英语人>词典>汉英 : 使人兴奋 的英文翻译,例句
使人兴奋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exalt  ·  exalting  ·  exalts

更多网络例句与使人兴奋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most experts claim that chocolate is one healthy food particularly because of its aphrodisiac quality.


Attar, which is called "golden liquid" in domestic and overseas market, has sweet aroma of rose, The product has multiple curative effect including psychological curative effect: preventing hypochondria, alleviate nervous, chirk up; body curative effect: helping systemic circulation, shrinking blood capillary, preventing veinlet burst, diminishing inflammation to cholecystitis, conjunctivitis, ophthalmia.


However, if a large number of strong tea drinking can accelerate heart rate, increased heart burden, is over-excited, causing cerebral vasoconstriction, cerebral arteriosclerosis and to have patients with high blood pressure is a potential danger.


To stupefy with or as if with alcoholic drink .




Attar, which is called "golden liquid" in domestic and overseas market, has sweet aroma of rose, The product has multiple curative effect including psychological curative effect: preventing hypochondria, alleviate nervous, chirk up; body curative effect: helping systemic circulation, shrinking blood capillary, preventing veinlet burst, diminishing inflammation to cholecystitis, conjunctivitis, ophthalmia.


It creates an unhealthy excitement, fevers the imagination, unfits the mind for usefulness, weans the soul from prayer, and disqualifies it for any spiritual exercise.


I am not sure whether the missing ingredient ... is surprise or an overarching radiance.


It could be exhilarating, inti**ating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.


A snorkeler in Palau's usually hazy Jellyfish Lake finds a spot of crystal clear water to enjoy the caress of millions of pulsing, golden jellies.


更多网络解释与使人兴奋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


氟马西尼(flumazenil)是苯二氮草毒品(arcoticsc)是指国家规定管制的能使人成瘾的麻醉(镇痛)药(narcotic anal3.大麻类(cannabis) 滥用最多的是印度大麻,含有主要的精神活性物质依次是△址2.中枢兴奋药(central stimtalants) 经常滥用的有苯丙胺(amphetamine,

Et al:等人 及其他人(拉丁语)

354.agitation 搅动 搅拌 兴奋 | 355.et al. 等人 及其他人(拉丁语) | 356.fluidization 使液化 流化


exhibitor 出示证物人 | exhilarant 使兴奋的 | exhilarate 使高兴

go to one's head = turn one's head:冲昏头脑;使人过于兴奋

hang one's head (因为羞愧)垂下头 | go to one's head = turn one's head 冲昏头脑;使人过于兴奋 | keep one's head 连结镇定


psychedelia 幻觉剂(服用后可使人兴奋的一种麻醉剂) | thallophyte 叶状植物 | autovaccination 自体菌苗接种

take sb. off his foot:(风浪等)使人站不稳; 使人兴奋, 使人狂热

sweep sb. off his foot (风浪等)使人站不稳; 使人兴奋, 使人狂热 | take sb. off his foot (风浪等)使人站不稳; 使人兴奋, 使人狂热 | catch sb. on the wrong foot 使人措手不及

thrillingly:毛骨悚然地; 令人兴奋地; 令人发抖地 (副)

thriller 使人毛骨悚然的东西, 使人毛骨悚然的小说 (名) | thrillingly 毛骨悚然地; 令人兴奋地; 令人发抖地 (副) | thrive 繁荣, 茁壮成长, 兴旺 (动)

Matthiola incana:紫罗兰

在"闹"的活动区, 应选择茉莉、百合( Lilium brownii) 等使人兴奋的种类; 而在"静"的休息区中,应选择薰衣草、水仙、紫罗兰( Matthiola incana) 等使人镇静的种类.

Strong coffee excites your nerves:浓咖啡刺激神经, 使人兴奋

Excite vt.使兴奋,使激动;引起,激起 | Strong coffee excites your nerves. 浓咖啡刺激神经, 使人兴奋. | Emperor Qinshihuang's cruelty excited a rising of the people. ;秦始皇的残暴引起了人民 的反抗.

He kept calm amid all these excitements:他在这些使人激动的事件中保持镇静

5409. Your remark excited him to jealousy. 你的话引起了他... | 5410. He kept calm amid all these excitements. 他在这些使人激动的事件中保持镇静. | 5411. The boys were running in excitement. 男孩们兴奋地...