英语人>词典>汉英 : 使焦急 的英文翻译,例句
使焦急 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flutter  ·  rile  ·  roil  ·  fluttering  ·  fluttered  ·  flutters  ·  riled  ·  riles  ·  riling  ·  roiled  ·  roiling  ·  roils

更多网络例句与使焦急相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once I shipped a sea so heavy that I had to stop and bale, with my heart fluttering like a bird; but gradually I got into the way of the thing, and guided my coracle among the waves, with only now and then a blow upon her bows and a dash of foam in my face.


The authorities have made no attempt to cover things up. The mainland people are united to bring relief to quake victims under the central government's leadership. Premier Wen Jiabao has appeared in many stricken areas. His safety is a concern, but he, travel-stained and making light of dangers and difficulties, has encouraged rescuers and comforted victims. TV viewers were visibly moved by the anxiety he showed about victims trapped in rubble.


It is that think which make me ask an unquiet question calmly.


It is that thinking which made me ask an ''.'unquiet'.'' question calmly


To annoy, as with petty importunities; bother .


To annoy, as with petty importunities; bother.See Synonyms at annoy

使麻烦,使焦急:因为小事而烦恼;使恼火参见 annoy

While the disaster gradually slumbering in the womb of theoretical culture gradually begins to frighten modern man, and he anxiously ransacks the stores of his experience for means to avert the danger, though he has no great faith in these means; while he, therefore, begins to divine the consequences of his situation--great men, universally gifted, have contrived, with an incredible amount of thought, to make use of the paraphernalia of science itself, to point out the limits and the relativity of knowledge generally, and thus to deny decisively the claim of science to universal validity and universal aims.


Romance is the anguish of waiting for the photo to ring to bring you a voice that will utter endearments.


Romance is the anguish of waiting for the phone to ring to bring you a voice that will utter endearments,love is the anguish of waiting for a call that will assure you someone else is happy and safe


Telling children about climate change could leave them angry worried or even traumatised .


更多网络解释与使焦急相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


achieve vt完成、达到 | agreeable 使人愉快的、适合的 | anxiety n 焦急

frantic: a.1:慌乱不安的 2.(因恐惧,焦急等)发疯似的,发狂的

fracture v. 使断裂,使折断 n.骨折,折断 | frantic a.1.慌乱不安的 2.(因恐惧,焦急等)发疯似的,发狂的 | friction n.1.摩擦力 2.不和,抵触

Get sb's goat:使某人发怒、焦急

sheep that have no shepherd 乌合之众 | get sb.'s goat 使某人发怒、焦急 | make ... the goat 拿...当替罪羊


nettle /使焦急/使奋怒/焦急/荨麻/ | nettlesome /令人激恼的/烦人的/易怒的/ | netty /网状的/


nerve 鼓起勇气 | rile 若怒,搅浑,使焦急 | meet 适宜的,合适的

roguishly:调皮地, 淘气地; 恶作剧地 (副)

roguish 流氓的; 淘气的 (形) | roguishly 调皮地, 淘气地; 恶作剧地 (副) | roil 彻底搅拌, 使焦急, 搅浑; 动荡 (动)

roister:摆架子; 喝酒喧闹 (动)

roil 彻底搅拌, 使焦急, 搅浑; 动荡 (动) | roister 摆架子; 喝酒喧闹 (动) | roisterer 摆架子的人; 喝酒喧闹的人 (名)


使焦急rileroil | 使焦躁unnerve | 使焦躁的galling


123 fuss[](表情发死)紧张不安,忙乱,大惊小怪 | 124 Vetanda[](违禁谈论的)[复]禁止的事情,禁忌 | 125 stew[](思特忧)[口]使焦急;使烦恼;焦急;着急

knock sb.'s block off:[俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头

knock block off [俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头 | knock sb.'s block off [俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头 | lose one's block [澳、新]发怒, 激动, 慌张, 焦急