英语人>词典>汉英 : 使用期限 的英文翻译,例句
使用期限 的英文翻译、例句


life time · live time · term of service
更多网络例句与使用期限相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Favourite beauty essentials such as foundation, concealer, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick and perfume all include a "period after opening" indicator, denoted by an open pot with the number of months of safe use written inside.

Favourite beauty的必备品,比如粉底,遮瑕霜,胭脂,眼睑膏,眼线膏,睫毛膏,唇膏,香水,所有这些都有开封后的保质期指示,打开封口后可以发现内部标明的安全使用期限

Article 28 The term of a building lease shall not exceed the term of use for that building's land.


The measure of wearing out, consumption or other reduction in the useful life of a fixed asset whether arising from use, effluxion of time or obsolescence through technology and market changes is called depreciation.


But in China, to the land leaseholder, the land investment value is less than the land intrinsic value, and the land does not possess the characteristic of financial asset on the system of separation between land ownership and land-lease right.


But in China, to the land leaseholder, the land investment value is less than the land intrinsic value, and the land does not possess the characteristic of financial asset on the system of separation between land ownership and land-lease right. With such system, the rem...


AS a water-soluble redispersible power, S-365 is the copolymer of ethane vinyl acetate and crylic acid, with a protective colloid made of vinyl alcohol.

S-365 可再分散乳胶需储存于阴凉干燥之场所,建议之使用期限为六和月,在夏天使用时则尽量早使用,若保存于高温潮湿之场所则会增加结块之机率,开袋后亦请尽可能一次使用完毕,否则需将袋口封好以避免从空气中吸收水分。

Big cosmetics companies like LOreal have huge and expensive research centers that tests the products in every conceivable way...from toxicity, application, allergy, competability with the packaging, longevity of the products, safety of these products.


Big cosmetics companies like LOreal have huge and expensiveresearch centers that tests the products in every conceivableway...from toxicity, application, allergy, competability with thepackaging, longevity of the products, safety of these products.


To answer the questions above mentioned this research utilizes an experimental design and analyzes how discount levels expiration activation of unused amounts and unused amounts affect intention of prepaying product purchase intention and restoring intention Important results are discovered as followed (1)Higher discounts are significantly correlated to higher intention of prepayment; however they do not react significantly to the product purchase and restoring intention (2)Expiration reduces the intention of prepaying but increases product intention (3)The effect of activating unused amounts on intention of prepaying and product purchase intention is not significant and the moderating effect of unused amounts on restore intention isn't significant (4)The moderating effect of discounts and unused amounts on restoring intention is significant The practical suggestions offered by this research are:(1) Remind customers how they use what they already buy (2) Activating unused amounts can increase not only product purchase intention but restoring intention (3) Even when expired companies should also allow customers to activate unused amounts (4) Provide special discounts to those who leave higher unused amounts


These rangelands are part of what is broadly called the "commons" natural resources that are owned, managed and used collectively by different users, either simultaneously or sequentially often under different tenure arrangements.


更多网络解释与使用期限相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

average life time:平均使用期限,平均寿命

average life span 平均寿命,平均预期寿命 | average life time 平均使用期限,平均寿命 | average life-time fertility number 平均终生生育数

work life:使用期限

work injury 工伤 | work life 使用期限 | work light 工作灯

live time:使用期限

live splint 活动夹 | live time 使用期限 | livid 铅色的,青灰色的

live time:寿命使用期限

live time 寿命 | live time 寿命;使用期限 | live time 寿命使用期限

mean life:平均使用期限

mean life before failure 故障前平均使用时间 | mean life 平均使用期限 | mean life 平均使用寿命

mean life:平均使用寿命

mean life 平均使用期限 | mean life 平均使用寿命 | mean life 平均寿命

serviceable time:可使用时间

serviceable life 使用期限 | serviceable time 可使用时间 | serviceable 有用的耐用的

terminable:可终止的, 有期限的 (形)

terminability 可终止性; 有限期性 (名) | terminable 可终止的, 有期限的 (形) | terminal emulation 终端仿真, 使用通讯程序使计算机作为终端工作 (计算机用语)

lease vt.to grant use or occupation of under the terms of a contract:允诺使用:在契约的有效期限内准许使用或占有

lease out出租 | lease vt.to grant use or occupation of under the terms of a contract允诺使用:在契约的有效期限内准许使用或占有 | oversee vt.to watch over and direct; supervise看管,指导

lifetime lubricated:润滑使用期限

lifetime killer doping ==> 寿命扼杀剂的掺入 | lifetime lubricated ==> 润滑使用期限 | lifetime lubrication ==> 一次加油润滑