英语人>词典>汉英 : 会游泳的 的英文翻译,例句
会游泳的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与会游泳的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The water of our river is black or a very dark brown to one looking directly down on it, and, like that of most ponds, imparts to the body of one bathing in it a yellowish tinge(较淡的色调; but this water is of such crystalline purity that the body of the bather appears of an alabasterwhiteness, still more unnatural, which, as the limbs are magnified and distorted withal, produces a monstrous effect, making fit studies for a Michael Angelo.


Many species of caddis larva build a protective covering of fine gravel or debris to protect them in this stage.

幼虫,caddis和其他昆虫的水生阶段。很多的caddis larva会利用水中的沙砾保护自身,larva阶段是在水底孵化时不会游泳的时期。

Dead sea salt in China more than 22% of people who can not swim can easily float on it.


Margret: Psst! You know I can't swim.


You can't learn to swim by reading books about swimming skills.


In fact, learning English is like swimming. You can't learn to swim by reading books about swimming skills.


You know I can't swim.


X: You can swim, can't you?


X: You can't swim,can you?


I don't think chickens can swim.


更多网络解释与会游泳的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Been skinny-dipping:裸泳[很想,可是不会游泳]

( ) Gotten a tattoo 弄个刺青 | () Been skinny-dipping 裸泳[很想,可是不会游泳] | ( X) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins 在餐厅吃完饭付钱的时候用的全是硬币

Rescue a boater who has capsized:(营救翻船者)不会(游泳)

2. a bolt-action rifle(清理闩锁式鸟枪) 不会(报告警察叔叔我绝对没枪) | 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized(营救翻船者)不会(游泳) | 4. Protect your computer(保护你的电脑) 会

go for a swim:去游泳

在阿尔及尔,人们不说"去游泳"(go for a swim),却说"去溺泳"(indulge in a swim). 涵义很明显. 人们在海港里游泳,在救生圈上休息. 任何人如果游经一个浮圈,发觉上面漂着一个日光浴的美人,便会对它的同伴们大叫:"告诉你们,这是只海鸥!

He'll drown:他会溺死的

My chocolate must be untouched by human hands.|不要用手去碰我的巧克力 | He'll drown.|他会溺死的! | He can't swim.|他不会游泳!

rip current:离岸流;裂流

但会把你带往外海, 不会游泳的因无法久浮在水面, 或者是善泳者急著游回岸边而耗尽体力, 最后都沉入海底而溺毙"Re: 离岸流/裂流(Rip Current) 的逃生(转贴於台

the stone of Sisyphus:徒劳无功的事

swim like a stone [谑]沉下去, 不会游泳 | the stone of Sisyphus 徒劳无功的事 | throw [cast] stones at sb. 指责[毁谤, 非难]某人


物种属性 学名:翻车鱼 中文名字:英美地区称翻车鱼为海洋太阳鱼,西班牙称月鱼,德国人称会游泳的头,日本人称曼波 域:真核生物域(Eukaryota) 界:动物界(Animalia) 门:脊索动物门(C...

bathing machine:游泳更衣车

" 蜗鲨起床过晚,不理解玩笑也不能忍受双关,喜欢游泳更衣车(bathing machine),而且(在这里道奇森决不会愿意去想卡罗尔到底在写什么)富于野心. 有一些蜗鲨是怖侏,这在第二章最后把面点师吓昏. 我发现,有趣的是第三章直接开始的诗节,

Ducks have large beaks:鸭子有大的嘴

8.I don't like goat's milk.我不喜欢山羊奶. | 9.A duck can swim.鸭子会游泳. | 10.Ducks have large beaks.鸭子有大的嘴.

Fallen Asleep At Work / School:在工作/上学时睡着了:挺会犯困的人

( ) Cheated While Playing A Game 玩游戏时作弊 | ( ) Fallen Asleep At Work / School 在工作/上学时睡着了:挺会犯困的人 | ( ) Swam In The Ocean 在海洋里游泳