英语人>词典>汉英 : 使不过度 的英文翻译,例句
使不过度 的英文翻译、例句


keep within bounds
更多网络例句与使不过度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What should notice nevertheless is, some butterfat kind the agent that wash a face, it is certain to there is smooth slippery feeling not to appear after washing of degree stretch tight closely, because its abluent force is potential not quite strong; Approach the fluid that takes form agent that wash a face to use convenient design to become, some has extremely powerful defatted force, wash face hind to stretch tight closely feeling is serious, may make the skin excessive lose leather fat and cause dry, harm skin thereby.


A classic example of an intentional imperfect exposure is when a photographer intentionally overexposes a portrait of an older woman by a full f-stop or more to minimize facial lines and wrinkles. While the exposure is intentionally imperfect, it complements the subject and provides a pleasing image.


But the 45 minutes of classroom time can not be used exclusively for gaming activities, too many activities make them over-excited, so that classroom discipline rise to confusion.


Playing time before going to bed too long, over-excited; or frightened during the day, feelings of anxiety, so that the spirit can not be inhibited down.


Egr-1 also Plays a role in the cell cycle G0-G1 time and regulates cell growth and differentiation, so that cells don,t overgrow.


Over-protection will lead to excessive reliance, passiveness, timidness, self-will and other psychological tendencies of their children; over-indulgence may cause psychological tendencies such as selfishness, arrogance, emotional instability, etc. while excessive strictness can make their children cold, blindly obedient, unnimble, deficient in self-esteem or self-confidence and so on.


Gentle enough to use morning, afternoon and night, it won't overdry or irritate skin.


Its non-medicated formula won't overdry skin.


Volcanoes, active and inactive, will explode violently, covering the surrounding areas in raining rock and dust and superheating the air so that all life nearby is extinguished in a wink.


The problem with security mechanisms is balancing protection against user convenience. User complaints about Windows Vista\'\'s seemingly omnipresent UAC dialog box illustrate the frustrations that in-your-face security can present. In an attempt to enhance security without unduly inconveniencing users, Microsoft included a pre-approved list of controls that aren\'\'t automatically disabled by the Active X opt-in feature. These are commonly used controls that are known to be safe. Users won\'\'t be prompted before running those controls.

安全机制的问题是使防护与用户方便保持平衡用户抱怨Windows Vista看中去无处不在的用户帐户控制(User Account Control,UAC)会话框演绎着安全可出现的掉败为增强安全而又不过度地使用户感应坚苦,微软包含了一个预许列表,表中的控件不会被 Active X选择性插手特征自己主动克制这些个是已经知安全的经常使用控件在运行这些个控件前用户不会被提示

更多网络解释与使不过度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是经肺吸入机体,认为其主要中毒机理是有机磷和胆碱酯酶(AchE)的活性中心结合,形成牢固的磷酰化胆碱酯酶,使酶丧失活性,胆碱能神经末梢所释放的乙酰 胆碱(Ach)则不能被胆碱酯酶正常水解而在体内异常积蓄,胆碱能神经过度兴奋,

autosensitization dermatitis:自身敏感性皮炎

自身敏感性皮炎(autosensitization dermatitis)是患者对自身内部或组织产生的某种物质过敏,导致局限性炎症灶广泛扩展或于远隔出现类似表现的过程. 本病的病因尚不十分清楚. 通常发病前某处存在湿疹样皮损,由于处理不当(过度搔抓、外用药物刺激等)或继发化脓性感染而使原有皮损恶化,






但是无论怎么发展,品牌的性质不变,差别化(differentiation)的要求不变. 品牌可以成为在全球受保护的核心竞争力. (二)追求品牌唯一性是信息爆炸决定的. 现代信息铺天盖地,过度传播使注意力成为稀有资源,有限的大脑难以承受过度的信息,


金的律师团成功地使陪审员们相信:警员们其后所使用的那些武力, 完全是"过度的"(Excessive)和"不必要"的(Unnecessary). 换言之,律师证明那些警员们的确是做了他们"不该做"的事情. 终于导致陪审团作出有利的判决,LAPD大获全败.

inconclusive: a.1:非决定性的,不确定的,不能使人信服的 2.无最后结果的,无效果

hypertension: n.(医)高血压(症),(情绪的)过度紧张 | inconclusive: a.1.非决定性的,不确定的,不能使人信服的 2.无最后结果的,无效果 | conflate: v.合并,混合

inconclusive: a.1:非决定性的,不确定的,不能使人信服的 2.无最后结果的,无效果的

hypertension: n.(医)高血压(症),(情绪的)过度紧张 | inconclusive: a.1.非决定性的,不确定的,不能使人信服的 2.无最后结果的,无效果的 | conflate: v.合并,混合

lactose intolerance:乳糖不耐受

如葡萄糖6-磷酸酶缺乏症、遗传性乳糖不耐受(lactose intolerance)的患者. 酒精也可通过两种途径使血尿酸潴留. 过度酒精摄入加速肝脏降解atp,增加尿酸的产出. 酒精导致的血尿酸也阻止了尿酸的排泌. 高嘌呤含量的酒精饮料如啤酒也是重要因素.


Stiff 僵硬(比赛呈现凝固状态) | Stone dead 停球不动(球旋转至果岭,使球静止不动) | Strading 双脚过度开放站姿