英语人>词典>汉英 : 作威作福 的英文翻译,例句
作威作福 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bossiness  ·  domineer  ·  lord  ·  lording  ·  domineered  ·  domineers  ·  lorded  ·  lords

tyrannically abuse one's power · act like a tyrant · behave as a tyrant
更多网络例句与作威作福相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer as Mr.


I wouldn't work for someone who tries to domineer as Mr. Smith does.


He fancied that nothing would be changed, that he would be able as heretofore to tyrannize good-humouredly over his half-caste wife, to notice with tender contempt his pale yellow child, to patronize loftily his dark-skinned brother-in-law, who loved pink neckties and wore patent-leather boots on his little feet, and was so humble before the white husband of the lucky sister.


This is what really worked and only took a cock in the Grand Duchy from geese no longer afraid to face so presumptuous, and only in their own sites, where only yelling, domineering; but a goose came to see the Grand Duke on the the withdrawal of the ladies of the house quickly with his own opening.


This is a piece of characters making persons feel sad !-!-Someone is called U.S.A., he counts on muscularly, acts like a tyrant everywhere.


"Long-suffering Charlie Brown, exuberant Snoopy, philosophical Linus, domineering Lucy, talented Schroeder,narcoleptic Peppermint Patty, became revered figures in Japan, beloved in England, France, Germany, Norway, Italy...The Times of London called them 'international icons of good faith'."


I won't let other people push me around.


To die, to sleep; TO sleep:perchance to dream: aye,there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause:there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong,the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love,the law's delay, The insolence of office,and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodikin ?


They will certainly not allow the aggressors to ride roughshod over them for long.


Teague and his rabble throwin' their weight around.


更多网络解释与作威作福相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attribution Theory:归因论

见归因论(attribution theory)是一种个性类型. 属于此种类型的人,在性格上极为保守,思想封闭,观念狭窄. 在为人处事上表现的特征是崇尚权威,重视社会阶层职位;对上低声下气,卑躬屈膝;对下作威作福,盛气凌人;对同事则刚愎自用,绝不容忍通融.

bossiness:跋扈 作威作福

taper cork 锥形塞子 | bossiness 跋扈 作威作福 | lienogastric [动]脾胃的


dominator 支配者 | domineer 盛气凌人 | domineerhector 作威作福

domineer over:跋扈/高耸

domineer /跋扈/作威作福/盛气凌人/ | domineer over /跋扈/高耸/ | domineering /跋扈/擅权的/跋扈的/

domineering:极权的, 作威作福的

rub it in [美俚]反反复复地提到别人不愉快的事情 (故意)触人痛处 | domineering 极权的, 作威作福的 | plug commutator 插塞式交换机

the abusive domineering attitudes:作威作福的态度

Respect is given where respect is due. 尊敬只给予值得尊敬的人. | the abusive domineering attitudes 作威作福的态度 | engage in 做出


chicken out 胆怯而罢手;临阵脱逃 | henpeck 对丈夫作威作福 | 鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡的问题 Which comes first, the chicken or the egg

throw one's weight around:作威作福,颐指气使

107. take sb on 向某人挑战,雇新工人 | 108. throw one's weight around 作威作福,颐指气使 | 109. tar and feather 严厉惩罚某人


roistering 摆架子的 | roisterous 作威作福的 | Roland 罗兰

roisterous:作威作福的; 饮酒取乐的 (形)

roisterer 摆架子的人; 喝酒喧闹的人 (名) | roisterous 作威作福的; 饮酒取乐的 (形) | role model 偶像, 模仿的例子, 效法的模式