英语人>词典>汉英 : 侵权行为 的英文翻译,例句
侵权行为 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

infringement act
更多网络例句与侵权行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The copyright-infringement action must be the special the copyright infringement,because it accord with the cognizance law-standards;it favors for guarding the legal rights of the Copyrighter and cracking down on the infringement actions.


In the juvenile case of damage, each subject should be applied different principles of incrimination and undertake corresponding civil liabilities.


The definition of the tort law responsibility of many people in no intention communication depends on the relation to joint tort of the law,which is related to understanding of "intercommunity" of joint tort.


Thus, it is legally ungrounded that some administrative department of ...


In the digital surroundings, infringement became excessive, continuity and more concealment. So the writer claimed that every infringement as start point, only implead infringement in limitations.


Hence, it is necessary to discuss the constitutive elements, pleadable reasons and legal stipulation of the torts for Internet privacy.


According to the difference of connotation, the fraud tort can be divided into genuses: general fraud tort and special fraud tort.


The fundamentals that the course offered for include the following: development of tort liability, intentional torts, negligence, causation, joint tortfeasors, limited duty, owner's and occupiers of land, defense, strict liability, products liability, defamation, misuse of legal procedure, misrepresentation, interference with advantageous relationships and damages.


Furthermore, the lex causae should be decided by the different standard respectively but not just the lex loci delicti and law of the flag of the ship for the collision of ship, injure and death on the sea and the oil pollution, as the special connecting points may be caused.


With regard to the application of law of torts in electronic commerce, the dissertation analyses separately lex loci delicti, lex fori, lex voluntatis, and law of the place of the most significant relationship. And considering that the overwhelming majority countries approve that the lex loci delicti applies to torts, the dissertation doesn't rule out the possibility that many countries apply lex loci delicti by means of expanding the explanation of lex loci delicti.


更多网络解释与侵权行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


delicious 美味的 | delict 不法行为;侵权行为 | delict 不法行为侵权行为


第十节 专利侵权行为(infringement)及其法律责任专利侵权行为(infringement)及其法律责任(应用)专利侵权行为(infringement)及其法律责任(综合应用)


"侵害行为"(infringement)与"侵权行为"(tort)两个概念之间是有区别的. tort的范围要稍窄些,它只覆盖了负有损害赔偿责任的侵权,而infringement的覆盖面较宽. 它除了把tort涵盖在内,还涵盖了一切侵犯他人权利或利益的行为,

tortious:侵权行为的; 侵权行为性质的 (形)

tortilla 玉米粉圆饼 (名) | tortious 侵权行为的; 侵权行为性质的 (形) | tortoise 龟, 迟缓的人 (名)

tortious liability:侵权行为的责任

tortious act 侵权行为 | tortious liability 侵权行为的责任 | torture of animals 虐待动物

tortious act:侵权行为

tortfeasor 犯侵权行为的人 | tortious act 侵权行为 | tortious liability 侵权行为的责任

infringing act:侵权行为

侵权产品 infringing products | 侵权行为 infringing act | 倾斜政策 preferential policy / policy in favor of

infringing acts:侵权行为

第二语言学习理论:theory of second language learning | 侵权行为:infringing acts | 重写行为:rewriting acts


体育伤害事故中的侵权行为(torts)包括疏忽(negligence)、故意侵权(intentional torts)和严格责任行为(strict liability). 侵权行为是指行为人由于过错侵害他人的财产或者人身,依法应当承担民事责任的行为.


tortaction 侵权诉讼 | tortfeasor 犯侵权行为的人 | tortiousact 侵权行为