英语人>词典>汉英 : 使基于 的英文翻译,例句
使基于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
predicate  ·  predicates  ·  predicated  ·  predicating

更多网络例句与使基于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It enlarges the range of quasi-linear Born approximation, and makes the prestack depth migration method based on quasi-linear Born approximation to be able to adapt strong lateral velocity variation.


Volcanic gas reservoirs of low permeability in the carboniferous of a basin are characterized by deep burial depth, complex genesis, many types, wide distribution and non-evident expressions in three-porosity log curves, as well as the variedvalues of density and compression wave of main four volcanic gas reservoirs (such as the basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite). So a number of effective methods based on three porosity log data cannot work in identifying the volcanic gas reservoirs of the carboniferous of the basin.


With the development of modern network and communication, it is possible to realize remote health diagnose based on internet.


Both the normal semi-cloud model and the shift operator are introduced to that method to make sure that data partition in the method can reflect some information about the actual data distribution,to reduce the number of rules generated by the new method,and to increase the rules' fitness.


The superclass is based on some other window class, known as the base class.

超类化使基于其他的窗口类的,已经存在的类被称为base class。

In chapter 3, we found a class of universal CA operators for Mathematical Morphology and implemented Mathematical Morphology in CNN-UBN by use of the theory in chapter 2, which make lots of morphological image processing problems be solved with CNN-UBN.


Find out a class of CA universal rules for Mathematical Morphology and first implement Mathematical Morphology with CNN-UBN. So a class of image processing problems based Mathematical Morphology can be solved with CNN effectively.


With the rapid development of information technology, computer and network technology, it is possible for designers in different places to collaboratively design.


In addition, the community involvement system should be built in eco-tourism on the micro-level such as widespread community education, cultivating involvement awareness on eco-tourism, widening the channel of community involvement in eco-tourism, establishing investment system helpful tot the community involvement and development, setting up eco-tourism cooperative enterprises oriented the community residents involvement and carrying out infrastructure construction for eco-tourism etc.


Second, quick algorithm is proposed so that the skin deformation based on the three-layered model can obtain high real-time.


更多网络解释与使基于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acquired resistance:获得性耐药

化疗后这些耐药的克隆仍存活并增殖;而基于CSCs 学说的理论则认为,肿瘤中存在 CSCs,它表达ABC 转运蛋白,因此CSCs及其子代细胞具有天然的抗化疗药物的能力而得以存活使肿瘤复发;第三种"获得性耐药"(acquired resistance) 模型认为 CSCs 表达ABC 转运蛋白,

analytic method:分析方法

科学中最常用分析方法(analytic method)也基于这种操控性的认识论:"要理解世界上发生了什么,我们把事物拆分成更基础的部分;要控制一个情境,我们把这些部分组合起来,并重新安排这些部分,它们一起作用时使事情如我们所愿地发生.

bit depth:位深度

,基于GtkObjects的图像处理库,引入了更高的位深度(Bit Depth)和非破坏性图像编辑. Nordholts称GEGL将使GIMP成为一个高品质的色彩管理工具,但仍然需要在GIMP核心上做更多工作,为了支持新框架,原有的组件有些将被取代,有些将需要重写.


对竞争者损害赔偿诉讼的一个重要限制在布伦斯威克(Brunswick)案中得到表明. 企业A因为B收购作为A竞争者的企业C而诉企业B,以寻求基于企业C对企业A造成的侵害的损害赔偿,而侵害是由B使C复苏所引起的:但由于收购,C可能已经停业,


进行预处理时,通过使纤维素等生物质成分的组织结构发生纳米级变化,改进了与纤维素分解酶(Cellulase)之间的接触方式,提高了酶的分解率. 为了提高大幅影响工艺整体经济性的酶分解工序的成本效益,在设备内生产了基于线状菌的淀粉酶.

Coffee Room:咖啡室

它同样是基于Macromedia Flash Communication Server驾构,其设想是建立一个基于互联网的在线学习联合群体(设想归设想). 音频交流:Hexagon提供了一个名为咖啡室(Coffee room)的音频交流空间,使用时只需要单击顶端的"Coffee Room"按钮即可以进入.


我们有望通过两种一般类型的强制(constraint)来减弱专断性,也就是用来强迫像国家这样一个有权有势的行动者遵循直接相关的利益和思想观念. 第一种是强制设立行动的前提条件,以使基于局部利益的干涉变得极为困难. 比如说,


源于人们对"渊源"(Sources)的不同理解,国际法学界对于国际法渊源的含义,有各种不同的解释. 基于国际法渊源的作用主要在于使法律规则得到认定并使法律规则与其他规则包括"应有法"规则区别开来,进而尊重、遵守和适用国际法,

makes wrong right,base noble:使错的成为正确的,基于高贵

lt excuses vulgarity,|为粗俗辩护 | makes wrong right,base noble.|使错的成为正确的,基于高贵. | There's something l know when l'm with you|当我与你在一起的时候,我有一种莫名的感觉

Court of Chancery:衡平法院

以使土地所有者得以将土地遗赠给长子或独子以外的其他人或者使作为继承人的未成年人得以维持生计且逃避向封建领主缴纳高额的土地继承税 .这一具有创新意义的制度就是信托的前身用益权设计.经过相当时期的演进,大约从1400年开始,衡平法院(Court of Chancery)基于良心,公平,正义原则,