英语人>词典>汉英 : 使用的一头 的英文翻译,例句
使用的一头 的英文翻译、例句


business end · the business end
更多网络例句与使用的一头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To truly get the end with the backset tapered the same as the straight end, I can't use a straight edge to draw the whole line.


We did use a live animal to promote the Cougar .


He bought raw milk from farmers in large quantities, processed it in a glass-enclosed plant in the middle of the store and sold it in standard half-gallon cartons with his name and a picture of a cow on them.


Because I hope that everyone can use to good Products, and to have a healthy hair.


Fades for reaching a block of wood, must need to continue using 3 time or the above, hairdressing shows , redresses right away therefore hair has been dirty because the product belongs to one kind of nutrition, vegetablerubs black hair in you wipe the now and then slowly thorough hair follicle , you will own headlong jet-black elegance gradually get rich above persisting in using product 6 months if grey hair person not being disconnected.


Usage:1 operation puts on glove both hands right away as simplely as hairdressing the ordinary time that hair wetting (is sent out despite grey hair dirty hair greasy dirt).2 uses towel water to be wiped clean a product has been started according to 1:1 proportion pressure add mixing slightly long hair grey hair is more multipurpose than the bob may be some short (double the first time usageretinue with hairdressing the ordinary time).3 changes over and over again for on readjusting oneself to a certain extent in hair crumple in a ball wipe must let hairdressing show the root segment touching to hair per crumplein a ball wipe.4 fades for reaching a block of wood must need to continue using 3 time or the above hairdressing shows redresses right away therefore hair has been dirty because the product belongs to one kind of nutrition vegetablerubs black hair in you wipe the now and then slowly thorough hair follicle you will own headlong jet-black elegance gradually get rich above persisting in using product 6 months if grey hair person not being disconnected.


Market prospects: 5 yuan decision - Health smoking every day use of 450-type cigarette holder, cigarette smoking by 5 filter things out enough to kill a small animal.

市场前景: 5元钱的决定--健康吸烟每一天使用450型烟嘴,抽5支烟所过滤出来的东西,足可以毒死一头小动物。

Mo produced batik row down the main tool of three-inch bamboo handle a folder wax knife and wearing a copper produced by fir wood dyeing, fabric weaving their own soil is mainly pepper cloth (now have a wider choice of fabrics), Master of indigo dye (mostly planted by local farmers, and cook their own made), Placed in the dye vat, for the use of multiple disseminated.


更多网络解释与使用的一头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这个比例主要由量杯(jigger)协助配制. 最常使用的是两头呈漏斗形的不锈钢量杯,一头大一头小,常用盎司(oz)为计量数(1oz=32ml). 常用的量杯型号有:(0.75oz+0.5oz),(1oz+0.5oz),(1.5oz+0.75oz)等. 有时也可以使用吧匙进行调制.

Lady Lazarus:拉撒路夫人

普拉斯的诗歌中经常使用的象征颜色是黑、白和红,>(Lady Lazarus)的著名尾句就是"我披着一头红发/从灰烬中升起,象呼吸空气一样吞噬男人. "休斯在诗中着重写了红色:"红是你的颜色/你穿着红色光彩照人,"回忆起她红色的丝绒裙,

light emitting diode:光发射二极管

如基带局域网系统,传输电路为非加感的实回线,如架空明线,双绞线,对称电缆等.光缆由能传导光波的石英玻璃纤维(纤芯),外加涂覆层(硅橡胶)和保护层构成.在光缆一头的发射器使用LED光发射二极管(Light Emitting Diode)或激光(Laser)来发射光脉冲,


发射架可以手工携带,也可以使用大车(cart)运输或者两轮前车(limber)拖曳--见下页图. 梯状的发射架上用铰链固定了2个支撑架,用来控制发射角度. 海军的发射装置基本一样,通常用小艇装载发射架,用吊索一头系在梯状的发射架上、一头系在小艇的桅杆上控制发射角度.


这时出现一头牛,引诱它撞开三只堆在一起的木箱上,进入木箱后的通道. 来到二楼,进入南面的通道,滑下斜坡来到Trenches(壕沟). 回到狮身人面像下面的石碑前,使用铁铲(Shovel)挖开地面,来到Underneath The Sphinx(狮身人面像底部).


以太网可分成三类,分别称为粗缆(thick)、细缆(thin)和双绞线(twisted pair). 细缆和粗缆以太网都使用同轴电缆,只是粗细不同以及与主机连接的方式不同. 细缆以太网使用一个T形的"BNC"连接头,两端连电缆,一头旋到计算机背面的一个插头上.


三根柱门和两根横木共同组成一个"三柱门"(wicket). 方球场的一头被设定为击球手站立的"击球区",而另一头则为投球手投球使用的"投球区". 方球场上画有被称作"区域线"(crease)的边界线. 区域线通常用来裁定击球手出局或决定投球是否合理.


一些叫做"海龟"(turtles)的便携式监控器械,正在帮助缅因州的一个家庭照顾项目,通过电话收集充血性心力衰竭患者的生命体征. 患者能够在家里使用这些圆顶、平底的设备,用一个触摸屏显示器来获得他们的生命体征. 生命体征信息被发送给电话另一头的护士,

the business end:使用的一头,锐利的一头

contemplate 深思 | fortune 财富 好运 命运 | the business end 使用的一头,锐利的一头