英语人>词典>汉英 : 使丰满 的英文翻译,例句
使丰满 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
plump  ·  plumps  ·  plumped

更多网络例句与使丰满相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This product adopt adjust underwear materials and technology,it can will dorsum and axilla more fats move to chest.


In the Water Margin, Li Kui is portrayed lively and vividly.He is a lifelike figure.He is born honest,pure,rash,sincere,and uninhibited.He pays much attention to the loyalty of the rivers and lakes.However,he admires Song Jiang blindly because of his morality of rivers and lakes.He has more original wild nature and bloodthirstiness than the childish naive.


It gives a chunky effect to give the hair a rich and fullness impression.


If your love can make the counterpart feel satisfied, then you have the ability to love!


Diacetyl is signal products of ripeness of beer fermentation and proper content of higher alcohols could make beer products full and mild in taste, but excessive higher alcohols not only bring beer peculiar smell but also make beer toxic and ebriety caused by alcohols, so superscale of diacetyl and higher alcohols had become restrictive factors and outstanding contradictions of improving beer qualities, especially in producing low cost beer...


Diacetyl is signal products of ripeness of beer fermentation and proper content of higher alcohols could make beer products full and mild in taste, but excessive higher alcohols not only bring beer peculiar smell but also make beer toxic and ebriety caused by alcohols, so superscale of diacetyl and higher alcohols had become restrictive factors and outstanding contradictions of improving beer qualities, especially in producing low cost beer products fermented by elevating fermentation temperature, shortening fermentation period and increasing content of subsidiary materials.


Objective To improve the traditional operation method of macrocheilia, make appearance of cheilion more natural, coordinate movement of upper and lower lips, reduce inflammation of cheilion, and make the cheek plump.


This thesis approaches how the narrator chooses foregrounded linguistic forms to generate suspense in the reader.


Efficiency: Dredge gland pipes, strengthen the formulation of fat, keep gland tissue complete and firm, powerfully replenish and reconstruct fat ground substance, stimulate cells breath and metabolism, centralize fat, and make breast full and pointed.


Jilin City in stone wine accessories limited liability company is engaged in research and development, production and operation of the wine accessories business, the company's production base is located in Jilin City of Jilin Province of China scenic Lake Song-Hua, followed by the Changbai Mountains Forest wine accessories with production of precious trees Changbai Mountain - oak, with good commercial credit, high quality customer service and professional marketing and technical services, in-market companies in China established an extensive network of customers, and has achieved rapid development, the Company's production Oak accessories, wine can improve the color and enhance the stability of color and improve the structure of wine, liquor enhance the level of flu, make the wine taste more gentle, mellow flavor after long recollection of fullness, but also so that the aroma of wine integration Coordination of grape wine in the minor Green flavor of Health, such as sulfur smell a bad odor masking effect.


更多网络解释与使丰满相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1907美版>出现了"文胸"(brassiere)一词,胸围开始被大众熟悉和受. 20年代初盛行一时的男性化装束,使女性所用的胸围变成紧身束带,丰满胸部从此荡然无存,女士们摇身成为"太平公主"! 而30年代的时装设计师重新开始用设计展现女性魅力,

Calcium nitrate:硝酸钙

生长过程中应用含钾(Potassium)和硝酸钙(Calcium nitrate)及磷为主的肥料. 天竺葵对氨基(Ammonium)很敏感,施用这类的肥料不宜超过10ppm,但在温暖地区,光线较强,可能需要施以20-10-20的肥料以使叶片伸展和着色良好. 栽培时不用摘心也可以使株型丰满美丽,

Calcium nitrate:酸钙

生长过程中应用含钾(Potassium)和硝酸钙(Calcium nitrate)及磷为主的肥料. 天竺葵对氨基(Ammonium)很敏感,施用这类的肥料不宜超过10ppm,但在温暖地区,光线较强,可能需要施以20-10-20的肥料以使叶片伸展和着色良好. 栽培时不用摘心也可以使株型丰满美丽,


答辩人建议将"填充物"(filler)注射入鼻梁,使其丰满,并且在脸颊上注射肉毒杆菌(Botox),价钱约2000元. 原告同意.

The knee-length coat minimize my full hips:及膝长度的风衣可以使我丰满的臀围看起来小一些

19 The fur coat is too expensive.It's way over my budget.那件貂... | 20 The knee-length coat minimize my full hips.及膝长度的风衣可以使我丰满的臀围看起来小一些. | 21 Can l try on this silk blouse9我可...

walk out with:和(异性朋友)出去玩 追求(某人), 和...谈情说爱

hydroxylate [化] (使)羟(基)化 | walk out with 和(异性朋友)出去玩 追求(某人), 和...谈情说爱 | embonpoint 丰满,肥胖,壮硕

walk out with:和(异性朋友)出去玩 追求(某人), 和...谈情说爱

hydroxylate [化] (使)羟(基)化 | walk out with 和(异性朋友)出去玩 追求(某人), 和...谈情说爱 | embonpoint <法>丰满,肥胖,壮硕


fill out 使丰满(片中应是指变大,变强壮) | lacquered 上漆的,涂漆的,喷漆的 | gun with a wood finish 木柄枪?不确定. .


下颌大概轮廓(Jawline )是宽阔的. 增长下颌大概轮廓( Jawline )的宽度. 低条理或发尾卷曲发(Curly)发型 ,因为这些个城市使下部更圆弧与丰盛丰满. 在顶部增长宽度,留下几撮发束来润色面颊(Cheek )和下颌大概轮廓( Jawline ).