英语人>词典>汉英 : 使扭曲 的英文翻译,例句
使扭曲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使扭曲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To alter the normal aspect of; contort


The distortion of crystal lattice has been recovered by using heat treatment.


The second half inspects SciTech from the four angles of the wholeness of the system of human nature: from the angle of self, as the production of making use of objects by self, SciTech can be in favor of self or dissever self, which, the author thinks, is little helpful to the consolidation and transcendence of self; from the angle of individuality, for its aim is to eliminate individuality and to pursue commonness, there is distinct conflict between SciTech and individuality; from the angle of valueness, only have been the means of affirming and realizing the value of human nature and the purpose of personality, can SciTech have internal legitimacy; from the angle of sublimatity, human's right and rational needs make SciTech impel development of human nature healthfully, lust which is the distortion of needs make the trap, and technologizing the human nature will never be the way and aim of sublimating human nature.


Fianna are hard on their metis, for it's traditional wisdom that a twisted body mirrors a twisted soul.


When an insect brushes against a hair on the leaf of a Venus flytrap, the bending triggers a tiny electric charge.


Distorted , distorting , distorts1. To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape.


Dis.tort.ed , dis.tort.ing , dis.torts(1) To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape.


But concedes "it gives a twist to the picture if you think of those jokes about the father's daughter, protecting her virginity with a pitchfork...

" -但承认"它使扭曲的图片,如果你认为这些笑话的父亲的女儿,保护她的贞洁与杈。。。

It was just not possible that Rudy could so distort what happened on 9/11 and his role on that terrible day.

这只是不可能鲁迪可以使扭曲所发生的9 / 11和他的作用,对这种可怕的一天。

Age contorts the trunks of a group of whitebark pine trees in Yellowstone National Park.


更多网络解释与使扭曲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Northshire Abbey:北郡修道院

在他昏迷不醒的时候,北郡修道院(Northshire Abbey)的牧师们细心地照料着他. 六年后,麦迪文醒了. 艾格文感觉到了他儿子的灵魂已经被玷污,萨格拉斯扭曲了他的灵魂,使他充满了暴虐与憎恨. 后来,萨格拉斯通过麦迪文与兽人祭司古尔丹(Gul'dan)秘密达成了协议,

Bullwhip Effect:长鞭效应

但是由于供应链常常受到企业生产策略以及存货政策的影响,以致造成链上的信息扭曲,进而产生"长鞭效应"(bullwhip effect). "长鞭效应"是指供应链下游消费需求轻微变动而导致的上游企业生产、经营安排剧烈波动的现象. 长鞭效应的出现使企业供应链失调,


当扭曲金属的时候,所产生的轻微震动便足以使溶质结晶(crystallize),变成较稳定的固体. 然而,这个过程是放热的(exothermic),所以暖手袋告开始暖起来. 在法国普罗旺斯地中海有一个卡马尔塔海洋,海水内含有丰富的海盐,此处海盐内除含氯化钠外,

deadweight loss:额外损失

1、效率(efficient): 在税收的过程中是存在对应的成本的,首先我们知道税收会导致对人们产生负激励,从而使市场萎缩,导致额外损失(deadweight loss),高效率的税收体制(taxation)应该尽量的减少对市场力量的扭曲;另外一个成本是人们在计算自己缴纳税收的成本,

distort v.1:扭曲 2. 歪曲

distinguish v. 1. 区别 2. 使杰出 | distort v. 1. 扭曲 2. 歪曲 | distract v. 分解注意力


这是一段漫长缓慢的过程,因为许多有问题的DNA必须先修补好之后,才能够将祖先立体影像肉身化,而不致产生扭曲变形(distortion)的情况. 而这也是我这一生的目的之一:修补恩纽时期核子辐射尘所造成的损伤,使未来上升之途更加顺畅.

distract from:使从...分心

distortion 扭曲; 曲解; 变形 (名) | distract from 使从...分心 | distractedly 心烦意乱地 (副)



lateral force:横向力

此一设计是为了减低横向力(lateral force)对影像品质的影响. 直觉上,我们会认为V型悬臂对於横向力的抗拒能力会比长条型悬臂更好,但根据Sader的研究:V型悬臂非但不能增加抵抗扭曲的能力,反而会使扭曲的程度增大. 他模拟了V型与长条型悬臂的行为,

e.g. twist off:扭断, 扭开,拧开

5. twist n. 扭曲, 歪曲 vt. / vi. 拧, 扭曲, 使苦恼, 使转动 | e.g. twist off 扭断, 扭开,拧开 | twist up 把...卷成螺旋形; 扭弯; 歪曲