英语人>词典>汉英 : 低级趣味 的英文翻译,例句
低级趣味 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

vulgar taste
更多网络例句与低级趣味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I shouldn't be a woman drifting with the tide , but a person with the courage of breaking away from babbittry and the taste of free from vulgarity.


Every GG should try to be a noble GG, a pure GG, a moral GG, a GG out of babbittry, and a GG who is beneficial to MM.


Every GG should try to be a noble GG, a pure GG, a moral GG, a GG out of babbittry, and a GG who is beneficial to MMs.


Every GG should try to be a noble GG, a pure GG, a moral GG, a GGout of babbittry, and a GG who is beneficial to MMs.


In contrast,those nonstandard shop names abusing nonstandard typefaces, worshiping foreign things , following the popular or even vulgar standard and propagating babbittry will develop but adverse effects.


However, once the film hit video, its campy appeal attracted an unintended base of fans who reveled in the bad taste.


Cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on the low taste of the mob- Judith Crist.


This pompous kind of life style implies a vulgar taste, which however takes the body consciousness and Decadentism to the cutting edge of fashion.


So the duke said these Arkansaw lunkheads couldn't come up to Shakespeare; what they wanted was low comedy―and maybe something ruther worse than low comedy, he reckoned.


So next morning he got some big sheets of wrapping paper and some black paint, and drawed off some handbills, and stuck them up all over the village.


更多网络解释与低级趣味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No arguing:没的商量

The door stays open.|把门开着 | No arguing.|没的商量 | Cheap thrills.|低级趣味


babbittry 低级趣味 | Babbittry 市侩作风 | babble 呀呀学语


Babbitt 巴比特 | babbittry 低级趣味 | Babbittry 市侩作风

Ella Enchanted:魔法灰姑娘

当然,侬绝对有权鄙视俺的低级趣味,可以在打倒俺之后,顺便踏上一只您那涂着红指甲的纤长美腿............说到美腿,俺认为>(Ella Enchanted)里那妞的腿也不错,找不着北的美眉们可以观看以下,参考人家的数据,

yellow looks:阴沉的眼神

yellow journalism 迎合低级趣味之作风 | yellow looks 阴沉的眼神 | yellow metal 金,黄铜

young people on the threshold of life:刚刚入入社会的年轻人

successfully play to the gallery 成功地迎合低级趣味,讨好观众 | young people on the threshold of life 刚刚入入社会的年轻人 | live on pension 靠养老金生活

play to the gallery:迎合低级趣味

play to hard luck 不走运 | play to the gallery 迎合低级趣味 | play to the score 随机应变

successfully play to the gallery:成功地迎合低级趣味,讨好观众

seek celebrity charm 追求明星效... | successfully play to the gallery 成功地迎合低级趣味,讨好观众 | be careful about which program one wants to watch and which program one doesn't 谨慎决定自己要看什么节...

Cheap thrills:低级趣味

No arguing.|没的商量 | Cheap thrills.|低级趣味 | Were you and Tricia|very close?|你和特里莎来往密切吗?

pulp a. Amer. sl:(杂志)低级趣味的

paperback n. a book having a flexible paper binding 平装书 | pulp a. Amer. sl. (杂志)低级趣味的 | assumption n. 假定;假设