英语人>词典>汉英 : 使焦虑 的英文翻译,例句
使焦虑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
stew  ·  worry  ·  stews  ·  worries

更多网络例句与使焦虑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But too much anxiety will destroy graduates' psychological balance and endanger their mental and physical health, leading to their cowardice, escape, fear, even insomnia and mental blahs, etc., which definitely will decrease their abilities of judgment and self-restraint.


Daimon starts the process of anxiety, make human start to rebuilt his life.


This allows you to slow down tension, heart rate gradually to achieve calm; Secondly, the memories of their most successful by a single examination process, including the kind of success when心花怒放, cheerful scene intoxicated state of mind as well as their own access to the examination due to good results, and teachers have been a happy mood at the time of recognition, so that can achieve the elimination of tension anxiety, pleasure participating purpose; again, assuming that in the examination room are familiar with their teachers in the invigilator, students take the exam is also their classmates, the tension imagination into the examination room relaxed and happy occasion, so easy to maintain normal natural, so tense anxiety disappear naturally.


These can make children nervous tension, anxiety and so inhibit the function of micturition happen, obstacles, results show increased frequency of urination.


SD rat emotional stress was simulated with the communication box model. The microstructural and ultrastructural pathological change in the TMJ and external pterygoid muscle was observed to show the emotional stress influence to TMJ structure and metabolism. 90 SD rats were randomly divided into control group, emotional stress group and foot-shocked group in average.


This often worried Liz a lot because she often worried that something was wrong with her seeing as though when pleasuring herself she could not come to orgasm unless she was to think about being with a disabled man, either being with them sexually or just think of things that might goon through a course of a normal day with one.


If your anxiety makes you feel ill and tired, and affects your day-to-day life, you probably have generalised anxiety disorder.


It balances good will and good cheer with an appropriate balance of anxiety to set things on course and to toe the line toward an end.


Acceptance of the inevitability of death, which, when faced, can give dignity to life, and acceptance of our inescapable role in the modern world, might transmute our anxiety about making the right choices, taking the right precautions, and the right risks into the sterner stuff of responsibility, which ennobles the whole face rather than furrowing the forehead with the little anxious wrinkles of worry.


My take of the past six months is that the Chinese overplayed their hand very badly across an array of issues, irking not just the United States but other significant countries. In response, the U.S.


更多网络解释与使焦虑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drug addiction:毒瘾

世界卫生组织顾问、美国著名药理学家戴维.奥苏贝尔(David Ausubel)在他的>(Drug Addiction)一书中指出:"长期使用大麻,使人产生一种强烈地重复使用它的愿望,一旦停药,就会令人焦虑、不安、烦躁,甚至出现抑郁状态,并有可能导致自杀行为.

agonize vt. 1:使受苦(身体上) 2. 使苦闷(精神上)

agitate v. 1. 鼓吹,煽动 2.使激动,使恼怒;使狂躁不安;使焦虑 | agonize vt. 1. 使受苦(身体上) 2. 使苦闷(精神上) | agreeable adj. 1. (指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的 2. 容易相处的


?ngstlich(德)焦虑的,胆怯的,不安的. | anguished(英)痛苦的;苦闷的,烦恼的. | anhalten(德)使停留、使延长,见pause.

ego defense mechanism:自我防御机制

于是产生了应付矛盾的防御机制称为心理防御机制(mental defense mechan-ism)或自我防御机制(Ego defense mechanism)通过这一机制使"本我"得到一定的表现而不触犯"超我",为现实所接受,不引起"自我"的焦虑反应即不引起心理矛盾,或不使心理矛盾激化.


无论是信息超荷还是角色扮演都使人承受着过度刺激(Overstimulation)其后果是使人紧张、焦虑、烦燥、胸闷气短、肝火旺盛、心神不安. 二三十岁的人仿佛提前进入了更年期. 一句话"活着真累!"几乎成了一切人的口头禅.

pleasing, acceptable:使人愉快的,合意的

165 agitation n. 焦虑,不安;煽动 anxiety, disturbance | 166 agreeable adj. 使人愉快的,合意的 pleasing, acceptable | 166 adj. 容易相处的 affable, friendly

test anxiety:考试焦虑

考试焦虑(test anxiety)也称测验焦虑,是由各种考试、测验所引起的焦虑. 考试焦虑是学生在学习过程中产生的消极情绪反应,是一种过度的情绪反应. 考生在考试前或考试中存在适度的焦虑可使大脑维持良好的兴奋性,注意力集中,反应敏捷,


woe 悲哀 | worriedly 烦恼地;焦虑地 | worsen 使更坏;损坏


angst 焦虑 | corroborated 使坚固,确证 | transshipment 转载,运输

Don't make me more anxious:不要使我更焦虑

2 I'm afraid I won't get it done. 我恐怕无法完成. | 3 Don't make me more anxious. 不要使我更焦虑. | 4 I'm not going to finish. 我要做不完了.