英语人>词典>汉英 : 使人沮丧地 的英文翻译,例句
使人沮丧地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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An unprintable secret behind the scenes; the cover-up for evil deeds),黑道日(凶日,an unlucky day,黑话(the secret jargon, the argot of criminals),黑货(stolen goods; smuggled goods ; opium),黑业,黑脸,黑心(black heart, evil heart; greed),黑道人物(a gangster; an underworld figure),黑店an inn which is run by thieves as a trap to steal, rob or even murder unwary travelers


After considering the historic page, and viewing the living world with anxious solicitude, the most melancholy emotions of sorrowful indignation have depressed my spirits, and I have sighed when obliged to confess, that either nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the civilization which has hitherto taken place in the world has been very partial.


更多网络解释与使人沮丧地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


使人工化artificialize | 使人混乱的bewildering | 使人沮丧地discouraginglydishearteningly

pressure cooker:高压锅

个子不高、头发花白的海菲兹教授面无表情地告诉我们:"希望那些最近刚刚有亲人过世、或者新近离婚和失恋的学生,不要选修我这门课. "教授自称他的课程是一只"高压锅(Pressure Cooker)". "我很乐意在课堂上使人难堪或者沮丧,所以你们要做好承受痛苦(Suffer)的准备. 我知道学生对.


discourager 沮丧 | discouraging 令人气馁的 | discouragingly 使人气馁地

discouragingly:使人气馁地; 使人沮丧地 (副)

discouragement 气馁; 劝阻; 挫折 (名) | discouragingly 使人气馁地; 使人沮丧地 (副) | discourse 谈话, 进道, 演讲 (名)


dishclout 抹布 | dishearten 气馁于 | dishearteningly 使人沮丧地


dishearteningly 使人沮丧地 | disheartenment 气馁 | dished 中凹的

full blastat full blast:全力地,全速地,开足马力地

553frustratinga. 使人沮丧的,令人泄气的 | 554full blastat full blast全力地,全速地,开足马力地 | 555furnishv. 供给,提供,装设


dishearten 气馁于 | dishearteningly 使人沮丧地 | disheartenment 气馁

dishearteningly:使人沮丧地; 使人气馁地 (副)

dishcloth 抹布 (名) | dishearten 使沮丧, 使灰心, 使气馁 (动) | dishearteningly 使人沮丧地; 使人气馁地 (副)

frustratingly:令人泄气地, 使人沮丧地 (副)

frustrating 令人泄气的, 使人沮丧的 (形) | frustratingly 令人泄气地, 使人沮丧地 (副) | frustration 挫败; 受挫; 挫折 (名)