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依恋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
attachment  ·  cleave  ·  cleaves

attach oneself to · be attached to · be reluctant to leave · can't bear to part · be unwilling to leave · feel regret at parting from
更多网络例句与依恋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The aery but vain felling have no, saving only of that continues to long for to also become memory.


The nature of the attachment system Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby (1969, 1973, 1980), postulates a universal human need to form close affectional bonds.

依恋系统的本质 John Bowlby (1969, 1973, 1980)创立的依恋理论假定:人类普遍性地有对亲密情感联系的需求。

Motivation is driving power of behavior. Furthermore, place attachment refers to the functional dependence and identity expression of place to an individual person. Thus,, if the tourist's motivation and place attachment of an ecotourism destination can be known, not only can provide the functional utilization and emotional satisfaction to tourists, the methods of environment education and the visitor management strategy to the tourists of various motivation types can be dealt by the managerial sectors.


The attachment of the monk, the sannyasi, the attachment of the housewife, the attachment to one's family, every form of attachment must end with death.


This leads to wrong attachment to the society and wrong self-identity which eventually make them lack of belief and become slaver of money.


It also de-emphasises Wallace's comic intelligence, commitment to truth-telling and romantic attachment to citizenly American ideals, an attachment that can strike a European reader as a weird combination of thoroughgoing scepticism and resolute anti-cynicism.


Internal working model is an important concept in attachment theory, which integrates cognitive emotional theory, the explanation of psychological pathology to some of the potential significance of reasons, the insecure attachment strategy proposed by Kobak, Dozier, Mikulincer and others find a new way to study the occurrence and development of pathopsychology.


Internal working model is an important concept in attachment theory,which integrates cognitive emotional theory,the explanation of psychological pathology to some of the potential significance of reasons,the insecure attachment strategy proposed by Kobak,Dozier,Mikulincer and others find a new way to study the occurrence an.


The debate on the western attachment theory of the nighties: single and multiple attachment, effect of temperament and mother-infant relationship in the strange situation, effect of mother attachment and father attachment.


After the factor analysis of the activity attachment, it is derived in to 8 difference facets and a level chart is created.


更多网络解释与依恋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attach To:使依恋

2.Thornfield 桑费尔德,主人公罗切斯特居住的庄园 | 3.attach to 使依恋 | 4.part vi. 分开;分离

attach to 1:依附在...上; 系在...上 2.依恋; 喜爱 3.认为...有重要性

acquire a taste for sth. 对...有兴趣, 开始喜欢 | attach to 1.依附在...上; 系在...上 2.依恋; 喜爱 3.认为...有重要性 | be fond of 喜欢; 偏爱

be attached to:附属于;喜欢;依恋

reduce...to...使...沦为 | be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋 | be adjusted to 适应


10. 我不要的人 Person I don't want to have | 11. 依恋 Attaching | 12. 永远 Forever

Be attached to sth:喜爱,依恋

Critical 关键的,紧急的 | Be attached to sth 喜爱,依恋 | Cooperate with sb 和某人合作

cling to:依恋

不 过奥巴马日前指当地蓝领工人因为失业,所以"变得满腔愤恨,依恋(cling to)枪械或宗教",却令他备受猛烈抨击. 宾夕法尼亚的白人蓝领选民众多,传统上这类选民对黑人抢饭碗的敌视心态也最强. 奥巴马周六虽然致歉,表示自己用字不够审慎,

cling to:坚持,墨守;依靠,依恋

clerical supplies文具供应 | cling to坚持,墨守;依靠,依恋 | closed-circuit television闭路电视

elective mutism:童年反应性依恋障碍

溶血性黄疸 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa | 童年反应性依恋障碍 Elective mutism | 电解质、热量和水平衡剂用药物引起的有害效应 Electrolytic caloric and water-balance agents

Feature Envy:(依恋情结)

狎 昵关系(Inappropriate Intimacy)和依恋情结(Feature Envy)就是对应于此的坏味道. 十.Switch 惊悚显身(Switch Statement)解决方法:让一个继承体系的实体(instacnes)引用另一个继承体系的实体.

Feature Envy:特性依恋

Shotgun Surgery 霰弹式修改 | Feature Envy 特性依恋 | Data Clumps 数据泥团