英语人>词典>汉英 : 佛青的 的英文翻译,例句
佛青的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The highest decision-making body of YBAM calls for a National Convention biennially.


I like the mountain is in charge of the forest green of the mountain Yu.


Subheading Explanatory Note.This Subheading covers cheese containing visible veins in the body of the cheese that may be blue, green, greenish-blue or whitish-grey in colour ,such as Bleu d'Auvergne, Bleu de Causses, Bleu de Quercy, Blue Cheshire, Blue Dorset, Blue Wensleydale, Cabrales, Danish Blue,Gorgonzola, Mycella,Roquefort, Saingorlon and Stiltion, as well as cheeses with proprietary or trade names, provided they meet the above criterion.


Product synopsis: This product is one of courageous sea teareprocessing factory Buddha reason series, is the courageous sea teareprocessing factory is "Big profit world Tibet line of" The activity specially manufactures the release theconventional tea, simultaneously also is greatly benefits the Buddhatea department the first section product, its ripe tea mellowly slidesfragrantly, the green tea fresh crisply returns to Gansu, extremelyhas the collection, drinks the value!


The doorbell rings, and in walks a scruffy, sleepy-eyed Max Levchin, 32, who has trekked over from his new $5 million-plus home a few blocks away in Pacific Heights.


Then It is said that Buddha convened Buddhists and Buddhist followers across the world on on the Lingshan outside of Wagse Castle of ancient India to impart Buddhism power to a of crowd pious Buddha disciples, which shaped a grandeur spectacular picture: the tide pious disciples surrounding a large swarm of Buddhists in flowery saffron, thunderingly loudly reading Buddhism sutras; then Lingshan became the desired place for the Buddhists to come!


So that tens of thousands of the Buddha Book with a green eyes slightly opened with a vast tragedy of mercy,they do not want to face up to tens of milli***** of kowtowed bodies, but with the desire of aggressive ambition.


VOICE: Fleming, Chain and Howard Florey shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in

弗莱明 蔡和霍华德佛瑞一同分享了1945 年的诺贝尔生理学和医学奖,得奖理由是发现了青

Finally, many thanks to the Pahang State Liason Committee and Pahang Buddhist Association for their support to make this Biennial National Convention a success.


更多网络解释与佛青的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alexander Fleming:[佛莱明]

教皇派尔斯十二世(Pope Pius XII)曾对其疗法极为满意,以致后来将活性细胞疗法的创立者保罗.尼豪斯医生(Dr Paul Niehan)招入教皇科学院,并让他成为青徽素发现者亚历山大.佛莱明(Alexander Fleming)的继任者.

Penicillium notatum:青霉

十年之内,佛莱明纯化了特异青霉(Penicillium notatum)所产生的物质,称为青霉素(Penicillin),可以用来治疗被细菌感染的疾病. 梅毒(Syphilis)是学名,全世界都通用,花柳是我国古代对这种性病的尊称. 古人只知道嫖妓、风流快活可传染到这种性病(但对梅毒的病源是不清楚的).


"在场中作赛的佛拉拿二十一岁以下国家队包括了新星希维斯(Heves)和列卡度(Ricardo). 二人本是佛拉拿青年军(FeralaYouthTeam)成员,虽然在数月前的世青杯中表现可人,但以往从没有在二十一岁以下国家队出现过.


(注:上面这段笔者虚构的文字取材于卡佛第二任妻子苔丝加拉赫(Tess Gallagher)为卡佛诗集>(Ultramarine)日文版所写的序言,其中提到了村上春树夫妇拜访卡佛夫妇的经历,那次他们在卡佛家中确实见到了撞死在玻璃上的海鸟.