英语人>词典>汉英 : 使重叠 的英文翻译,例句
使重叠 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I would not use two accent lamps with shadows because that could start becoming rather distractive .


The Hall position sensor includes permanent magnet and Hall element, and the Hall element has its output voltage varying with the relative position variation of the permanent magnet.


Two analytical approaches are proposed: to view a seventh chord as a combination of a triad with its transformation when the bass line descents by step, and to view the seventh chord as an entity when the motions of the bass line in the circle of fifths.


Its measurement is the measurement of time, the status of the translucent screen Department or looking at the version will mesh ruler in wire mesh network, and then set the gauge wire edge network, so that the vertical line on the screen ruler and MEST warp or weft parallel, at which point due to the mesh screen coordinates and produces overlapping on vertical ruler that formed over the mesh inferion-edged chevrons patterns within the meaning of the transverse diagonal mesh feet on the scale of numbers, that is, the measured screen mesh size.


So far as the protection of pioneer investors is concerned, Resolution II of UNCLOS on Governing Preparatory Investment in Pioneer Activities Relating to Polymetallic Nodules (hereinafter referred as "Resolution II") stipulates relevant provisions, and the author orderly discusses the definition of pioneer investors, procedures of application and their rights and obligations. Concerning settlement of disputes on overlaps of mine sites, the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea (hereinafter referred as "Preparatory Commission") had held series of meetings or sessions with states interested since 1983, and they had signed the 1984 General Understanding, the 1986 Arusha Understanding and New York Understanding, and the 1987 Midnight Agreement. As a result, such agreements had be settled overlapping disputes of mine sites between the first group of applicants and potential applicants.


The using of cephalogram is limited because of the structure overlapping of the skull, jaw and teeth, for example the overlapping of the right side teeth and the left side make it difficult to distinguish the landmarks of posterior teeth.


Lateral crus presented diamond-shaped or long strip,(16.21 ± 2.71) mm in length,(8.45 ± 1.72) mm in width,(1.09 ± 0.18) mm in thickness. Cephalic rim intersected lower edge of lateral nasal cartilage, and slightly covered the lower edge of the lateral nasal cartilage, so that the two were overlapped, but also only the intersection without overlapping. Lateral crus constituted the base of nasal wings. Narrow medial crus formed nasal tip and the frame of front nasal columella, showing posteroinferior curve or S shape,(13.06 ± 2.16) mm in length,(3.79 ± 0.58) mm in width,(1.02 ± 0.18) mm in thickness. The left and right medial crus in the middle were connected by connective tissue, and in the same way connected to the anterior margin of the lateral nasal cartilage.

外侧脚呈菱形或长条形,长(16.21±2.71) mm,宽(8.45±1.72 ) mm,厚(1.09±0.18) mm,头缘与侧鼻软骨下缘相交,并略覆盖侧鼻软骨下缘使二者部分重叠,也可仅相交而无重叠;外侧脚构成鼻翼大部的基础;内侧脚狭细,构成鼻尖和鼻小柱前部的支架,呈向后下的弧形弯曲或S形弯曲,长(13.06±2.16) mm,宽(3.79±0.58) mm,厚(1.02±0.18) mm;左、右内侧脚在正中线借结缔组织相连,并以相同方式连于侧鼻软骨的前下缘。

He thought that "literariness" also enabled a work to be a literary work Russian formalists understood "literariness" from the form linguistics and pay attention to the form and skill of a work.


To reduce this problem,we developed a new mounting technique to replace Hoyer's mounting medium:non-vis...


By weighing composite power factors such as energy rate, communication cost rate and node degrees, this alg...


更多网络解释与使重叠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此完成端口就将被操作系统加入一个队列中.然后应用程序可以对核心层进行查询以得到此完成端口.重叠IO(overlapped I/O)是Win32的一项技术,可以要求操作系统传送数据,并且在传送完毕时通知应用程序.这就是"完成"(Completion)的含义.这项技术使应用程序在I/O进行过程中仍然能够继续处理事务.事实上,


为了达到这个目的,创作者需要设计足够的切换镜头(cutaway)和反应镜头(reaction shot)用于场面中的切换. 通过这种方式,扩展某一时刻在银幕上完全演绎的时间,可以使时间停止. 时间扩展--动作重叠,可以通过不同摄影机角度和视角对同一时刻的表现来达到.


若插入(insertion)或删去(deletion)一个碱基,就会使这以后的读码发生错误,这称移码(frame-shift). 由于移码引起的突变称为移码突变(frame-shift2、一般情况下密码是不重叠(non-overlapping)的:即每三个碱基编码一个氨基酸,

digital signal processor:(數位訊號處理器

不会做:如80386时代80486之80387浮点算器,目前之DSP数位讯号处理器(Digital Signal Processor)等. Pipeline:将指令分成数个独立阶段(stage),分别由不同之硬体负责,使连续指令能同时按顺序在不同阶段重叠(overlap)执行Pipeline三大危障 (Hazard)Problems 增加电脑执行效率(performance)的方法?


中空墙壁是以两块钢筋混凝土(ferroconcrete)板重叠而成,并以螺帽和螺栓使之稳固. 两块板之间的空间也可用来铺设电线. 中空墙壁也能支撑重物和承受重击,稳固度和安全性与混凝土墙壁一样. 中空墙壁经过多轮测试,可承受的重量符合安全标准,


interlap 内覆盖 | interlap 相互重叠 | interlard 使混杂

overheat:加热过度, 使发展过快,使过热

overhead-valve engine 顶阀发动机, 预置气门发动机 | overheat 加热过度, 使发展过快,使过热 | overlap 重叠,覆盖


overlap v. 部分重叠 | overwhelm 压倒,浸没,使不安 | parade v. 游行

Rearrange Graph:重新排列工作区的节点图标,以便能够使图标有序排列不出现重叠

Refresh Selected Swatches-刷新已选中的样本. | Rearrange Graph-重新排列工作区的节点图标,以便能够使图标有序排列不出现重叠. | Window-窗口

coalescent knots:重叠结点

put atermination to 使...结束 | coalescent knots 重叠结点 | mercury mining 汞矿业, 汞的开采