英语人>词典>汉英 : 伽利略的 的英文翻译,例句
伽利略的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them?


Galileo friend, poet, intellectual and mystic, fellow Tuscan and fellow egotist, Matteo Barbarini, is elected Pope Urban VIII. Like Galileo, he is not given to false modesty.


This may represent the Galilean form of the expression, and, if so, would be all the more evidential.

1 ,这可能代表了伽利略的形式表达,若有的话,将所有的更多证据。

His anger at what he sees as a gratuitous insult will never be assuaged, The Tuscan ambassador attempts to intercede on Galileo's behalf, There are the usual pleasantries and diplomatic folderol, and then the ambassador says the name.


This is the significance of Galileo's discovery.


Galileo's ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived.


Galileo's theory were in advance of the age in which he lived.


French potholer, Berger, is a mania for cave exploration.


Editor this segment Culture, Galileo's free fallers experiment Legend, was born in 1590 Pisa's Italian physicist Galileo, once in Pisa in free fall, two experiments of different weights from the same height and ball down, the ball at the same time, two of free fall, and found that the overthrow Aristotle first heavy objects will reach the ground with its head, the speed is proportional to the mass of the view.


He was originally Poles, formerly known as Carroll, he was four and a half century since the first non-Italian pope, shortly after the accession to the throne, he was the Italian scientist Galileo to recover for the vindication that the 17 magistrates in the 1930s by the religious right Gaya Lee abbreviated trial "unfair."


更多网络解释与伽利略的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Galician 加利西亚人 | Galilean 伽利略的 | Galilei 伽利略

Galileo Galilei:伽利略?伽利莱

一、喜欢反驳老师的大学生 伽利略.伽利莱(Galileo Galilei)公元1564年2月15日出生于意大 利北部近海处的比萨城. 伽利略的父亲文森西奥.伽利莱是一位音乐家,当时的音乐理论在许多 方面已成为抽象的数学,阻碍了音乐的进步,

Galileo Galileo:伽利略啊,伽利略

Thunderboltandlightning-veryveryfrighteningme- 电闪雷鸣的,真是把我吓坏了 | Galileo,Galileo- 伽利略啊,伽利略 | Galileo,Galileo- 伽利略啊,伽利略

Galileo telescope:伽利略望远镜

伽利略望远镜(Galileo telescope)是指物镜是会聚透镜而目镜是发散透镜的望远镜. 光线经过物镜折射所成的实像在目镜的后方(靠近人目的后方)焦点上,这像对目镜是一个虚像,因此经它折射后成一放大的正立虚像. 伽利略望远镜的放大率等于物镜焦距与目镜焦距的比值.

Galileo figaro-magnifico:伽利略費加洛貴

Galileo Galileo 伽利略 伽利略 | Galileo figaro-Magnifico 伽利略費加洛貴 | But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me 我只是可憐的小男孩 沒人愛我

Galileo figaro-magnifico:伽利略費加洛貴族

Galileo Galileo 伽利略 伽利略 | Galileo figaro-Magnifico 伽利略费加洛贵族 | But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me 我只是可怜的小男孩 没人爱我

Galileo was Illuminati:伽利略是光照派的

A banned volume written by Galileo.|伽利略写的一本禁书 | Galileo was Illuminati?|伽利略是光照派的? | Yeah, and an obedient Catholic.|对 他也是个顺从的天主教信徒



galilean satellites:伽利略卫星

伽利略卫星(Galilean satellites)是木星的四个大型卫星,由伽利略于1610年1月7日首度发现. 依其编号次序被命名为"艾奥"(Io)、"欧罗巴"(Europa)、"加尼美得"(Ganymede)和"卡里斯托"(Callisto). 这四个卫星可以低功率望远镜来观测,如果没有光害,

Between that and Vatican burnings:作为梵蒂冈人烧毁的结果

and Galileo's heresy would disolve. Disappear.|然后伽利略的邪说就... | Between that and Vatican burnings|作为梵蒂冈人烧毁的结果 | it's possible this is the only copy that remains.|这可能就是存留下来的唯...