英语人>词典>汉英 : 使有声望 的英文翻译,例句
使有声望 的英文翻译、例句


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Awards Association Book Fair 2006,(this award is given to writers makes them prestigious private and public entities, who have distinguished themselves by their work towards the dissemination of culture and the book throughout its wide range culture and educational) and relapsed Bookstore in Lawrence White, Jesus Vigorra, library Municipal Two Sisters, Aquilino Duque Magazine Mercury and Delegation of Education Hon.

该奖项相关的书展, 2006年,(这个奖是给作家,使他们有声望的私人和公共实体,谁也尊敬自己,他们的工作对传播文化和这本书在其整个范围广泛的文化和教育)和去书店洛伦索白色,耶稣vigorra ,图书馆,市政两姐妹, aquilino杜克,汞杂志和教育d代表团的会议。

Li Yinghe, an academic at the prestigious Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, has repeatedly proposed legalising gay marriage, but thinks the Chinese political system must develop first.


After the turbulent 20th century, relations between china and russia have gone beyond love or hate, but are in a state of strategically driven and historically conscious "like-mindedness", to borrow a phrase from bobo lo, leading russia scholar at the prestigious chatham house (the royal institute of international affairs).

二国关系在度过了纷争交恶的20世纪后,他们现在已经超越了单纯的友爱和憎恨,他们处于一种被战略需要推着走的境地,引用有声望的俄国学者bobo lo的话说就是&他们的历史意识已经使他们相互不在意了。&转自81.china.com

更多网络解释与使有声望相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mortal Strike:致死打击

装备:你的致死打击(Mortal Strike)、嗜血(Bloodthirst)、以及盾牌猛击(Shield Slam)有25%的几率恢复333点生命力并获得55点力量,持续12秒. 说明:打黑暗神殿(Black Temple)取得的声望奖励. 装备:使你的战斗怒吼(Battle Shout)技能额外获得70点攻击强度.

make sb. a name:使某人有名声

lend one's name to 出名赞助的; 用自己的声望支持 | live on one's name 靠过去的名望过日子 | make sb. a name 使某人有名声