英语人>词典>汉英 : 使文雅 的英文翻译,例句
使文雅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
civilise  ·  urbanize  ·  urbanise  ·  urbanized  ·  urbanizes  ·  urbanizing

更多网络例句与使文雅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentry".


Civilise / civilize v .


It made Lydia wonder whether gentility might be a product of genetic engineering.


He struck me as being a very beautiful and graceful creature, but indescribably frail.


His good manners predispose people in his favor.


Through medical, nutritional, functional testing and measurement to the development of the human body varies from person to person training and nutrition plan, through a variety of exercises so that the coordination of human action, beautiful posture, proper manners gentle, physical health of the United States, and endocrine disorders of women, sleep quality poor gastroptosis, gynecological disease, high blood pressure, diabetes can play a role in conditioning, can induce metabolism, blood circulation, speed up, so delicate shiny skin and slow down the process of female aging.


No, my lady, your youth and beauty, your grace and refinement, only make the horrible secret of your life more horrible.


Having invited Helen and me to approach the table, and placed before each of us a cup of tea with one delicious but thin morsel of toast, she got up, unlocked a drawer, and taking from it a parcel wrapped in paper, disclosed presently to our eyes a good-sized seed-cake.


更多网络解释与使文雅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attic salt:阿提卡的盐,指语言文雅诙谐

3、rub salt into sb's wounds在(某人)伤口撒盐(使某人痛上加痛) | 4、Attic salt阿提卡的盐,指语言文雅诙谐 | They are in the habit of speaking with Attic salt.他们习惯了讲文雅的俏皮话.

refine vt.1:精炼,精制,提纯 2.使有教养,使文雅

confine vt.1.限制,限于2.监禁 | refine vt.1.精炼,精制,提纯 2.使有教养,使文雅 | finance n.1.财政(学) 2.[pl.]资金

refine vt.1:使文雅,使高尚 2.提炼,精炼

■by-line n. (报刊文章首、尾处的)作者署名 | refine vt. 1.使文雅,使高尚 2.提炼,精炼 | acquaintance n. 1.相识的人 2.了解


refine 使文雅,精美,使纯,改进 | refined 文雅,高尚,精确的 | reflect 反映,照出; 考虑,思考


refine 使精美,使文雅 | refined 文雅,精确的 | affluence 丰富,富裕


urbane /彬彬有礼/彬彬有礼的/ | urbanely /文雅地/ | urbanise /使都市化/使文雅/使优雅/


几乎所有使文明社会与初民社会(primitive society)得以区别的因素,都与我们称之为"城市"(cities)的大规模人口聚集密切相关,而且当我们言及"文雅"(urbanity)、"礼貌"(civility)或"有教养"(politeness)的时候,


urbanely 文雅地 | urbanise 使优雅 | urbaniseurbanize 使文雅


urbanely /文雅地/ | urbanise /使都市化/使文雅/使优雅/ | urbanism /都市生活/都市集中/

urbanise v.1:使都市化 2.使文雅

urbane a.彬彬有礼的, 文雅的 | urbanise v.1.使都市化 2.使文雅 | urbanisation n.1.都市化 2.文雅化