英语人>词典>汉英 : 使看得见的 的英文翻译,例句
使看得见的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使看得见的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Number of cells that fit end-to-end across the diameter of the low-power field of view 6When onion cells are observed with a compound light microscope,which laboratory technique is used to make the nucleus more visible?

细胞的数字哪一适宜的结束-到-在整个视野的低力量领域的直径结束 6当洋葱细胞与哪实验室技术用来使核心变成更看得见的一个复式的轻显微镜一起观察的时候?

This article analyzes the legal regulation model of environment protection from the perspection of exteriority,public goods,and information asymmetry.


We focus on the product, and make efforts to create the best promotion concept and work out the market position for new products. We build up the brand and strengthen the successful brand image with the most original transmission concept and the most impressive pict


Penile lengthening surgery in order to "Dragon's extended technique" is most commonly used, that is, at the appropriate position to cut off the penis on the suspensory ligament and the superficial part of the deep suspensory ligament, so buried in the perineum separating the penis, the penis does not change the total length of the circumstances, the growth of the penis can be seen in the in vitro part.


This article analyzes the legal regulation model of environment protection from the perspection of exteriority,public goods,and information asymmetry.


After reading the above chapters, we learn about all things that are visible, audible and touchable are not Tao, and is not what we should focus, study and track down.


He discovered that in his invisible state he was compelled to HBT14;fastH, HBT15;for all unassimilated food or drink was grotesquely visibleH.


Let us bless God that there is a unity in Christ Jesus, deeper and stronger than any visible manifestation could make it; and that there is a way in which even now, midst all diversity of administrations, the unity can be pratically exemplified and utilised as the means of an unthought-of accession of Divine strength and blessing in the work of the Kingdom.


Let us bless God that there is a unity in Christ Jesus, deeper and stronger than any visible manifestation could make it; and that there is a way in which even now, midst all diversity of administrations, the unity can be pratically exemplified and utilised as the means of an unthought-of accession of Divine strength and blessing in the work of the Kingdom.


The so-called visible bone grid which is able to make people see it and still remain on the screen; bone grid is not visible in the design-time only limit boundary, designed after intensitycavitations can only make people feel inherent control forces.


更多网络解释与使看得见的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


使痛苦(外界的) 轻松 疾病 租金 释放 高兴 皱纹,皱褶 只有 ease 是轻松,不(dis)轻松就得病(disease),拉(l) 住轻松的是租金(lease),阿姨(re) 见租金(lease) 就放(release)我,扑(p)到租金上真高兴(please), 看(C)得脸上皱纹(crease)开.

hove down:使船向一侧倾斜

housing 箱外壳罩套 | hove down 使船向一侧倾斜 | hove in sight 逐渐靠拢到看得见;变为可见的


难怪在英文中,"司法"(justice)一词,同时有"正义"的含义. 当然,要想使司法转化为看得见的正义,必须赋予司法以独立的地位,因为只有司法独立了,法官才能依据并且仅仅依据法律裁决案件,而无需看着某种权力或者某个部门的指示行事.

keep an offing:保持在看得见岸的海面上

keep an offing 保持离岸航行 | keep an offing 保持在看得见岸的海面上 | keep away 不使接近


visualisation <主英>使看得见,清楚地呈现在心 | cicatrise <主英>生成瘢痕,愈合 | postoperative 手术后的


progression 1 (事件的)连续; 一系列 2 <数>级数 | visualisation <主英>使看得见,清楚地呈现在心 | cicatrise <主英>生成瘢痕,愈合