英语人>词典>汉英 : 侯爵夫人 的英文翻译,例句
侯爵夫人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
marchesa  ·  marchioness  ·  marquesa  ·  marquise  ·  March.

更多网络例句与侯爵夫人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first was addressed:"To Madame, Madame la Marquise de Grucheray, the place opposite the Chamber of Deputies, No.--"


A letter to him from Cicely, marchioness of Dorset, in which he is seen in confidential business relations with her ladyship, is probably earlier than 1520, and it is possible that Cromwell owed his introduction to Thomas Wolsey to the Dorset family.


I love to see you thus. Now, then, were a conspirator to fall into your hands, he would be most welcome.


"That is right," cried the marquise."I love to see you thus. Now, then, were a conspirator to fall into your hads, he would be most welcome."


"And one which will go far to efface the recollection of his father's conduct," added the incorrigible marquise


I promise you that to make up for her want of loyalty, I will be most inflexibly severe;" then casting an expressive glance at his betrothed, which seemed to say,"Fear not, for your dear sake my justice shall be tempered with mercy, and receiving a sweet and approving smile in return, Villefort quitted the room


For a moment Archer thought she was about to cry; but she burst into a laugh instead, looking from the marchioness to Archer


Peng Pardew let his wife formerly娜安托瓦内特普Boisson, who was born in Paris, a financial speculators family, became the mistress of Louis XV, has been called marchioness.


As the marquis had promised, Villefort found the marquise and Renée in waiting.


At the Icecrown Castle by the lake, one of the Marquis' maids tells a washwoman about the latest rumours on her master. After a heated argument, the Marquise and her daughter abandon the castle, leaving her husband's guard with a pleasant memory.


更多网络解释与侯爵夫人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chatelet, Gabrielle-Emilie Le Tonnelier:沙特莱侯爵夫人

115. 查定 Charles's law | 116. 沙特莱侯爵夫人 Chatelet, Gabrielle-Emilie Le Tonnelier | 121. 考克饶夫 Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas


文章摘录如下: 顾名思义,"贵族"(l'aristocratie )乃尊贵的族群,在社会里凸显,不 ...侯爵夫人(Marchioness)、伯爵夫人(Countess)、子爵夫人(Viscountess)、男爵夫人(Baroness)均可称之为:"Lady"(夫人),即用"Lady +丈夫的姓或丈夫勋称中的地名".


直接称呼时用"Your Grace"侯爵夫人(Marchioness)、伯爵夫人(Countess)、子爵夫人(Viscountess)、男爵夫人(Baroness)均可称之为:"Lady"(夫人),即用"Lady+丈夫王或大封建主的直接附庸.


marchionesemarchionessmarquise 侯爵夫人 | marchioness 侯爵未亡人 | marchionessmarquise 女侯爵


Marquis侯爵 | Marchioness侯爵夫人,女侯爵 | prince王子


MarquesdeSamaranch萨马兰奇侯爵 | marquis,marquess侯爵 | Marquise侯爵夫人女侯爵


marquis 侯爵 | marquisate 侯爵领地 | marquise 侯爵夫人


marquisate 侯爵领地 | marquise 侯爵夫人 | marquisette 薄织物

Marquise de Pompadour:侯爵夫人蓬巴杜夫人

hairdressing 美发 | Marquise de Pompadour 侯爵夫人蓬巴杜夫人 | mound 土堆,小丘


文章摘录如下: 顾名思义,"贵族"(l'aristocratie )乃尊贵的族群,在社会里凸显,不 ...侯爵夫人(Marchioness)、伯爵夫人(Countess)、子爵夫人(Viscountess)、男爵夫人(Baroness)均可称之为:"Lady"(夫人),即用"Lady +丈夫的姓或丈夫勋称中的地名".