英语人>词典>汉英 : 使倒流 的英文翻译,例句
使倒流 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
regorge  ·  regorged  ·  regorges  ·  regorging

更多网络例句与使倒流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DVR's take recording to a whole new level by enabling you to pause, rewind, slo-mo, and instant replay live TV broadcasts, a priceless feature to have when watching sporting events or Pay-Per-View movies.


I wish I have a way to turn back the clock.


I wish I could turn back the clock.


What can i do to turn back the clock?


Neither can we turn back the clock and undo the wrong we have done to ourselves and to others.


The pairs of sister brand (and accurate to say that it should be "two-girl-Mark"), the bottle body, the most impressive is that goes on nostalgic poster, by the export customs Zuolin, the grandson of famous paintings KWAN painting design of the two lively and cheerful woman, a classic dress, pottering around in the garden of the screen, leisure moment, let me back in the seventies that time was the illusion.

而双妹牌(准确的说应该是&双妹唛&)的瓶身上,最使人印象深刻便是那张nostalgic poster,由外销画名家关作霖的曾孙关蕙农绘画设计,是两位活泼开朗的女子,一身古典打扮在花园里闲荡的画面,那一刻悠闲,让我产生时光倒流七十年的幻象。

Valves used to regulate working conditions at the pump, check valve in the liquid pump to prevent backflow when the reverse, and pumps to avoid water hammer blow.


Pump valves used to regulate the working conditions, Nizhi when the valve to prevent backflow of liquid in the pump reverse, and pumps to avoid water hammer blow.


When the liquid back, it will have enormous negative pressure pump damage


During the monsoon season the flooded Mekong river reverses the flow of the Tonle Sap river, sending it pouring upstream into the Great Lake.


更多网络解释与使倒流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bow Pose:(弓式)

由於Kapha型的能量主要掌管胃部与胸部(心脏与肺部),弓式(Bow pose), 驼式(Camel pose),可以帮助打开胸口,增加这个区域的气的流动.而鱼式(Fish pose)或任何有使循环倒流的体位法则可以帮助Kapha型的人更有活力与朝气.


使单一化singularize | 使倒毁rase | 使倒流regorge


refluent 退潮的 | refluent 倒流的 | refocillate 使振作精神


regnant 统治的 | regnant 君临的 | regorge 使倒流


使倒毁rase | 使倒流regorge | 使倒霉hoodoo