英语人>词典>汉英 : 低成就 的英文翻译,例句
低成就 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与低成就相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After two weeks with eight forty-minute sessions of using Happy Cuber for experimental group learning, an analysis of the results indicates that there is a significant effect on improving the low-achieving students' immediate effect of study achievement and study attitude, and the reserved effect of study achievement is also preserved.

前测的统计数据显示低成就学童之学习成就与学习态度间有显著正相关,其背景变项对学习成就与学习态度没有显著影响,但不同玩 3D 戏时间对学习态度分量表的「学习过程」与「学习兴趣」有显著影响。

Mr Fryer's ambition is to unravel the causes of black underachievement in America, especially in education.


The purpose of the present study is to investigate the difference of the reading processes of the high English achievers and the low English achievers by means of reading miscue analysis. The HEA's and the LEA's reading interests and reading strategies were compared after individual interview. Their oral reading miscues were analyzed in terms of miscues of meaning construction, grammatical relations, and graphic/sound similarity.


From the result analysis we can find the activities, discussion and presentation, can inspire children thinking and increase their awareness. We can get better result from intermediate achievers. Besides, the perceptibility of low achievers can achieve steady first-order condition after discussing and testing in class, meanwhile, they can utilize the perceptibility in second-order condition.


They belong to the low achieving or low performing students and most of them have failure experience in their junior middle schools, they seldom or never taste the pleasure of language learning and often are ignored by teachers, which result in their lower motivation in English learning.


This study aimed to explore the effects of Internet-assisted English instruction on phonemic awareness skill and English achievement of low English achievers.


From the statistical analysis of reading miscues, there are no significant differences in meaning construction, grammatical relationship and graphic/sound similarity between the HEA and the LEA.


In the course of remedial instruction it was found best not to demand underachieved pupils to utter English directly, but to allow them to express and perform. For these late starters or underachieved pupils of slower progress, such approach to learning English was not only less threatening, but also more interesting.


Additionally English underachieved pupils might fall short of general standard at the inception, but if the schoolmaster was able to provide proper guideline based on the pupil's level of learning in systematically administering English reading, the pupils responded with positive changes in both learning attitude and accomplishment.


The results indicated that most students were dependent on the problem's surface structure for their sortings. Futhermore, an interaction effect was found between the student's grade and their achievement. As the grade level increase, instesad of using surface structure, high achievement students tended to sort problems according to their semantic structure. On the contrary, low achievement students became relied more and more on the surface structure of the problems while sorting.


更多网络解释与低成就相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


son of a gun 王八蛋, 讨厌之事 | ellipsoidal 椭圆体的 | humbler humble指"对自己或自己的地位、成就等表现得谦卑的", 但现在主要指"自感低卑的"

humbler humble:指"对自己或自己的地位、成就等表现得谦卑的", 但现在主要指"自感低卑的

ellipsoidal 椭圆体的 | humbler humble指"对自己或自己的地位、成就等表现得谦卑的", 但现在主要指"自感低卑的" | photolithograph 影印石版


也就是说,他们如果只是智商(IQ)高,情商(EQ)、社交商(SQ)、胆商很低的话,很难成就大事. 所谓智商(IQ),就是把握世界(环境和人)的多方面的信息并作出恰当反应,以获得幸福和快乐的能力. 以理性和量化的方式来把握世界的能力,




under development 发育不全的 | underachieve 未发挥潜能 | underachievement 低成就


underachievement 低成就 | underachiever 低成就者 | underconsumption 消费不足

academic underachiever:学科低成就者

academic underachievement 学科低成就 | academic underachiever 学科低成就者 | academic writing 学术著作


underachieve 未发挥潜能 | underachievement 低成就 | underachiever 低成就

academic underachievement:学科低成就

academic success 学科成就 | academic underachievement 学科低成就 | academic underachiever 学科低成就

passive?aggressive underachievement:消极反叛性低成就

passive?aggressive personality disorder 消极攻击型人格异常 | passive?aggressive underachievement 消极反叛性低成就 | passive?dependent personality 被动?依赖性人格