英语人>词典>汉英 : 体味 的英文翻译,例句
体味 的英文翻译、例句


body odour
更多网络例句与体味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even so, in a developed country like Canada it is undoubtedly a true pleasure for people to live life at a slow pace.


To the people who agonise about following their dreams, I caution that reality is a better bet than dreams and you get more money for it too.


His show that substantiates the new concept magic with allegoric content, is not only an excitement of your vision, but also an enjoyment of your soul, and will carry the audiences away and evoke their great emotions and wins great applauses. They are all magic artworks!


And if body odor is a concern, an antiperspirant, deodorant or body fragrance is needed.


If the fragrance molecules emanated from a woman's body resemble those from a man's body when the two smell—the women's scent and the man's muskiness, encounters, their genes are compatible.


As long ago as the 1950s, a perfumer called Paul Jellinek noted that several ingredients of incense resembled scents of the human body. It was not until 2001, however, that Manfred Milinski and Claus Wedekind of the University of Bern wondered whether there was a correlation between the perfume a woman preferred and her own natural scent. They found that there is.

在20世纪50年代,一个名为Paul Jellinek的香水制造商发现有几种香水成分的味道与人自然体味非常相似。2001年,伯尔尼大学的Manfred Milinski和Claus Wedekind开始研究女人所喜爱的香水和她自身体味之间是否存在某种联系,而结果是肯定的。

I wanted to feel elemental sublimity, the full force of the stars and rain and wind.


It was not until 2001, however, that Manfred Milinski and Claus Wedekind of the University of Bern wondered whether there was a correlation between the perfume a woman preferred and her own natural scent. They found that there is.

寨雷涅克注意到一些香料中的成分与人类体味相似。2001年,伯尔尼大学的Manfred Milinski和Claus Wedekind开始研究女人所喜爱的香水和她自身体味之间是否有相互关联,而结果是肯定的。

It was not until 2001, however, that Manfred Milinski and Claus Wedekind of the University of Bern wondered whether there was a correlation between the perfume a woman preferred and her own natural scent.

追溯到上世纪50年代,香料商人保罗·寨雷涅克注意到一些香料中的成分与人类体味相似。2001年,伯尔尼大学的Manfred Milinski和Claus Wedekind开始研究女人所喜爱的香水和她自身体味之间是否有相互关联,而结果是肯定的。

This suggests that the role of such perfumes may be to flag up the underlying body scent rather than mask it, as a more traditional view of the aesthetics of body odour might suggest.


更多网络解释与体味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apocalypse Now:现代启示录

在街头小咖啡馆品评最正宗的法式蒸馏清咖啡;在Hai Ba Trung街品尝地道的越南菜;在圣母院附近的La Bibliotheque围绕排排法律书籍用餐,体味别致的人文气息(La Bibliotheque的主人曾是律师,餐厅开在她的图书馆里);去战时最闻名的"现代启示录"(Apocalypse Now)酒吧感受<<西贡小

blood bank:血库

点评:"人体气味" 简称"体味",实际上是"人身上散发出的味道",故"人体"可译为"human"而不必译为"human body";"味道"一词若译为"smell",则显得不够正规,故译为"odour";"库"字的翻译借鉴了"血库"(blood bank)的


录像可以帮助你更详细的了解历史. 而霍桑茅舍的蜿蜒的小径,仿佛是一条通往400年前的时光隧道,走在上面,你可以体味到茅舍400年的风风雨雨. 如果你在8月份的第二个星期的Brigus 越橘(Blueberry) 节游览茅舍的话,肯定又是一番不同的感受了.

by moonlight:体味诗意

drink deep the magic charms. 深饮这神奇的魅力. | We'll learn poetry 我们要在月色中 | by moonlight. 体味诗意




昨日,又读了一遍马克威格利的>,当体味笛卡尔用一座"大厦"(edifice)描述哲学,海德格尔讨论"语言是存在的居所. 在它的家中,人居住其中. " 时,我才又想起建筑原本有动词意味,原来一切都是可以建筑的.


这时,在书籍之中包含着(zhe)浓(nong)浓(nong)的母爱. 少年的书就像一只遨游的鹰,带我畅游祖国山河领略边塞风光. 如(ru)同著名诗人李白在皓月皎洁的夜晚"举杯邀明月,对饮成三人"来体味生活的浪漫,邀马致远在愁风萧瑟的黄昏倾心中的思乡之情"夕阳西下,

Nursery Rhymes:(儿歌)

FUN TIME(轻松一刻):本栏目的内容形式多种多样,如儿歌(nursery rhymes)、绕口令(tongue twisters)、格言(proverbs)、笑话(jokes)等,目的是让学生放松,同时又可以学习巩固语音语调、英语知识,体味文化差异,提高学习英语的兴趣.


他的幸福观就像他当初建立奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场的初衷:和三五个知已静静享受高尔夫球的乐趣,不被外界烦扰. 也许本片会让你想起>(Chariots of Fire) 和>(Sea Biscuit),体味执着是美丽的,但不要忘了,学会放弃同样也是美丽的.

savoring perfect calm:体味完全的平静

remaining untroubled保持不受干扰 | savoring perfect calm 体味完全的平静 | being tranquil amid trouble 在烦扰中保持平静