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佛法 的英文翻译、例句


Buddhist doctrine · Buddha dharma
更多网络例句与佛法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the province of Tucuman, local volunteers brought the event to an elementary school and hospital they regularly visit; the location was remote, but the piety was as strong as anywhere.


In different actions space's people how to learning Buddhism, to develop their space of life, to empolder their soul and sapience, this is the tiptop value of our life.


A volunteer must endeavour to propagate the teachings by printing Sutras, Shastra texts, and Vinaya texts when the translations are certified as being correct.


However, he had also created very heavy karma in a past life. What kind of a person had Emperor Wu been in the past? He had been a Bhikshu, a Buddhist monk. While that monk cultivated up in the mountains


In dhyana meditation, one is encouraged to contemplate who is talking, who is moving, and who is thinking, etc.


Indeed, Falun Gong is ignorant about Buddhism, and it distorts and derogates Buddhism and takes over many Buddhist followers; however, on the other hand, some people who were ignorant about Buddhadharma before also start to regard Buddhadharma as something great.


He utilizes Buddhadharma, distorting and derogating it to elevate himself, posing himself as the highest Buddhadharma and satisfying people's needs with his own ways when people are faced with various problems related to the spiritual field, such as various worries, belief crisis, inner resources, etc. This is an important reason for the quick spread of Falun Gong.


Hence we conclude that there is positively no real Atman; that there are only various consciousnesses which, since before the beginning of time, have followed one another, the subsequent one arising with the disappearance of the antecedent, and thus a continuous series of causes and effects (karmic seeds-actual dharmas-karmic seeds) is formed; and that, by the perfuming energy of false thinking, an image of a pseudo-Atman arises in the consciousness, and it is this pseudo-Atman which the ignorant take for a real Atman.

因此可以确定的说:一定毫无实实在在的我;只有诸识在自己无始开始存在以来,於分段生死中相续不断,自己的存在无始以来前灭后生,在因因果果、果果因因中相续不断,因著业力的虚妄熏习,出现假我的种种现象,就误以为有我,故无知的愚者自以为有ㄧ个实我。(韦达在此将《成唯识论》的「诸识」翻成「几种不同的识」,指的是种子识、末那识、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意等八个识,在不同时空分段生死中,所起的外延与内涵、作用不同,所以才用「不同的」various一词。其次,他把「无始时来」翻成「since before the beginning of time」,就尚德对佛法的了解而言,佛法所指的「无始」不是指「时间的本身」,而是指众生生命开始的那个时刻,叫做「无始」。----------译者

They are: he always says that there can be no karmic results to come about in regard to good or bad actions, he kills a person who has aspired to Bodhi, he takes pleasure in speaking about the evils committed by priests, he says that what is right is not right and what transgresses Dharma is lawful, and he gives ear to Dharma just to pick up what goes against i.e.


For the Blessed One, O Lord, spoke these words to me:'I shall not come to my final passing away, Evil One, until my bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, laymen and laywomen, have come to be true disciples — wise, well disciplined, apt and learned, preservers of the Dhamma, living according to the Dhamma, abiding by the appropriate conduct, and having learned the Master's word, are able to expound it, preach it, proclaim it, establish it, reveal it, explain it in detail, and make it clear; until, when adverse opinions arise, they shall be able to refute them thoroughly and well, and to preach this convincing and liberating Dhamma.


更多网络解释与佛法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


法宝虽是抽象的,它的理论观点却是非常明确的,佛法(dharma)的基本理论是"因果"及"因缘". 所以,信仰佛法的基本要求,便是要信因果、信因缘. 深信因果,才不会对自己的努力失望,也不会对他人的成就生妒嫉心. 有努力必有成就,

Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis:佛法僧

佛法僧科 FAMILY CORACIIDAE | 佛法僧 Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis | 戴勝科 FAMILY UPUPIDAE

Coracias caudata:燕尾佛法僧(紫胸佛法僧)

9.白领姬鹟Ficedula albicollis | 10.燕尾佛法僧(紫胸佛法僧)Coracias caudata | 11.红脸鼠鸟Urocolius indicus

Coracias caudata:紫胸佛法僧

蓝喉佛法僧 Coracias abyssinica | 紫胸佛法僧 Coracias caudata | 宽尾佛法僧 Coracias spatulata


佛法僧属(Coracias)佛法僧目佛法僧科的1属. 羽色华丽无斑杂,雌雄外形相似;嘴长,强壮而直. 全世界共8种,中国有蓝胸佛法僧和棕胸佛法僧2种. 蓝胸佛法僧背面赭棕黄,下体淡蓝或绿色. 在中国分布于新疆维吾尔自治区北部、西部和天山地区.

Coracias temminckii:紫翅佛法僧

棕胸佛法僧 Coracias benghalensis | 紫翅佛法僧 Coracias temminckii | 蓝腹佛法僧 Coracias cyanogaster

Coracias spatulata:宽尾佛法僧

紫胸佛法僧 Coracias caudata | 宽尾佛法僧 Coracias spatulata | 红冠佛法僧 Coracias noevia


'''佛法僧科'''(Coraciidae)是[[佛法僧目]]的一个科. [[佛法僧]]是羽色鲜艳的中型攀禽,食昆虫,爬虫,小哺乳动物和小鸟. 佛法僧广布于旧大陆的温热带地区,但以热带和亚热带地区最丰富. 有2亚科5属16种,中国有2属3种.

Coraciidae Rollers:佛法僧科

Coraciiformes 佛法僧目 | Coraciidae Rollers 佛法僧科 | Coracias benghalensis Indian Roller 棕胸佛法僧 018-68

Upupa epops saturta:佛法僧目 戴胜科 戴胜

佛法僧目 佛法僧科 三宝鸟 Eurystomus orientalis calonyx | 佛法僧目 戴胜科 戴胜 Upupa epops saturta | 鴷形目 须鴷科 大拟啄木鸟 Megalaima v.virens