英语人>词典>汉英 : 体格结实的 的英文翻译,例句
体格结实的 的英文翻译、例句


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Euler early after the sheep and Tibetan wild argali sheep constantly cross-breeding of the skin after the formation of a combination of high-quality goat type species, with strong disease resistance, cold resistance, fitness, and growth and development of fast, high-volume production of meat, fresh meat No smell of mutton taste, commodity rates, operation agility, teamwork and strong resistance, feeding coarse, easily bred and hides, and skin thickness, strong, flexible, and strong features such as heat, is the best skin products market.


Large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish.


Thickset: Having a solid, stocky form or body; stout.


Personality clear, lively, well-set, hold up in the weight of a sense of puppies.


"It is better to be a normal weight than to be fat and fit," Charles Eaton, MD, professor of family medicine at Brown University Medical School in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, told Medscape.

罗德岛Pawtucket 布朗大学医学院Charles Eaton医师向Medscape表示,拥有正常体重比胖且结实的体格要来得好;有许多美国人是超重的,问题在於,减重好,还是变结实好?

With my hard constitution and temperate mode of living, and unperilous occupations, I ought to, and probably shall, remain above ground till there is scarcely a black hair on my head.


The stubby working class aliens have short, stocky builds and rounded faces with distended eyes. Since they have little involvement in the management of the planet, sticking mainly to such menial chores as tending to the dragon corrals and working as ground crew on the various landing platforms, these Utapauns saw little change in their day-to-day life.


He wore a brand-new uniform with the creases still in it where it had been folded, and rich gold epaulettes, which seemed to stand up instead of lying down on his thick shoulders.


The more heavily muscled began trading rapidly depreciating zlotys for dollars and D-Marks on the streets, while those less impressively physically endowed took to the trains and travelled throughout eastern Europe, carrying stockings to Romania, buying meat from Czechoslovakia and cameras from East Germany.


Although about 6,000 steps are carved into the side of Tai Shan, and rest stops such as teahouses and pavilions dot the central route, it is still recommended that only the physically fit , shod in the sturdiest footwear , attempt the climb.


更多网络解释与体格结实的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


well-set 体格结实的 | well-set 装配坚固的 | well-set 结构牢固的


well-rounded 多彩多姿的 | well-set 体格结实的 | well-set 装配坚固的