英语人>词典>汉英 : 伤害性 的英文翻译,例句
伤害性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The effects could be attributed to the selective action of BmK Ⅰ on the TTX-S Na〓 channel: slowing the inactivation process of Na〓 channel, increasing the amplitude of peak Na〓 currents; 2 BmK abT, a new-type neurotoxin with higher sequence homology to β-type scorpion neurotoxin, was found to slow the inactivation process of Na〓 channel and prolong the duration of action potential in DRG neurons.

这些结果提示BmK IT2和BmK AS-1的外周抗伤害性效应可能是通过它们对小直径DRG神经元外周游离末梢即C纤维末梢上的TTX-S和TTX-R钠通道的门控调节所致,且BmK IT2对角叉菜胶致炎大鼠较强的抗伤害性作用可能是由于它对TTX-R钠通道较高的敏感性所致。二。特异性钠通道调制剂-东亚钳蝎神经毒素的电生理特征。

The purposes of this study are to investigate the harmful situations which are cognized by self-injurious adolescents in daily lives, the responsive contents of self-injurious behaviors which are induced, and the coping strategies which can effectively reduce or even terminate self-injurious behaviors.


Neuroscience 2001;104:523-538.[12]Ma WL, Zhang WB, Zhang YF. Projection of the calbindin D-28k neurons receiving visceral nociceptive information from interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract to nucleus of the solitary tract in the rat. Acta Anat Sin 2003;34:(in Chinese with English abstract).


In the central, 5-HT can induce the release of inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid etc. through 5-HT2A receptor resulting in analgesia. In the peripheral, 5-HT can active the nociceptor and advance the traumatic information transmission.


Mizumura K,Kumazawa T. Modification of nociceptor responses by inflammatory mediators and second messengers implicated in their actiona study in canine testicular polymodal receptors.


Rectal distension as a reliably noxious visceral stimulus produces visceromotor responses, which can reflect visceral sensitivity, c-Fos expression can be seen as the marker of activated neurons, NO is a kind of important transmitter and modulator in the pathway of pain, which can affect visceral sensation.


After dialyzing for 10~20 min, SNP at a concentration of 1 μmol/L increased the induced responses to innocuous mechanical stimulation and decreased those to noxoius mechanical stimulation. The induced responses to both innocuous and noxious mechanical stimulations were all decreased after dialyzing the same dose of SNP for 20~30 min. The decrease was shown within 7~15 min dialysis when SNP was used at a concentration of 20 μmol/L.

脊髓深层神经元透析1 μmol/L SNP, 10~20 min后,非伤害性机械刺激诱发的反应增强,伤害性机械刺激诱发的反应减弱;透析20~30 min后,伤害性和非伤害性机械刺激诱发的反应均减弱;透析20 μmol/L SNP 7~15 min内伤害性和非伤害性机械刺激诱发的反应均降低。

VR1 selectively expressed on small-to medium-diameter DRG neurons and it was recently considered as a molecular integrating multiple pain-producing stimuli.


The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

At the same time, most WDR neurons failedto respond to the light brush applied to the receptive fields, but they couldbe intensively excited by the noxious pinch.(5) The latency of the latedischarges was shortened from 118.83 ± 3.67ms to 50.72 ± 1.36ms (n〓32, P〓0. 01).(6) Preceding graded number of A〓fiber conditioning inputs (〓mA, 100 μs) delayed the C-activity evoked by the following nociceptive teststimulus activating both A- and C-fiber applied to the sciatic nerve. The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

更多网络解释与伤害性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

injurious falsehood:伤害性的谎言

injurious 有害的;伤害的;侮辱的;诽谤的 | injurious falsehood 伤害性的谎言 | innuendo 影射;暗指;暗讽;注释

hurtful comment:伤害性的评价

hormonal adj.荷尔蒙,激素的 | hurtful comment 伤害性的评价 | inactivity n .静止,不活泼


nocent 有害的 | nociassociation 伤害性丧失脑力 | nock 前部上端

nociceptive stimulus:伤害性刺激

由于疼痛具有十分明显的主观意识成分,而每个人的意识又不可能完全相同,这就给研究疼痛的生理学机制造成了极大的困难,所以 Sherrington提出了伤害性刺激(nociceptive stimulus)和伤害性感受器(nociceptor)的概念.

nociceptive reflex:伤害性反射

nociceptive 感受伤害的 | nociceptive reflex 伤害性反射 | nociceptive stimulus 伤害性刺激


1.伤害性感受器(nociceptor)是感受机械、化学、及热等伤害性刺1.伤害性感受器(nociceptor)是感受机械、化学、及热等伤害性刺激的最初级的基本功能单位. 它们实际上是散布于身体组织中的游离神经末梢. 在伤害出现时,

peripheral nociceptor fibers:外周伤害性感受器纤维

periformis muscle 梨状肌 185 | peripheral nociceptor fibers 外周伤害性感受器纤维 9 | pethidine, dolandin, meperidine 哌替啶 44

peripheral nociceptor fi-bers:外周伤害性感受器纤维

外展拇短肌 extensor pollicis brevis 29 | 外周伤害性感受器纤维 peripheral nociceptor fi-bers 9 | 腕关节 wrist joint 20


nociceptive stimulus 伤害性刺激 | nociperception 伤害性知觉 | nocireceptor 伤害感受器


nocturnal habit 夜行性 | nocuity 伤害性 | node 节