英语人>词典>汉英 : 促进会 的英文翻译,例句
促进会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与促进会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to catch up with the step of internationalization, to continually publicize the ARF-pioneered sustainable building formula GB + Symbiosis = SB and symbiotic concept, and to share with the world the achievements of sustainable building promotion in Taiwan, we formed a delegation of 27 members with TSSBE that were founded by the ARF to participate in the triennial World Sustainable Building Conference held at Melbourne (SB08Melbourne) after participating in the SB meeting in 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2005 and the iiSBE Prague Meeting in 2006. Members of the delegation led by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, also the president of TSSBE, include ex-CPAMI Director Lin Chin-rong, ABRI Director Ho Ming-chin, Chiu Chiung-yu PhD, Archilife Environ-Control Research Center Supervisor Prof. Chiang Che-ming, Archilife Living Research Center Supervisor Prof. Su Ching-hua, and Assistant Cheng Wei-ning; research project principal investigators Mr. Li Yen-yi; Mr. Chou Po-cheng; Miss Tang Shu-chen; Mr. Wang Wen-an; Mr. Chen Tai-an; Mr. Lin Fang-ming; Mr. Chung Sung-chin; Mr. Lin De-en; Mr. Luo Yang-ching; Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin; Mr. Chen Nien-tsu; and members of TSSBE and participants of SB07 Taipei, including Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, Mr. Chung Po-ren, Mr. Hsiao Ruey-lin, Mr. Cheng cheng-li, Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng, Miss Kuo Yi-chun, and Miss Chen Chiu-yu, the assistant.

为贯彻祐生国际化的脚步、持续宣导首创之永续建筑公式GB+Symbiosis=SB与共生化理念,并向全世界分享台湾推动永续建筑之成果,继组团参与1998、2000、2002、2005之永续建筑系列国际性会议及2006年iiSBE布拉格会议后,2008年由本会参与设立的社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会及祐生组团共27人前往澳洲墨尔本参加三年一度的永续建筑国际会议SB08Melbourne,并由身兼社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会理事长的黄晋英秘书长担任团长,团员包括:前内政部营建署林钦荣署长、内政部建研所何明锦所长与邱琼玉博士、祐生环控研究中心指导教授江哲铭教授、祐生生活研究中心指导教授苏庆华教授、助理郑玮宁小姐、奖助研究案主持人李彦颐先生、周伯丞先生、汤淑贞小姐、王文安先生、陈泰安先生、林芳铭先生、钟松晋先生、戴永禔先生、林得恩先生、罗阳青先生、钟政勋先生、陈念祖先生及社团法人台湾永续建筑环境促进会号召之会员与曾参与SB07 Taipei国际会议之人士,如李创源先生、张桂凤小姐、钟博任先生、萧睿麟先生、郑政利先生、刘光盛先生、郭怡君小姐及团长助理陈秋玉小姐等。

During our successful operation since our foundation , we have established good partnership with a lot of institutions, companies and groups, including Festival Junger Kunstler Bayreuth, Mongolia-China friendly association of Mongolia , Mongolia Travelling Promotion Association, Travel TV of china, GRANDSK international travel agency of Mongolia, China Driving Net ,Autofans digital TV channel of China.


China Association for International Science peace Board of Education Science and Technology.


In this sense also the pope, in accordance with a fundamental biblical and evangelical view developed by St. Augustine in his "De civitate Dei", like the Masonic poet Carducci in his "Hymn to Satan", considers Satan as the supreme spiritual chief of this hostile army.

在这个意义上,也是教宗,在按照一个基本圣经和福音事工促进会,以期开发的圣奥古斯丁在他的"德奇维塔特dei "一样,共济会的诗人卡在他的"赞美诗,以撒旦",认为撒旦作为最高行政的精神这种敌对的军队。

Among them were Republic of Haiti Chamber of Deputies member Joseph Joel Louis, Haitian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of Protocal officer and ambassador to South Korea Jacques Renand Cherduville, protocol officer of the Office of the Prime Minister of Haiti Immacula Caze, as well as chief executives of department stores and real estate companies and bank managers from Haiti.


