英语人>词典>汉英 : 使成为不可能 的英文翻译,例句
使成为不可能 的英文翻译、例句


rule out
更多网络例句与使成为不可能相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It lays greater emphasis on the control and the elevation of the individual, therefore it is possible that personal freedom will be in a state of constant repression. On the other hand, the hierarchical nature and the relative indeterminateness of the Ethical Code itself prevent the Code itself from developing into an effective instrument to restrict the power of the government in practice.


In ancient China, general low salaries were a cause for the corruption of ancient officials, while the growing size of administrative staff as a result of the unitarianism system prohibited the possibility of high official salaries.


The results showed that the structure characteristics of block cloddy was with tight surface but loose inner, the bulk density of the crust can be high as 1.39~2.0g/cm^3, which was mainly affect by unreasonable tillage process. The tight surface can not be crushed by nature alternation of drying and wetting. Farming machinery to impact and rotary tillage were necessary when reduce them.


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution invitable.


Indeed the mere size of operatio and the numbers of workmen involved rendered such personal relatio impo ible. Fortunately, however, the increasing power and organisation of the trade unio , at least in all skilled trades, enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them.


His wife's presence would have precluded.


" By supervening impossibility or illegality of performance, by frustration through the happening of some event which renders performance, if not impossible, at least fundamentally different from what was contemplated"


" By supervening impossibility or illegality of performance, by frustration through the happening of some event which renders performance, if not impossible, at least fundamentally different from what was contemplate d"


His assignment verged on the impossible.


Still, Hyuns rejection of the Norths explanation is a sign the South does not rule that possibility out.

rule out拒绝考虑,把…排除在外,使成为不可能

更多网络解释与使成为不可能相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

analytical method:解析方法

文献[1]阐述了研究的发展过程,如早期的方法主要是解析方法(analytical method). 由于当时计算机的计算能力不理想,只能采取一些假设来使目标函数线性化,如假设电容器组容量连续且负荷唯一等. 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,使进行大规模的计算成为可能,


发电站(Kraftwerk)1976年的长篇名作>(Autobahn),里面有很多新异的舞曲节奏,太长的篇幅使它不可能成为一张舞曲专辑. 但1991年,发电站出人意料地将自己的诸多名作Remix,直接跨入舞坛,在这张就简单叫作>的专辑中,

Residual claimant:剩余索取者

阿氏和德氏认为,解决之道在于使监督者成为团队产出的"剩余索取者"(residual claimant),即所有者. 这样一来,"监督者"就有干劲了. "赫姆斯特姆定理"证明了预算平衡的团队不可能同时实现"个人理性"和"集体理性",


"决定"(determine)一词来源于拉丁语,意指对事件加以限制. 我们所说的决定论就是指一个情境中存在着各种限制因素,使某些抉择成为不可能,或者必然导致某种后果. 自由是决定的对立面,因为当事件的进程可以向某一预先选择的(欲求的、选择的等等)方向改变时它就存在自由.


这是一个经验性(empirical)问题:一旦跨越了经验之界,就是非法的. 第二个问题不关心"如何将一段话语翻译得更好"等技术性问题,而是要追问:使一切翻译成为可能/不可能的必要条件是什么?它与经验相关,但不等于经验.


如果说罗尔斯的契约主义试图通过"原初状态"的建立而达到人们的"共同性",那么利奥塔作为后现代主义者所追求的则是"异质性"(heterogeneity). "异质性"使"一致"成为不可能. 同知识问题一样,利奥塔在道德问题上也坚持一种"开放的体系",

JIT Just-in-Time:准时制生产

在实施电子商务后各个生产阶段可以通过网络相互联系,同时进行使传统的直线串行式生产变成网络经济下的并行式生产,在减少了许多不必要的等待时间的同时,也使准时制生产(JIT Just In Time)成为可能,使库存降低到最低限度,提高库存周转率,


后来发现乙醚更加有效,从而使无痛外科手术和牙科手术成为可能. 自那以后,又发明了许多更好的麻醉剂,包括像普鲁卡因(Novocain)这样的局部麻醉剂在内. 如果没有麻醉剂,现代的外科手术是不可能实现的.

one hundred thousand:十万

9. a million people 一百万人 | 10. one hundred thousand 十万 | 11. make ... impossible 使......成为不可能

The rentless pursuit of perfection:追求完美,永无止境(凌志汽车)

Generation next 新的一代(百氏) | The rentless pursuit of perfection追求完美,永无止境(凌志汽车) | Impossible made possible 使不可能成为可能(佳能打印机)