英语人>词典>汉英 : 使健壮 的英文翻译,例句
使健壮 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
invigorate  ·  nourish  ·  invigorated  ·  invigorates  ·  nourishes

更多网络例句与使健壮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This method represents the virtual objects in Euclidean space instead of in affine space, which is consistent with the popular graphics rendering tools such as OpenGL and is more common in practice. A new classification based local and global tracking strategy to match features between the reference image and the currently frame directly is presented, which enables the augmented reality system working effectively even under large changes of viewing angles. A novel affine coordinate system definition method based on a collection of feature points is also proposed, which makes the tracking method effective even when not all the reference points are detected during the whole process, as long as there are at least four pairs of reference points correspondences.


Behind me someone switched on a light, and I could see his luxuriant silvery hair and strong, craggy face.


A young scholar named Malfurion Stormrage, who had spent much of his time studying the primitive arts of druidism, began to suspect that a terrible power was corrupting the Highborne and his beloved queen.


In the athletae, embonpoint, if carried to its utmost limit, isdangerous, for they cannot remain in the same state nor be stationary;and since, then, they can neither remain stationary nor improve, it


Though tall and powerfully built as befits a once international standard Beater, Ludo even in the 1990s retains the look of an overgrown schoolboy, with round blue eyes, blond hair, and a rosy complexion.


Find the bean in the cake full of beans get beans give sb.beans haven't a bean without a bean jelly bean know how many beans make five know beans like beans not care a bean not know beans not worth a bean old bean spill the beans string bean three blue beans in a without a bean three blue beans in one blue bladder 44-bear cross as a bear n.


BACKGROUND: Injection molding can be used in producing a variety of orthotic devices of practical use in rehabilitation medicine. With its merits of convenient realization and stability, genetic algorism has found wide application in many fields, especially in machine learning, pattern recognition, intelligent control and optimization.


And multiobjective optimization of complex structure with the help of neural networks and uniform experiment design, etc. As an example to illustrate the theory of this thesis, Robust design of a 10m antenna reflection part with circular paraboloid surface is proceeded. Antenna attracted people's research in these years because it is structure with very high precision.


The results showed that the frequency of germination were able to be increased by keeping seed vessel, culturing seeds with radicle up and pre-treating seeds in 5.0mg/L GA3 solution for 12h. The frequency of explant-browning was reduced by adding AC 0.5mg/L to induction media and the vigor of plantlets was promoted by the AC-adding. The propagating coefficient could be improved and the frequency of bud-vitrifration increased by adding 150mg/L coconut water.

结果表明发芽时保留种皮、接种时胚根向上对蚕豆种子的萌发有着至关重要的影响,用5.0mg/L GA3溶液浸种12h有利于种子萌发;培养基中添加0.5g/L AC能有效抑制外植体的褐化,并能使植株生长健壮;培养基中添加150mg/L椰汁能提高繁殖系数,有效抑制玻璃苗的发生。

The results showed that the techniques could increase gametophyte adhesion rate by over 80%, made the seedlings stronger and the germination quality reach state standard of Class Ⅰ. The growth speed of clone adhesion (8~16 rows) was about 20 days faster than that of normal sporophyte seedling adhesion.

结果显示,这样的措施可使配子体附着率达到80%以上、幼苗健壮、出苗质量达到国家一类帘标准,使克隆采苗自8~16列c期间的生长发育速度较常规孢子体采苗后的生长发育速度快20 d。

更多网络解释与使健壮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一、两者的含意 健美运动(bodybuilding) 通过动作训练,使人体各部位的肌肉发达匀称,体格健壮,且富余雕塑感的艺术美. 健身运动(keep fitness) 通过动作练习,使人身体健康,体质增强,生活内容更加 ...

Booting once-only:仅启动一次

4.3 How to make your system robust 如何使你的系统更健壮 | 4.3.1 Booting once-only 仅启动一次 | 4.3.2 Booting fallback systems 启动安全模式(fallback system)


intrepid 无畏的,刚毅的 | introspective 自省的 | invigorating 使人有精神的,使人健壮的

sap invigorate:使衰竭使健壮,增添活力

sap invigorate使衰竭使健壮,增添活力 | sapient foolish聪明愚蠢 | sarcasm praise讽刺称赞


introspective 自省的 | invigorating 使人有精神的,使人健壮的 | iridescent 闪彩光的,现晕光的

nourish t:滋养, 使健壮, 怀有(希望,仇恨等)

1128. nought n. 无, 零 | 1129. nourish t. 滋养, 使健壮, 怀有(希望,仇恨等) | 1130. nourishment n. 食物, 营养品

sapient foolish:聪明愚蠢

sap invigorate使衰竭使健壮,增添活力 | sapient foolish聪明愚蠢 | sarcasm praise讽刺称赞

They bow themselves to bring forth young, and they cast them, and send forth roarings:牠们伏下产子之后,产痛立即过去

牠们伏下产子之后,产痛立即过去. They bow themselves to bring forth young, and they cast them, and send forth roarings. | 幼雏健壮,在原野中长大;牠们一去,即不再返回... | 谁使野驴任意游荡,谁解去悍驴的彊绳...

stocky a.1:坚固的,结实的 2.矮壮的, 健壮结实的,粗短的

restore vt.1.恢复,使回复 2.修复,整修 3.归还,交还 | stocky a.1.坚固的,结实的 2.矮壮的, 健壮结实的,粗短的 | stolid a.不易激动的, 感觉迟钝的, 神经麻木的

You are a lot sturdier than Chandler. Sturdy:健壮的,结实的

of July] 因为没有适当、细心的照顾,他们就会死) | You are a lot sturdier than Chandler. Sturdy: 健壮的,结实的 | 6. He crumpled like a piece of paper 弄皱;使一蹶不振