英语人>词典>汉英 : 位于美国纽约州 的英文翻译,例句
位于美国纽约州 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与位于美国纽约州相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A glacial lake of northeast New York in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains south of Lake Champlain.


Graham Corporation is a public company located in Batavia, New York and listed on the American Stock Exchange under symbol of GHM.


A city of western New York on Chautauqua Lake near the Pennsylvania border.


A city of western New York east-northeast of Buffalo on the New York State Barge Canal near Lake Ontario.


Founded in 1951 by William C. Moog, the inventor of the electro-hydraulic servo-valve, Moog Inc. is a Multinational Corporation based in Buffalo, New York, USA and has grown to become a world class designer and manufacturer of precision control systems for aerospace and industrial applications.


A residential village of east-central New York west-southwest of Schenectady. It was founded in1787 by William Cooper, the father of James Fenimore Cooper, who used the region as the setting for his Leatherstocking Tales.


Parlec was established in 1948, with headquarter located in New York State, concentrating our efforts on manufacture and sales of CNC Toolholders, Boring Bar, Tool Presetter, Turning Tool and ER Collet System.


A village of northeast New York in the Adirondack Mountains southwest of Plattsburg.


A city of central New York on the Mohawk River west-northwest of Utica.


A city of eastern New York on the Mohawk river; it prospered after the opening of the Erie Canal.


更多网络解释与位于美国纽约州相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CN Tower ):加拿大国家塔

位于安大略湖畔的多伦多是加拿大的第一大都市,北美第四大城市. 从世界最高的建筑物--加拿大国家塔(CN Tower)远眺,湖的对岸就是美国的纽约州. 在如此独特的地理位置上挥杆,感觉一定与众不同.


---在本次展会上,采用光线处理技术的先进样机无处不在,从电子纸张到基于MEMS的彩虹色(iridescence)一应俱全. 同时亮相的还有当今显示面积最大、厚度最薄、亮度最高、色彩最为丰富的多款显示器. ---Kodak公司(位于美国纽约州Rochester)推出的薄型、柔性双稳态显示器,

United States Naval Academy:美国海军学院,位于马里兰州

17 Colgate University 科尔盖特大学,位于纽约州 | 20 United States Naval Academy* 美国海军学院,位于马里兰州 | 20 Oberlin College 奥伯林学院,位于俄亥俄州

San Luis Obispo:圣路易斯奥比斯波

该公司总部位于纽约州罗彻斯特,在加州圣迭戈和圣路易斯-奥比斯波 (San Luis Obispo) 以及加拿大安大略省卡纳 (Kanata) 设有卓越工程中心. 此外,该公司还在美国罗利、芝加哥、达拉斯和圣何塞设有营销办事处,并在英国伦敦和中国上海设有国际办事处.