英语人>词典>汉英 : 使巩固 的英文翻译,例句
使巩固 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
confirm  ·  confirming  ·  confirms

更多网络例句与使巩固相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This colour, whose intensity varies according to the light, gives C5 Airscape an elegant and precious look, consolidating its status as an executive vehicle.


If during the confusions of the first feudal period the eldest son held the land for the behoof of the whole family, why was it that when feudal Europe had consolidated itself, and regular communities were again established, the whole family did not resume that capacity for equal inheritance which had belonged to Roman and German alike?


In recent years, consolidation in the development of the medical profession, and strive to improve the quality of teaching at the same time, the additional population science, biological science, computer science, environmental science, foreign languages, materials science, and other non-medical professionals to make the College to maintain and carry forward Medicine, radiology, nursing, pharmacy characteristics at the same time, to the multi-disciplinary, comprehensive, modern and the University of direction.


Determine to emphasize:"The whole party should be based on reality, had one's eyes on the future, catch the focal point, move forward wholly, studying the new situation, solving the new problem, establishing new mechanism, increasing the new ability constantly, strengthen and improve Party-building in an all-round way, make being in power of the Party general plan improve, in power system sound, ruling style science, in power foundation consolidate further further ".


In the Pavlov's classical conditioning theory, unconditional stimulus and unconditioned stimulus multiple combination of the conditioned stimulus and response so that the temporary connection can be established between the consolidated and strengthened.


Most of the local and transmit population were used to sleeping in the open air without mosquito net which caused the exophily and exophagy of the vector, and made the indoor residual spraying hard to be effective.


I thank the gods for giving me such a brother, who was able by his moral character to rouse me to vigilance over myself, and who, at the same time, pleased me by his respect and affection; that my children have not been stupid nor deformed in body; that I did not make more proficiency in rhetoric, poetry, and the other studies, in which I should perhaps have been completely engaged, if I had seen that I was making progress in them; that I made haste to place those who brought me up in the station of honour, which they seemed to desire, without putting them off with hope of my doing it some time after, because they were then still young; that I knew Apollonius, Rusticus, Maximus; that I received clear and frequent impressions about living according to nature, and what kind of a life that is, so that, so far as depended on the gods, and their gifts, and help, and inspirations, nothing hindered me from forthwith living according to nature, though I still fall short of it through my own fault, and through not observing the admonitions of the gods, and, I may almost say, their direct instructions; that my body has held out so long in such a kind of life; that I never touched either Benedicta or Theodotus, and that, after having fallen into amatory passions, I was cured; and, though I was often out of humour with Rusticus, I never did anything of which I had occasion to repent; that, though it was my mother's fate to die young, she spent the last years of her life with me; that, whenever I wished to help any man in his need, or on any other occasion, I was never told that I had not the means of doing it; and that to myself the same necessity never happened, to receive anything from another; that I have such a wife, so obedient, and so affectionate, and so simple; that I had abundance of good masters for my children; and that remedies have been shown to me by dreams, both others, and against bloodspitting and giddiness...; and that, when I had an inclination to philosophy, I did not fall into the hands of any sophist, and that I did not waste my time on writers of histories, or in the resolution of syllogisms, or occupy myself about the investigation of appearances in the heavens; for all these things require the help of the gods and fortune.


Not only can it prevent halitosis, but a pomegranate can refrigerate nonnasalities, tannins have the constringent capability of shrinking blood vessels and muscle cells.thus, it can solidify teeth with the result of a great smile!


The fifth part is about the retransformation or restructuring in the process reform and opening-up in order to consolidate the now elements.


Without area overall arrangement based on science,and without inspect-estimate system ,the policy effect on reverting farmland to forests and grassland has been rebated.


更多网络解释与使巩固相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

consolidated annuities:无归偿期债券

consolidate 巩固, 统一, 使联合; 巩固 (动) | consolidated annuities 无归偿期债券 | consomme 清炖肉汤 (名)

confines:境界; 范围; 限度; 区域 (名)

confinement 限制, 坐月子, 禁闭 (名) | confines 境界; 范围; 限度; 区域 (名) | confirm 确定; 使巩固; 批准 (动)

consolidate: v.1:统一,合并 2.巩固,加强 3.使结实

willfulness: n.任性,固执 | consolidate: v.1.统一,合并 2.巩固,加强 3.使结实 | imposture: n.1.冒名,欺骗 2.招摇撞骗

consolidate: v.1:把...联合为一体统一 2.巩固,加强

politicize: v.1.从事(谈论)政治 2.使具有政治性 | consolidate: v.1.把...联合为一体统一 2.巩固,加强 | ossify: v.使骨化,使硬化,使僵化




Jeopardize 危及,危害 | Placate 安抚,使和解 | Corroborate 使巩固,确证

politicize: v.1:从事(谈论)政治 2.使具有政治性

bureaucratization: n.政府机构官僚化 | politicize: v.1.从事(谈论)政治 2.使具有政治性 | consolidate: v.1.把...联合为一体统一 2.巩固,加强


construction plant 工地, 施工场地 | springhalt 跛行症 | solidify (使)凝固, (使)团结, 巩固

scripted scripted:照原稿宣读(或广播)的

confirm vt.确定, 批准, 使巩固, 使有效v.确认, (基督教中)给...行按手礼 | scripted scripted照原稿宣读(或广播)的 | armrest n.扶手, 靠手


5coordinate使平等,使协调 | 6fiere激烈的 | 7consolidation巩固,加强