IN the summer of 1894, I attended the meeting at Chautauqua of the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf.


Pointing out: World all democratic associations and the grown-up men and women want with to employ the male and female child laborer phenomenon to wage the struggle, protects child's health by the country, satisfies the funds with the reduction military expenses means which the child needs.


Global Water Challenge is a collation coalition of 22 groups working for change in water and sanitation.


In April 1999, the China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Program signed a cooperative agreement with the municipal government of Liaocheng concerning concertedly support the development of the Guangcai Programs in Liaocheng.


In "the inscription" the success of the occasion, in order to expand the domestic and international art of communication, innovation, prosperity and the art of paper-cut industry to open up the road to promote paper-cut of the rescue, protection, development work, by the Chinese Culture Promotion Society, Zhejiang Province Department of Culture organized by the art of Chinese Culture Promotion Committee, Tonglu County People's Government hosted the third "Divine Charm" national competition and the first national paper cutting paper cutting Contest from Zhenggao, we have received the country's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities sent Entries of more than 2100 pieces of paper-cutting, more than 100 pieces of cut-paper art.


更多网络解释与促进会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AAP AssociativeArrayProcessor:相联阵列处理机

AAP AssociationofAmericanPublishers 美国出版商协会 | AAP AssociativeArrayProcessor 相联阵列处理机 | AAPS AmericanAssociationforthePromotionofScience 美国科学促进会

British Air Ministry method:英国空军部方法

brite spot 亮点 | British Air Ministry method 英国空军部方法 | British Association for the Advancement of Science 英国科学促进会

Application Form:申请表

四、本项目推荐选拔工作采取差额遴选的方法,以体现选拔工作的公正性和竞争性. 国家留学基金委将先进行材料初审. 通过初审的材料将通过新西兰驻华使馆转交新西兰教育促进会(Education New Zealand)进行进一步评审. 3、>(Application Form)及相关附加材料(附件三).


其它主要学术兼职见下表:全球华人计算机教育应用学会(GCICE)第一副主席国际计算机教育应用学会(ICCE)执行委员国际计算机教育促进会(AACE)亚太分会执行委员香港电脑教育学会( ACEHK )名誉会长全球华人计算机教育应用学会( GCSCE )执行委员会副主席基于网络的协商学习(CBCL)环境与学习模式,>,1997

CFR cost and freight:成本加运费价格

CCPIT China Council for Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进会 | CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格 | CIF cost, insurance sand freight 到岸价格

S.P.E.W (Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare):家养小精灵权益促进会

Remembrall 记忆球 | S.P.E.W (Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare) 家养小精灵权益促进会 | Patronus Charm: Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫

Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare SPEW:精灵福利促进会,精促会,醋精会

Reasonable Restricion of Underage Sorcery 未成年人施术合理限制条例 | Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare SPEW 精灵福利促进会,精促会,醋精会 | Order of Merlin 魔灵勋章

NAACP,National Association for the Advancement of Color People:全国黑人权益促进会,即黑人为了增进权益的最大机构

10.IRS,Internal Revenue Service,... | 11.NAACP,National Association for the Advancement of Color People,全国黑人权益促进会,即黑人为了增进权益的最大机构 | 13.AARP,American Association of Retired People,...


"赫敏仍然没有放弃她的'呕吐'呢(家养小精灵权益促进会的英文字母缩写是"S.P.E.W.",与"呕吐"(spew)同音). " "不是'呕吐'!"赫敏恼火地说,"是家养小精灵权益促进会. 而且不光是我,邓布利多也说我们应该仁慈地对待克利切. " "是啊,

Project Ploughshares:化剑铸犁促进会

project planning parameters;项目规划参数;; | Project Ploughshares;化剑铸犁促进会;; | project populations;项目人口;;