英语人>词典>汉英 : 使蒸发 的英文翻译,例句
使蒸发 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
evaporate  ·  transpire  ·  vapor  ·  vapour  ·  vapored  ·  evaporates  ·  transpired  ·  transpires  ·  transpiring  ·  vapors  ·  vapoured

更多网络例句与使蒸发相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results indicate that the characters of twisted tubes are better than round tubes, and the heat transfer coefficient and power characters are increased with the diminishment of geometry sizes and the increase of fluid parameters.


The composi-tion of the seawater has changed rapidly since Phanerozoic, and the prolonged mineralogical changes of marine non-skeletal limestone and potash evaporates occurred in a phase on a 100-200 Ma.


82 Times as high as the flow rate at the inlet; the velocity profile in the lower region is relatively uniform, and changes at the exit from a parabolic shape towards a plug flow as Re increases; The strong circulating flow in the upper region is very favourable to evaporization of heated fluid because it not only forces all the heated fluid to flow through the liquid surface and, therefore, to evaporate effectively, but also causes a large part of fluid to recirculate to the liquid surface and, therefore, to get a second opportunity of evaporization. In addition, the uniform velocity profile in the lower region is also favourable to crystallizing process.


When evaporative cooling hydrogenerator ( generator/ motor) runs with a certain load, all bars of stator windings change under the same law : Temperature of bar increases arising from winding loss, and temperature of cooling medium in hollow conductor of bar is also increased through specific heat capacity, and it comes to boiling and is boiled away partially when temperature reaches a saturation that required by corresponding pressure.


The results showed that the sandy soil in layered soil profile can stimulate or obstacle the water movement as compared to the uniform loam column with 50cm depth of water table, this was mainly determined by the position of the sand layer.

结果表明,砂层对于水分的蒸发既有促进也有抑制作用,在地下水埋深为50 cm时,5 cm厚的底砂层可使水分的蒸发强度增加10%~20%;砂层距水位的距离大于5 cm时,砂层可抑制水分的蒸发,且当距离增加到35 cm左右,其抑制率可达70%~80%;当砂层距水位的距离继续增大时,水分的蒸发强度基本保持不变。

Evidence shows that small graphite flakes were formed and come off from the surface of the diamond powder.


Bellows Gate Valves However, in large differential pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator load requirements of the fluid volume decreased, but the actual situation the contrary, in the suction superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator outlet pressure be reduced accordingly, pressure changes above and below the diaphragm, causing the main valve opening increases for increased fluid; but in a small pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure rise, evaporator load demand for fluid volume increased, but the reality is that in the suction gas superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure rise, a corresponding increase in the evaporator outlet pressure, pressure difference above and below the diaphragm smaller, so that the main valve opening decreased for the reduction of liquid volume; in variable load is all about.


However, in large differential pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator load requirements of the fluid volume decreased, but the actual situation the contrary, in the suction superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator outlet pressure be reduced accordingly, pressure changes above and below the diaphragm, causing the main valve opening increases for increased fluid; but in a small pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure rise, evaporator load demand for fluid volume increased, but the reality is that in the suction gas superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure rise, a corresponding increase in the evaporator outlet pressure, pressure difference above and below the diaphragm smaller, so that the main valve opening decreased for the reduction of liquid volume; in variable load is all about.


For different configuration of the distributor,the flows of R134a outside the horizontal tube under different working conditions were simulated and calculated.


The experimental result shows that when the discharge time was more than 1.5μs, small crack emerged in the fuses due to mechanical force on the heated fuse, and the metallized layer would be evaporated as the crack became long enough to generate disruptive discharge. When the discharge time was less than 150ns, small crack emerged in the fuses due to the current heat, and the metallized layer would be evaporated as the crack became long enough to generate disruptive discharge.

实验结果表明:当熔丝的通流时间大于1.5 ms时,电流热效应产生的机械力使安全膜熔丝的金属层产生微小裂纹,当裂纹达到一定长度,两端发生击穿放电,金属层因蒸发而断开;当熔丝中通过较大的电流时,短时间内(50 ns)的电流热效应使熔丝金属层发生熔化产生裂纹,裂纹两端发生击穿放电,金属层因蒸发而断开。

更多网络解释与使蒸发相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

evaporative condenser:蒸发式冷凝器

二、蒸发式冷凝器(evaporative condenser) 蒸发式冷凝器主要是利用水蒸发时吸收热量而使管内的制冷剂蒸汽冷凝,"集水冷式冷凝器-冷却塔-水池于一身的换热器,它结构紧凑,占地小,重量轻,安装方便, 具有节水、节能、占地面积小等优点.

evaporate vt.1:使某物蒸发掉2消失,不复存在

evade vt.逃避,避开;回避(质问) | evaporate vt.1使某物蒸发掉2消失,不复存在 | eve n.1(宗教节日或假日的)前夕,前日2重大事件即将发生的时刻,前夕


evaporating 蒸发用的 | evaporating 蒸发作用的 | evaporative 使蒸发


vaporization heat 汽化热 | vaporize 使蒸发 | vapour 蒸汽


vaporize 汽化kLR中国学习动力网 | vaporize (使)蒸发kLR中国学习动力网 | variation 变化kLR中国学习动力网

aerify:在注入空气, 掺气于, 使气化, 使蒸发

aeriform | 气体的, 无形的 | aerify | 在注入空气, 掺气于, 使气化, 使蒸发 | aerinite | 青泥石


evaporating 蒸发作用的 | evaporative 使蒸发的 | evaporativevaporificvaporizablevapourific 蒸发的

evaporates water:使水蒸发掉

179.low noise frequency 低噪音频率 | 180.evaporates water. 使水蒸发掉 | 181.factors for 对于~~~的因素

evaporates water:使水蒸发

low noise frequency 低噪音频率 | evaporates water. 使水蒸发 | factors for 对于~~~的因素

Heat evaporates water:热使水蒸发

The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun.操场上水坑里的水在阳光下蒸发了. | Heat evaporates water. 热使水蒸发. | Evenness n. 平均, 平等, 平坦