英语人>词典>汉英 : 使无家可归 的英文翻译,例句
使无家可归 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使无家可归相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rules of our institutions, Barthes writes, would make such a person an outcast.


The article says one city has a wonderful program to help homeless people return to work and live a normal life.


McKinney's ongoing efforts, coupled with the growing number of homeless, brought the issue to the forefront of Congressional debate during the mid 1980s.


Because, the self-awareness, sense and imagination of the human being has made himself surpass the nature and made him able to aware that himself is the foundling with no home to go back in the universe, and we have not found fellowmen similar to us till today.


Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much , by gaudy attire.


But one day, in his territory breaks to rush to burst suddenly how good mousie have several unexpected visitors affected his tranquil life -- look not, does a heart not how good greatly bad wolf and three homeless family circumstances not how good young pigs, they come from the fairy tale kingdom, there calls Farr Quaid (John · Litt to match high) the tyrant is ruled now by one, he causes in the kingdom tyrannically the common people people have no means to make a living, their several are runs away from there.


Even i suffered the most horrible disaster and failure in the world ,if i can remember the way back him ,i still have chance ,he is my numen, provide me a hoem forever ,so i will never be a homeless boy.


It is my patron saint, for I am guarding a forever home, so I will not go homeless.


A disastrous fire on Christmas Eve in 1953 in Shek Kip Mei squatter area made 53,000 people homeless.

1953年圣诞夜发生在Shek Kip Mei squatter地区的一场灾难性火灾使53,000人无家可归。

Half a million people were left homeless as storm damage made four out of five homes uninhabitable.


更多网络解释与使无家可归相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bubonic plague:淋巴腺鼠疫

例如:1347-1351年间,淋巴腺鼠疫(Bubonic Plague)曾杀死了七千五百万人;1971年,旋风在东巴基斯坦曾夺去了至少二十万人的生命,并使一百万人无家可归;1908年意大利南部大地震,活埋了八万五千人;1846年爱尔兰全国的马铃薯(薯仔)由于染上枯萎病而失收,


unhopedfor /意外/ | unhorse /从马卸下来/使摔下马来/推翻/ | unhouse /赶出家去/使无家可归/


unhouse /赶出家去/使无家可归/ | unhulled /未去壳的的/ | unhuman /无情的/残忍的/不人道的/


unhorse /从马卸下来/使摔下马来/推翻/ | unhouse /赶出家去/使无家可归/ | unhulled /未去壳的的/


endormir,使睡觉,催眠 | clochard,流浪汉,无家可归者 | oiseau,鸟儿