英语人>词典>汉英 : 使更坏 的英文翻译,例句
使更坏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
worsen  ·  worsened  ·  worsens

更多网络例句与使更坏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Praise can make a good egg better, and make a baddie worse.


To make matters worse, one may die of thirst.


Use of harsh soaps can worsen and cause xerosis.

粗糙肥皂的使用能使更坏而且引起 xerosis 。

Cold winter weather worsens xerosis because the amount of moisture contained in cold air is much less than the amount of moisture in warm air.

寒冷的冬天因为被包含在冷空气的大量的湿气比暖空气的大量湿气少许多,所以天气使更坏 xerosis。

Liberal ironists"" believe there is no final vocabulary to settle all questions, they think anything doesn't have real essence, and they think that anything can be made to look good or bad by redescribed.


In women, acne frequently worsens at the time of menstruation.


Internal cortisones may also worsen or activate peptic ulcers; please tell me if you have ever had a stomach or duodenal ulcer.


We people on the Eath are already bad enough, do we have to make it more bad?


Which to the highth enrag'd, [ 95 ] Will either quite consume us, and reduce To nothing this essential, happier farr Then miserable to have eternal being: Or if our substance be indeed Divine, And cannot cease to be, we are at worst [ 100 ] On this side nothing; and by proof we feel Our power sufficient to disturb his Heav'n, And with perpetual inrodes to Allarme, Though inaccessible, his fatal Throne: Which if not Victory is yet Revenge.


As open portholes disappeared beneath the surface, water flooded through them, adding to the deluge, and the pitch worsened.


更多网络解释与使更坏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

access to:使用

保存质量原则,即每一代人既应保持行星的质量(指地球的生态环境质量),以便使它以不比从前代人手里接下来时更坏的状况传递给下一代人,又享有前代人所享有的那种对行星的质量的权利;第三,保存接触和使用(access to)原则,即每一代人应

n. aggravation:使更坏

symbol 信仰 | aggravate v. 使更坏 n. aggravation | deride v. 嘲笑 adj. derisive

adj. derisive:嘲笑

aggravate v. 使更坏 n. aggravation | deride v. 嘲笑 adj. derisive | evaluate v. 评估 n. evaluation


而犹太人和摩里斯科人(Morisco)被驱逐,更令商业和手艺行业流失人才,使情况更坏. 大量白银流入,使西班牙过度依赖外来的原料和制成品. 富人喜欢将其财富用来买公债(juros). 公债由这些进口白银支持,而非制造业的生产和农业之改进.

on the strength of=on the basis of:根据

172 may well=be very likely to很可能 | 173 on the strength of=on the basis of根据 | 174 reduce ... to使某人陷入某种(通常指更坏的)处境或状况中;将某事物概括或简化成某种形式




woe 悲哀 | worriedly 烦恼地;焦虑地 | worsen 使更坏;损坏

slackening: slowing of speed:松弛, 放慢, 减弱, 减少, 减缓放慢

underlying: being at the basis of 在下面的, 根本的, 潜在的, [商]优先的 | slackening: slowing of speed .松弛, 放慢, 减弱, 减少, 减缓放慢 | compound: worsen v.(使)变得更坏, 恶化, 损害


worsen 使更坏;损坏 | worshiping 崇拜;拜神 | worthiness 有价值;值得尊重

Protects from bad humours and liver disorders:使远离坏脾气及动肝火

9. Clears the sight 使眼目清明 | 10. Protects from bad humours and liver disorders 使远离坏脾气及动肝火 | 11. Is a good remedy for all bladder trouble 对任何膀胱问题更是良药