food, and secondly, to the general consumers to promote universal health education and product advisory services, health food joint after-sales service-oriented enterprises. Shanxi lift Ltd.


Counterfeiting of health care procucts deluges. Among them the advertisement problem becomes the biggest obstacle to affect Chinese health care industry.


更多网络解释与保健食品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(六)、藻类 藻类 (alga)是自然界分布极广的一类自养微生物资源,许多国家已把它用作人类保健食品和饲料. 培养螺旋藻,按干重计算每公顷 (lha二l0. #)可收获60t,而种植 大豆每公顷才可收获4t;从蛋白质产率来看,螺旋藻是大豆的28倍.

ANC:abbr. the asian nutraceutical center; 亚洲保健食品中心

报关员 declarant保健食品:health-care food

包产到户 contract production quotas to individual households | 报关员 declarant保健食品 health-care food | 暴利 excessive profit; windfall profit

health-care food:保健食品

报国计划的实施implementation of Dedicator's Project | 保健食品health-care food | 暴利excessive profit; windfall profit

health food:保健食品

功能食品(functional food)在我国也称之为保健食品(health food). 至今,国际上通用"功能食品"一词,故而本书仍采用>作为书名. 功能食品中的特殊成分可以有助于人体健康,这就是功能食品有益于特定人体功能的潜在价值.

Health food bars:保健食品,压成块的

2060005 Health foods, high fibre 保健食品,高纤维的 | 2060007 Health food bars 保健食品,压成块的 | 2060008 Bakery products, dietetic and for diabetics 烘焙食品,减肥和糖尿病患者用

Health-care food || health food:保健食品

保监会 The China Insurance Regulatory Commission | 保健食品 Health-care food | health food | 保理业务 Factoring business

healthy food:保健食品

期间,肖培根院士以"中国保健食品---其原则、内涵及展望"为题,从"药食同源"切入,浅入深地介绍了目前面临健康问题、保健食品的定义和内涵、我国保健食品(Healthy Food)的悠久历史;同时还详实介绍了可用于保健食品的中药植物如莲子、金银花、余甘子和决明子等的功用及其机理;


nowfoods保健品NOW天然(Natural)有机(Organic)全方位健康(Wholesome)保健食品第一品牌>NOW FOODS公司位于美国伊利诺州,创立于一九六八年,为美国最大的天然保健食品生产商之一.


hookshot:钩射投篮 | jumps保健食品公司招商ot:跳投 | layyup:带球上篮