英语人>词典>汉英 : 使层叠 的英文翻译,例句
使层叠 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tier  ·  tiers

更多网络例句与使层叠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A mass of salt which is injected as a diapir (a dome in which the overlying rocks have been ruptured by the squeezing-out of plastic core material) into overlying sedimentary rocks, thereby piercing and deforming them.


The laminate web has an original unstretched length. The nonwoven member and the elastic member stretch but do not rupture when subjected to a mechanical stretching operation which stretches said laminate web to at least 50 % of its original unstretched length.


Our equipment is equipped with a water cooling system and automatic segmentation system and letoff system for choosing to use the polymer-coated with hot melt Adhesive curing time is 10-38, 15s, left, or, in a production environment normothermic cooled down the time required for this to be greater than standard time, especially in the Division of semi-finished products is cascade linescut, between the temperature so that it is difficult to give off the accumulation of natural cooling curing


The coast forest onion onion, in green grass cushion cushion, the lake the blue water is clear, near the lake alley, the pebbles shoal, the stair slope protection, the countless changes, causes the lake shore smoothly to stand erect from time to time, the edges and corners are distinct, from time to time the mountain riddlings fold, completely relaxed.


In order to absorb different wavelength of sunlight to extend the absorption of the entire cell over a wider spectral range, we stacked a small-molecular cell on a polymer subcell. Between the two subcells, we deposited Cs2CO3, Ag, and MoO3, to serve as the connecting structure.


Based on the regional tectonic evolution, combined with the high precision isotopic ages from this paper and other geologists, we have some new acquaintances as follows: 1 There has no Caledonian granite belt distributed in north margin of North China Craton. So, the traditional evolving model of North China Carton, which formed on this idea and the acquaintance about the collision of North China plate and Siberian plate, must be incorrect; 2 The age date show that the earliest magmatic activity began since late-Palaeozoic Permian, which is inconsistent with the previous idea that there were Caledonian and Hercynian active continental margin in the north of North China Craton and in the south Xingkai Massif. 3 the crust and lithosphere were thickened by the subduction and collision of Siberia plate and North China plate during Late Paleozoic. The magma is formed when the crust is heated and melts caused by thickened lithosphere delamination and caused the Asthenosphere upwelling. But only a little basaltic magma erupted, most magma underplate under the bottom of the crust. Thermal energy derived from basaltic magma underplating made the middle and lower crust melt partially and the late Permian-early Triassic granites is formed in large scale.


The apex rubber is formed by winding an unvulcanized rubber strip along the assembly forming surface from a starting position constituted by the radially outer peripheral surface of the bead core supported on the receiving surface so as to laminate in a tapered cross sectional shape.


The heating band has a cloth band (3) made from fibre interfused into radiating far infrared ore powder, a heating body (4) for generating heat, a heat storage body (5) used for storing heat, a alleviation body (6) for slow the heat discharge to the outside, and a bag decorating cloth (7) for enclosing all the cascading components when the band shape cascading components are formed in above order.


The major works are as follows: 1 The 3-D numerical model of U-sharp flow passages is set up. The single-phase fluid flow and heat transfer are simulated for the U-sharp smooth and rib-roughened flow passages with FLUENT software. Their performance curves, temperature field and velocity vector are obtained and the local heat transfer and flow pressure-drop distribution along flow passage are analyzed. It is revealed that the ribbed flow passages can enhance heat-transfer and make the temperature more uniform, but it increases the pressure-drop to more extent. 2 The influences of diaphragm depth, channel width and board spacing on the performance are investigated.


Dian floor of the distribution of symmetry in the changes, scattered in the contact and tortuous loop, the actual situation of health, Xiaoqiaolinglong, space rich, varied levels, see in the small, unknowingly for such a small place, is compact and Cuola dependencies, and its layout Pingchuan temple is different from the axis prominent, symmetrical, but also different from the mountain Temple mountain gradually increase the pattern, Junyi cliffs convex, the shape of the potential trial,by zhe naturally , air and structure, look, Stack Cuola, subtle changes to the composition and physical space to contrast the orderly performance art.


更多网络解释与使层叠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


将这种丙烯酰胺聚合物和导电高分子聚噻吩溶于三氯甲烷(chloroform)溶液中,使其在水面展开. 当三氯甲烷挥发后,即可形成聚噻吩分布于丙烯基之中的结构分子. 对此,宫下描述说"就像是聚噻吩分布在固体人造黄油中一样". 将这种分子膜层叠10层,

Cascading Style Sheet:层叠样式表

层叠样式表(cascading style sheet)是一个很神奇的东西,设计者可以通过修改样式表的定义而使网页呈现完全不同的外观,而当网站拥有几十甚至上百个页面的时候,修改页面连接的样式表文件即可修改页面的外观,从而大大减少工作量.


欧瑞康太阳能5月6日宣布,非微晶叠层(Micromorph)薄膜硅太阳能光伏组件通过了所有所需的测试,获得TVRheinland的IEC认证. TVmaster认证证书使欧瑞康太阳能的客户加快了自身IEC的认证过程,使高性能组件的投放市场验证时间从6个月的时间减少到6个星期不到. ...