英语人>词典>汉英 : 例外者 的英文翻译,例句
例外者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius the half partner of the empire of Rome,and Appius ''.


Monkeys rarely get sick and this year will be no exception.


If I was a collaborator , so were all my neighbours.


You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius the half partner of the empire of Rome,and Appius Claudius the decemvir, and lawgiver.


As part of my teaching to residents, I tell them that, after 2 weeks of experience in CT scanning, a first-year radiology resident is a better diagnostician than any of the greatest clinicians in the pre-CT era, including Sir William Osler and everyone else; medical imaging is that powerful a tool, and CT has been the modality that has most represented this new diagnostic age.

在向住院医师们授课时,我告诉他们,经过二周的CT扫描经历,第一年的放射医师可以是一个好的诊断者,而此前没有CT的时候的资深临床医生却不及前者,包括William Osler也不例外。

As Lightfoot (Colossians and Philemon, 383 sq.) says:"If purity of diction be excepted, there will hardly be any difference of opinion in awarding the palm to the Christian apostle".

作为lightfoot (歌罗西书和利蒙, 383平方米)说:"如果纯度的词予以例外,有将难以有任何的意见分歧,在批出手掌,以基督教传道者"。

Although the baptismal Christ and the indwelling Paraclete never case for one moment to work within us, most of us — save on rare occasions — remain virtually unaware of this inner presence and activity.


From these causes it arose that Marcus, Pertinax, and Alexander, being all men of modest life, lovers of justice, enemies to cruelty, humane, and benignant, came to a sad end except Marcus; he alone lived and died honoured, because he had succeeded to the throne by hereditary title, and owed nothing either to the soldiers or the people; and afterwards, being possessed of many virtues which made him respected, he always kept both orders in their places whilst he lived, and was neither hated nor despised.


In the 8 cases monitored with both MRI and fiberoptic pharyngoscopy, the results obtained from the 2 methods were identical. Conclusion MRI and fiberoptic pharyngoscopy are useful in locating the pharyngeal airway obstruction sites of OSAS patients and would be helpful in selecting treatment measures.

结果 MRI检查15例患者,发现仅有RP区阻塞者3例,仅有RG区阻塞者2例(均为悬雍型腭咽成形术后患者),另外10例患者同时有RP和RG区阻塞。8例患者进行睡眠状态下纤维鼻咽喉镜检查者,除1例外检查结果与MRI检查相符合。

The first chapter gives a brief introduction of Schmitt\'s life and main works together with the evolution of his concepts of state of exception and state emergency powers. The second chapter expounds Schmitt\'s claims on state emergency powers in the state of exception: it should allow the sovereignty unrestrictive powers to decide on the state of exception. In the state of exception the president must be empowered the unrestrictive emergency power to watch constitution. Both the parliament and ministry of justice cannot defend constitution in the state of exception.


更多网络解释与例外者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


事实上,中国历史上的皇帝从未被形容为"神" (divine);他们只被称为"圣"(Sacred). 一个例外是唐代皇后武则天,她于689年自封为神皇,第二年就改朝为"周",并自称"圣神皇帝". 1908年宪法起草者借用了武皇用于自己的令人生畏的表达,

unauthorized entrant:未获授权进境者

由1998年第25号第2条修订)"未获授权进境者"(unauthorized entrant) 指属于某一界别或种类并根据第37B条发出的命令被宣布为未获授权进境者的人,但根据该条第(2)款由命令宣布属于例外的人除外;及"旅程"(passage) 就未获授权进境者而言,


exceptant 例外者 | excepting 除了 | exception class 故障类





stroke play:比杆赛

简介:高尔夫比赛方式分类 规则 1.比杆赛 (STROKE PLAY) 比杆赛为比赛者在打完规定之回合数时,一般职业比赛均为 4 天 4 回合 72 洞(但也有例外),其总杆数最少者,即为冠军.

road works:道路工程

但该范围如由交通标志或道路标记显示作其他用途者,则属例外;"禁区"(prohibited zone) 指根据第14(1)(a)条指定为禁区的范围;"道路工程"(road works) 指在道路上或在道路附近进行的任何挖掘、构造或维修工程或任何其他工程,

written language:书面语言

读写事件(literacy event)中则使用书面语言(written language). 读写事件与听说事件拥有相同的特性,但有一点例外. 在一个听说事件中,说者和听者都在场,而且常常互换角色;然而在大部分的读写事件中,通常只有写者或读者一方在场. 因此,


except 除 | exceptant 例外者 | excepting 除了

ergonomically designed:能发挥任务者最大效能的设计,符合功效学的设计

equity sget 股权 | ergonomically designed 能发挥任务者最大效能的设计,符合功效学的设计 | escape clause 例外条款